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 Mar 2014 Samantha Elizabeth
Darkness eats at the souls
of the lonely,
Devouring their senses
Heightening their fears

Darkness is not,
or mean,
But the fear of darkness
is all those things
 Mar 2014 Samantha Elizabeth
You're far away
But I can touch you
You have my heart
But you don't want it
You're flying
But I am falling
I'm crying at your feet
But you don't care
You leave me cold and alone
But I am not asking why.
Sometimes he let his eyes rest on hers, it needn't have been painful,
but it strangely was.
He broke a lifetime of avoiding eye contact to show her.
She was worth overcoming obstacles for.
I am struggling to get the words out
They are starting to feel empty, and forced

Poetry shouldn’t be like that.

Poetry should be as natural as breathing
As flowing as air currents

It should pour out with power, with purpose
Unrefined, but beautiful
Not in spite of it, but because of it.

And that is getting difficult to do.
 Mar 2014 Samantha Elizabeth
Your tear stained face is etched into my retinas
As if my heart yearns to make everything better
And to rock you to sleep

Or to brush away all of the bad things
And censor all of the bad news
Hypnotize all of the bad days in a long forgotten past

Hold you in my arms until everything was better
Sweep you away and make you happy again
Like you deserve

If only you would let me care
If only
If only
If is my favourite word
I used to take the back off
the telephone and stuff it with rags
and when somebody knocked
I wouldn't answer and if they persisted
I'd tell them in terms ******
to vanish.

just another old crank
with wings of gold
flabby white belly
eyes to knock out
the sun.
how it unravels,
I have no

it’s drive lingers like cold wind
clouding judgment
grazing skin

it will never go as planned
but it is as entertaining
as it is indecisive
If you follow me
I swear I’ll
drop you
into a

No amount of love
is going to get you
out of there
so start digging
you might find some
bodies down there
make sure they’re dead

I’ve never made love to thunder
because my ears would be ringing
and I once had an eating disorder
that required purging and binging

Stop throwing your
sympathy everywhere
I’m not growing any younger
I wish all of you would realize
no one gives a **** about
your shoes or your dreams

don’t blame me if you can’t crawl out the cave
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