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1.3k · Aug 2016
Cheyanne Markley Aug 2016
No one cares enough
to even glance at the way
she stands slumped,
incommodious. Wise,
little girl, that you show
no fear of those who try
to quibble you. They will try to be
however demanding they can.
They must be able to see
the cicatrix of distress they cause.
The withdraw of people eliminates
the blissful, mirthful way of life.
Do not bother to notice the
sorrow she carries from the lack
of shoulders to cry on.
The tear soaked pillows of late night
cry's so deep within the soul;
the muffled sobs of desperation from
the absence of an individual.
Life-long abstraction.
375 · Nov 2016
Cheyanne Markley Nov 2016
He does not think
that I am strong enough
to know what is wrong.
He thinks I am weak.
not trustworthy.
But yet,
he tells me he loves me
but does not show it.
In rivers of tears,
mountains of depression.
278 · Aug 2016
Cheyanne Markley Aug 2016
The knife of words,
stabbing so deep;
penetrating skin,
forever bleeding

The shot of words,
loud and deafening;
piercing flesh,
forever bleeding.

The grenade of words,
unexpected and blown to bits;
out in the open,
forever bleeding.

The glass of words,
the shards cut deep;
slicing everything in its path,
forever bleeding

The rope of words,
hanging there suffocating,
tightening more until
your gone.
Forever Dying.
Help stop suicide. Don't be a bully!! Offer kindness for no cost. Words do hurt, no matter how much you think they don't. They might make you feel better but what about the person you're saying it to. Words affect people's actions and people's actions affect their life. Don't ***** your life up and don't ***** someone else's up.
257 · Aug 2016
Cheyanne Markley Aug 2016
I tried
to get away
from the pain
that was so deep
within my old,
everlasting soul.

Oh, the extrinsic
pain along with
the interior agony
that this thing
people call love,
worst weakness

Too young to know
what's real-
they say.
They don't see
the cicatrix of
distress it causes.

So compelling,
yet so wicked.
The pull of the
tugging that makes me
believe it is worth it.
All lies.

Knowing the truth but
choosing the opposite;
knowledge can hurt,
oblviate obstacles,
knock down towers,
and open closed doors.
251 · Dec 2016
Cheyanne Markley Dec 2016
Love is like breathing;
breathing someone in,
breathing them out,
breathing with them,
and in the end
breathing without them
220 · Aug 2016
Cheyanne Markley Aug 2016
Pain is tears sprinting down
your cheeks, not caring
enough to wipe them away.
Letting people call you names
because you believe them to be true.
Screaming into your pillow, late
at night when no will hear you.
Accepting that people don't care and
them shoving and hitting 'til your back and blue.
Never knowing who to trust and go to.

— The End —