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To suffer death but not die
How tragic that must be
To be caught up in a web
Spun sadistically for thee

Each spindle spun
And delicately placed
You didn't even realize
When it was constricted around your face

Until you were stuck
Left there to die
But we know the black angel's lips
Never told you goodbye

You were never given the courtesy
To go off in peace
I suppose that is the punishment
When all your life you lived as a beast

Now you lay there still
Only your eyes allowed to blink
And we watch as your heart beat slows
But it will never slow enough to sink

An eternity with your blood pumping through
When you would rather be left cold
You are now forced to remember
Those deaths placed in your hands to hold

Now you wish for their deaths
That came by your hand
But you must stay in this misery
And never be six feet under the land.
I watch the hawk like a hawk
and the hawk watches me.
I wish,
I could fly free
then perhaps I would see
what the hawk's looking at
when the hawk's watching me.
if i had control over
your heart, i would not
fall in love just yet

you don't know how much
i hate walking with you
because you keep noticing
how other girls walk
and i can hear it from
your voice that you wish
you  were walking with
them instead

but sometimes our
fingers brush against
each other and for 5
seconds they linger

if i had control over
your heart

but i do not

i know we are better
as friends but that
information hasn't
quite reached my heart
just yet

so when i tell you
"i love you"
i am not telling you to
"please love me too"

it's more of like
"please wait for the right
person. make sure she's worth
it. make sure my heart
breaks for something bigger
than i could ever wish for.
make sure i don't lose you over
did you know sound waves
travel faster in warm air?

that night we stayed up,
the temperature was up there.

you must have heard my
heart straining against my ribs

because you leaned in and
silenced it with your lips

did you know sound waves
travel faster in warm air?

you must have.

thank god for physics.
The sun will set and the sun will rise,
Dreamers stare upon the skies.
Lovers gaze in each other's eyes,
Young grow old and babies cry.

All the while time rolls by,
And dreamers stare upon the skies.
don't tell me I'm beautiful
tell me you think I'm funny
tell me you like my mind
and not my body
I am more than just how I look
I know it's selfish to say it's hard
but I want to know that someone sees
more than what they outwardly perceive
because there is way more to me
I have a personality
I am sick of the, "I miss you, beautiful" lies
you're just seeing with your eyes
I just want to know I'm more than a piece of meat
tell me you think I'm neat
can't you tell me you like how I greet new people I meet?
or how I use my thumbs to turn a page when I read
there's just more to me
this is a selfish plea
 Oct 2013 Chelsea Wood
You said your words always came in threads
Stitch me up
patch up my insercutries with your sewing machine lips
let me use them to sew the memory of you into the fabric of my mind
I want to embroider our broken pieces and make a quilt out of us
 Oct 2013 Chelsea Wood
I'm not the sun, the moon or the sky
I don't have that sparkle when you look in my eye
I won't say I love you and kiss you good night
I won't say I'm sorry when I start a fight

(Added 02/2014)
I'm just not the one, the love, that guy,
We're not meant to be, I say with a sigh
It was good, it was fun, I had a great time,
But now all that's left is me, and this rhyme.

(Added 03/2014)
But maybe you are,  and maybe I do
Maybe it's love that I feel for you
My heads a mess and now that you're gone
My heart can't sense what's going on

Our past, our plans and future were bright
I looked in your eyes and saw a light
Alone, without you, I compare all to you
And none measure up, my heart is askew.
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