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 May 2013 Charley H
 May 2013 Charley H
maybe the reason why
I can only write at night
is because that’s when we
were truly us
you first held me in your arms
and nervously kissed my lips
in the faint light of the stars
and now that you’re gone
the light of the stars
illuminates my will
to fill the hole you left
with anything I can
like words of my affection
for the boy that is no longer mine
They say life is beautiful,
Not lately, not today.
Because when I get to school,
Its no longer a shock
To see the flag low and blue
About another loss.

We've desensitized ourselves ,
Death no longer bothers us,
Unless it affects us.
We ignore the starving,
Unless we can get praise.
The Mass of Humans,
Are no longer good,
No longer beautiful,
No longer human...
 May 2013 Charley H
Harper Grace
It was just a wall
they were just kids
writing “freedom”
but those words delivered an invitation
to test what that meant
It was a tipping point
in the struggle to understand
the breathing pattern
of liberation
and freedom

they soon understood that first comes an exhalation
the ecstasy of that introductory spark
Maybe soon there will be fireworks--
swallowing the spark whole
I wonder if they understood when
they pulled off their fingernails
when they tore flesh
when they burned cigarettes
on their skin
when they drove them into the cold and blackness

This inhale has not been released
creating a vacuum
of fear
explosions writing
2 years of war
more than 70,000 dead
1,000 children
80,000 displaced

if you looked up
just once
you would see
Sleeping Beauty
the little girl, so restful she seemed
if you don’t ask how she died
if you looked at her hands, her hair, her face
and refused to look away
If you lengthened your drifting attention span
you would see her
and us

in the cold and blackness
Learning to breathe again after watching our best friend being shot
or cousin tortured
this repetition doesn’t make anything easier
this infinity of sorrow
doesn’t shrink the farther you venture on
and as you watch this supposed infinity
through a screen
do not cease to be in content
with its vastness

I know what infinity feels like
and it is heavy
the bruises on my back
are noble
and I do believe my own children will one day tell of them
with pride on their tongues
but I cannot balance this weight
on backbone alone
they have burned my flesh
they have charred my heart
but I know the difference between
machine guns
and open palms clawing at the stars
they can come at me a million times
but someone will take my place
and hundreds will take theirs
because their smoke can only clear
but our flame has been born within us
We are candles in the sky
no matter how hard you blow
you cannot win
our flame will
 May 2013 Charley H
Carla Marie
It wasn’t always this way
She was lovely once…
A beauty to make a brothers
Chest ache… And
Breath come short...

Too  many dreams deferred
Deadened a too free spirit
Too many pains
Damaged a too big heart
Too many losses and not enough gains
Too much liver killing corn whiskey
And soul stealing violent man
Made it now easy
For her to enfold herself
In the tragedy of the day

Anguished runny jaundiced eyes
Sunken under fake lashes that
Look too heavy for the job
Her late idea of beautification
Trying to work with what shes got
Only to accentuate the misery
In the much worn brown face where
Cheap foundation
Does a backwards slide
Into tale-telling lines that
Scream louder a narrative
Of brokenness

And she sits… alone
On that stool
In a dark and dingy
Numbing place
Leaned on one elbow
Slightly to the left
Blond wig perched on her head
Like a church lady’s pillbox hat
Only this ain’t no church
And she ain’t no lady
Not no more…

But it wasn’t always this way
She was lovely once...
 May 2013 Charley H
 May 2013 Charley H
Lately I've been thinking I'm invincible
and wondering if I'll spoil our romance by trying to make it last forever,
as most women do, they say,
but we both know I've never listened to 'them'.
I have this teacher that's been crying and yanking out dandelions in her yard
because what else is she supposed to do
but she tells me I'm a little more likely to develop a psychological disorder.
I think we're all psychos, really,
all depressed and anxious, at least,
and sometimes my ceiling never stops spinning,
but I think I'll be alright.
 May 2013 Charley H
Sean Banks
This girl
With more formal
creative writing
gave me a few lessons tonight

One, don’t be so self indulgent
So this poem is already a joke

Two, don’t be too abstract
Well, Moon and the Stars to that!

Three, simplicity is always key
Well – this should be easy
 May 2013 Charley H
7 Score and 12 Years ago we fought in a war that tore this nation apart
Now we are being torn apart at the seams once again.
Not by violence but a nation divided.
50 percent of us defending the gates and 50 percent of us tearing  them down.

Only a few of us choose to defy god
but 50 percent of us are accused “devil worshipers.”
Only a few of us carry weapons of destruction
But 50 percent of us are alleged murderers.
Only a few of us want to see this country die
but 100 percent of us are working towards its downfall.

When we all stand up for our own beliefs,
We all head towards our own demise.
When we all stand up for each other,
We all rise.

We live in a world where we'd rather argue one's right to love,
then suffocate the hate we harbor so close to our hearts.
We live in a world where we'd rather argue the supernatural,
then deal with this “second rate” reality.
We live in a world where we'd rather speak over those less fortunate,
then listen to them weep.

It only takes a few of us,
To motivate all of us,
To play our part.
To move us forward.

When 100 percent of us were taught to never back down,
None of us learned the importance of compromise.
When 100 percent of us were taught the past,
None of us learned to look forward.
When 100 percent of us were taught wrong,
None of us learned what is right.

When 100 percent of us are included,
But only 50 percent move us forward,
50 percent of us are left behind.
50 percent of you is left behind.
 Apr 2013 Charley H
Children of Gallifrey, the children of gods
Who were destined for greatness
Fate laid out in the stars
Lords and Ladies of Time
Hands in the fabric of reality
Theirs to push and pull
Change and preserve
Life and death, mere trifle and whim
Minds warped with power
Who were fearful of change
Pompous and arrogant patrollers of time
Making laws of fear and oppression
Jealous and Bitter
They would rather **** than share
No interfering, no helping, no hurting
All the time in the Universe
But no time at all
Betrayal and Pain
Secrets and lies
Starving Souls, robbing trust
Storm Clouds are breaking
Time is at an end
The world will burn
Though it died long ago
When ambition
And lies
Strangled the children of Gallifrey
Sealing their demise in the books of time
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