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Aug 2020 · 82
chea Aug 2020
I thought we were destined for each other,
but it was all in my mind,
I thought you were my everything,
but you were everything I thought you'd never be

You had secrets and kept them from me,
You became someone I thought you'd never be,
You took away my light & replaced it with shadows,
You took my happiness and left me in sorrows

It's time to leave,
this illusion called 'us',
because I love you and you love me,
but it was never really that easy,
wasn't it?
Aug 2020 · 84
chea Aug 2020
how I don't feel so alone,
you feel so safe,
you feel like home.
Aug 2020 · 77
chea Aug 2020
we kiss again,
the next one breaking open my sky

takes my breath away,
but gives it back

showing me that every other kiss,
i''ve ever had in my life
has been wrong

because the only kiss that counts,
is the kiss your lips bring upon
Aug 2020 · 74
10:31 p.m
chea Aug 2020
10:31 p.m, a little past your bedtime,
the lamp shines on your face,

your silhouette on the white wall,
eyes closed as you dream away,

you whispered "sweet dreams.",
but I don't think I'll ever need to sleep again,

because with you, everything is a dream come true
chea Aug 2020
π‘‘π‘’π‘Žπ‘Ÿ π‘Žπ‘™π‘šπ‘œπ‘ π‘‘,

can you undo?
the things that made me fall for you
the words you said
and let slip out of your mouth
but most importantly the pain you set upon

can you please take back?
the promises you made
and the wishes that you knew
were never going to come true?
chea Aug 2020
It was about midnight
when he decided to hold her tight
"We'll see each other again, same time and day."
He looked at her sweet smile and said
"In my heart, you'll stay."

The young maiden looked at his eyes,
"How sure are you that our hearts will never depart?"
He laughed and touched her hair
"Look for me in the stars, you'll find me there"

A year had already passed
The young maiden came back, same time, same day
"When is he coming?"
She said as she fell helpless
"When is he coming?"
She said as she lost all focus

How the cold wind reminded her of him
She remembered what it was like
to be in the warmth of his embrace
She felt as if she could feel his presence
But all she could hear was the echo of his voice
"Look for me in the stars, you'll find me there."
Aug 2020 · 608
The Soldier
chea Aug 2020
Her world was a battlefield, filled with demons and battles unknown. Her heart, a ransacked base, robbed of love and worth, filled with footprints of false soldiers who abandoned and ridiculed her. With one war over, her heart was preparing for another. She was surprised to see this wandering soldier, one she never really expected, who didn’t seem to be like the rest and offered her happiness. The soldier changed her melancholic life and turned it into bliss; he gave her a new beginning and made her believe that promises were made to be kept.

She showed him the different blades that cut her, the swords that scarred her skin, and the scars that she hid. The wars she lost, the bullets that gave her wounds, and the battles she had to face alone. She felt a different kind of happiness and for the first time in her life, she believed that someone would stay and see her entirety.

She was surprised to see that her world became him and she believed that she was his. He looked at her with pity and set a camp on her base, and said that he was at home with her. He said he was there to stay and wouldn’t leave her astray. It was new for her, how she didn’t seem to hurt anymore.

She was terrified that she didn’t feel afraid and she felt as if she’d never had to face anything alone. Her heart began to beat better as the soldier stayed by her side. He was there to stay beside her as her wounds began to heal. He felt like home and he felt safe, but then the soldier woke up one day and realized he wanted more, her base wasn’t enough, β€œI’m tired”, is what he’d say. His words pierced through her soul like a dagger with the sharpest blade. She was afraid he’d leave, ”I’m sorry”, were the words that she’d always say. She never really understood how the soldier changed.

She thought that if the soldier hated her scars, why did he leave some on her heart? The soldier cast the girl’s blades against her and with everything heβ€˜s got. The girl was left paralyzed, lying on the ground. Now with scars too deep, she could no longer escape. As the soldier began to leave her side, death consumed her inside, as she could no longer feel her heart, the soldier opened his deceiving mouth, looking at her lifeless body and said: β€œThere’s something I’ve got to do, a lot of things I have to chase, but one thing’s for sure, all I know is that I can’t stay.”
Aug 2020 · 76
chea Aug 2020
Four walls of whiteβ€”
you held me captive as the chains of despair hurt a little more every day; the rust beginning to bruise my skin.

The shackles started to become comforting, making me smile while looking down at them. I look into the mirror and see my reflection. A girl, so fragile and broken. Her hair in tangles, blue and black marks on her skin; some were faded, some were new. I touched it, anticipating the pain. I winced, raising my finger, tracing my face as I looked at the girl in front of me.

Her eyes were big with a hint of brown, bags of black surrounded them. Her cheeks pale while her bones, evident with just a glimpse. This is what you have done to me. You spew your venom right at me, throwing me with all your might. You feast your eyes and in a flash you release a riot, pinning all your anger on me.

I suffocate as you put your weight on me, shoving me until I scream out in pain. You throw me down the stairs and pick me up once again. I close my eyes and struggle, terrified of what might come next.

But you lay me down on the bed, soft and shallow. You whisper, "I'm sorry, I love you.", and tuck me in. I smile at the thought. You love me. Yes, you do.

The hands you put around my neck are also the hands that tuck me in. The lips you use to scream at me are also the lips that kiss me goodnight. You must really love me; I say to myself. My eyes become heavy, as I drift back to sleep, excited for what tomorrow has in store.

I never want to leave.

All I need is you. With you, I am safe; I feel safe in your abuse.
chea Aug 2020
π‘‘π‘’π‘Žπ‘Ÿ π‘Žπ‘™π‘šπ‘œπ‘ π‘‘,

can I spend tonight with you?
where we free the pain
we kept for years
and let our hearts feel

where we don’t fear the time
that's going to be taken away from us
where every word & promise
can't **** us

so for the last time
can I spend tonight with you?

— The End —