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Sep 2015 · 560
Chloe Nicole Sep 2015
It's funny how such little things can ruin my day.
I try not to let it happen, but it just does....
Jul 2015 · 885
Maybe she's not okay.
Chloe Nicole Jul 2015
Around other people she starts thinking maybe she's okay
but when she's by herself she falls apart, all the good feelings slip away
her self hatred and sadness come back
So she takes a swig of the bottle
and lights a cig from the pack.
Packs a bowl and smokes it to her face,
why does she have to feel like such a ******* disgrace?
She's trying to escape reality,
can't deal with her ****** up mentality
Always struggling to hide the pain
fake a smile and go on with her day.
(this is a rap i wrote but decided to put on here anywaysss)
Apr 2015 · 532
Chloe Nicole Apr 2015
When I see you,
The memories come flooding back,
And they drown me.
Apr 2015 · 468
Chloe Nicole Apr 2015
To this day you've never given me a reason why you left.
You just did.
You abandoned me,
And acted like I wasn't worth an explanation.
You broke my heart.
And You ******* destroyed me.
Apr 2015 · 419
My own little world.
Chloe Nicole Apr 2015
I'm always in my own little world.
I interact with people but
I don't feel anything,
There's no real emotion.
I've forgotten how to feel,
I'm constantly numb to everything,
Lost in a secret place
That my brain pushes me to.
Apr 2015 · 303
Chloe Nicole Apr 2015
I feel like my life is falling apart right in front of my face and there's nothing I can do about it...
And that scares me more than anything.
Apr 2015 · 314
Chloe Nicole Apr 2015
Just for once in my pathetic life
I want someone to be afraid of losing me...
Mar 2015 · 346
Chloe Nicole Mar 2015
Mary Jane,
It's what I need
To drown the pain.

You say they're bad,
But I say they're good.
You tell me to quit,
If I cared I would.
Mar 2015 · 269
Chloe Nicole Mar 2015
And when I think of you,
I feel better.
Like maybe my heart is fixable.
Mar 2015 · 302
Just a thought.
Chloe Nicole Mar 2015
We live in a place
Where a warm heart and a good soul
are no good to have unless you have beauty,
And that, I think,
Is the saddest thing of all.
Mar 2015 · 323
Chloe Nicole Mar 2015
I'm sorry that I wasn't a good girlfriend...
I'm sorry I didn't make you feel the way you made me feel...
I'm sorry I wasted my time, and yours...
I'm sorry I wasn't worth it...
I'm sorry I'm still missing you...
I'm sorry your missing her...
Mar 2015 · 273
Chloe Nicole Mar 2015
It ***** because I really want to talk to you,
For hours, just to hear your voice,
Just to get a bit of happiness in my dark world,
But I cant && I'm torn.
Feb 2015 · 435
Hanging from this tree.
Chloe Nicole Feb 2015
And as I hang here from this tree,
I have never felt more free.
Feb 2015 · 324
Chloe Nicole Feb 2015
One blunt, two blunts, three blunts, four,
One shot, two shots, three shots, more.

Keep going, keep going, don't stop.
Drown the pain of missing him,
Before it wins,
And drowns you.
Feb 2015 · 308
Missing you.
Chloe Nicole Feb 2015
Missing you is the hardest thing of all,
Because before it happens there is only numbness,
And then once I start missing you it feels like my heart breaks all over again,
And the pain is overwhelming.
Feb 2015 · 248
Chloe Nicole Feb 2015
It's funny in a sick sort of way how much she tries,
How much effort she puts in for all these people who she is nothing to,
That she forgets about herself.
Feb 2015 · 322
3 am.
Chloe Nicole Feb 2015
It's 3 am and she can't sleep,
Tears run down her face,
Her thoughts consume her.
If only she could save herself from her constant emotional drowning,
If only someone gave a ****.
Maybe then she wouldn't have to put that blade to her skin.
Feb 2015 · 280
Just a game.
Chloe Nicole Feb 2015
Ever since he left, she hasn't been the same,
Ever since he left, life is just a game.
If she dies, she dies. It doesn't really matter,
Her heart is broken and her life is a disaster.
Jan 2015 · 321
Just Existing.
Chloe Nicole Jan 2015
Lately I've felt lost,

I look around me and I see so many smiling, happy faces,
So many people who actually want to be alive,
And I'm just numb.
I don't know how to feel
Or what to say.
It's like I'm just going through the motions,
Not really living,
Just existing.
Jan 2015 · 285
Everlasting Darkness.
Chloe Nicole Jan 2015
She fakes a smile,
Lets a laugh slip out,
And everyone thinks shes happy.

But what they dont know is how much she hates herself,
How much of a struggle it is for her to simply get out of bed or function like a normal person,
How she wishes that she was dead every second of every day,

How she dreams of a world where someone gave a ****,
How broken and mentally unstable she is,
How alone she feels.

She's stuck in an everlasting darkness,
No matter what she does,
The light never shows itself.
If only someone would help to save her from herself.
Jan 2015 · 223
Chloe Nicole Jan 2015
What a fool I was to think that you could actually love me,
What a fool I was to have loved you.
Jan 2015 · 229
Chloe Nicole Jan 2015
I sit here, in a room full of people,
People who 'care'
People who 'love me'
People who are 'my friends'
And I have never felt more alone...
Jan 2015 · 4.7k
No Matter.
Chloe Nicole Jan 2015
I'm starting to think that there's something very wrong with me,
Because everyone I love, everyone I care about,
Friends, boyfriends, girlfriends,
They all leave me in the dust.
It's like no matter how hard I try,
No matter what I do,
I'm just not good enough.
(The title was random)
Dec 2014 · 392
Im Tired part 2.
Chloe Nicole Dec 2014
Im tired of being depressed.
Im tired of being sad.
Im tired of being alone.
Im tired of being broken.
Im tired of being fat and ugly.
Im tired of being reminded of it.
Im tired of crying.
Im tired of panic attacks and nervous breakdowns.
Im tired of being ignored.
Im tired of being put last.
Im tired of wanting to die.
Im tired of life....
Dec 2014 · 423
I'm Tired.
Chloe Nicole Dec 2014
I'm tired.
Tired of faking a smile,
Tired of pretending I'm happy,
Tired of being sad,
Tired of feeling alone,
Tired of the demons messing with my head,
Tired of the demons trying to control me.
Dec 2014 · 292
Chloe Nicole Dec 2014
Thoughts of suicide running through her head
Like how everyone would be better off if she were dead,
But it's no wonder she thinks like this
You see, her head is a place filled with darkness.
Dec 2014 · 499
What Happiness Is To Me.
Chloe Nicole Dec 2014
Happiness is waking up in the morning and not regretting it,
Its looking at yourself, inside and out, and feeling satisfied with what you see,
Its something you see in people's eyes and in their smiles.

Happiness doesnt come from another person,
It doesn't come from money,
Or looks, Or anything in between.

Happiness is feeling safe and protected,
Its feeling wanted and loved,
Its being free, and being okay with who you are.
Happiness is something many people strive for, But few achieve. All I want in life is to be happy.
Dec 2014 · 567
I Miss You.
Chloe Nicole Dec 2014
I miss your laugh,
The way it sounded and the way your entire body shook when you did.
I miss your smile,
The way it lit up your entire face and how contagious it was.
I miss your hugs,
The way your arms felt around me and how comforting they were.
I miss talking to you,
The way I could say anything and know you'd listen.
I guess what I'm trying to say is....
I miss you.
To a friend...
Dec 2014 · 354
Beautiful Disaster. ;-*
Chloe Nicole Dec 2014
My loneliness was a rattle in the windows,
My sadness was a bottle on the bathroom floor.
You said something that I never wanted to hear,
You said you don't want me anymore.

You left,
You left just like everyone else did.
You're words were a gun.
And you left it loaded.

My entire world was flipped upside down,
My heart shattered.
You destroyed me,
You turned me into a beautiful disaster.
My favorite one I've ever written.<3c;
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
Ideal boyfriend.
Chloe Nicole Nov 2014
I want a boyfriend who makes me laugh and smile.
A boyfriend who gives me butterflies.
I want a boyfriend who will hold my hand when we walk places.
A boyfriend who will call me beautiful and kiss me when I least expect it.
I want a boyfriend who shows me that he cares.
A boyfriend who makes me feel important to him.
I want a boyfriend who will stay home with me on a Friday night and watch movies with me.
A boyfriend who will cuddle me and get fat with me.
I want a boyfriend who loves me.
A boyfriend who will stay for a while.
Nov 2014 · 701
I'm sorry.
Chloe Nicole Nov 2014
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I'm clingy,
I'm sorry I'm a hassle,
I'm sorry Im needy and difficult,
I sorry I **** everything up,
I'm sorry I'm broken and more ****** up in the head than you will ever know,
I sorry I wasn't what you wanted,
I'm sorry I wasn't good enough.
Nov 2014 · 333
The Monsters.
Chloe Nicole Nov 2014
Her head is a very dark place.
It's crawling with monsters telling her what to do, what to feel.
She tries to fight them off,
But it's no use,
They always seem to win.
So she's stuck.
Stuck faking smiles,
And acting like she's okay.
Stuck hoping for them to give up the way she did.
And she's stuck hurting,
Silently praying for someone to give a ****.
Nov 2014 · 252
Chloe Nicole Nov 2014
You left,
You left just like everyone else did.
You were suppose to be different.
You weren’t suppose to hurt me like this.
But you did…

— The End —