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CharlesC Dec 2013
With his passing
his jail experience
leaves his Gift..
New focus on
what is inner
what is higher..
He is pointing
to growth paths
and our need
for our own
jail experiences…!
"People tend to measure themselves by external accomplishments, but jail allows a person to focus on internal ones; such as honesty, sincerity, simplicity, humility, generosity and an absence of variety," Mandela says in one of the many quotations displayed at the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg. "You learn to look into yourself."
CharlesC Feb 2015
A fair teacher
is a Tree..
All at once
appears my branching
seeming to claim
with shadow
with pain..
Our separate selves
these branches mimic..
Yet our teacher
insists in haste
branches are coloring
my inner vibrating
look anew!
see me whole
and be my Joy...
CharlesC Oct 2019
The silence between
Each word we say
Each note we play..
Sleep between dreams..
Attention to gaps
Or rather..falling into
The recognizing
Our Home..the placeless
Place..from which we
Have never departed...
CharlesC May 2016
It seems there is this
about the X generation
with their GPS devices
interested in closeness
only in whether
to interrupt the straight road
with a new move
left or to the right..
Their focus seems to be
on the territory not the map
realizing the map
is not the territory..
Evolving awareness this
may be..
Perhaps all of us
have reached this point
on our maps
and it is time to taste
an unknown territory...!
reflection after a visit by my grandson and friends...
CharlesC Feb 2019
implies closeness
and many would say
shortness of distance
appearance of merging..
so what if we
eliminate the words
we use for closeness
however small the gap..
then to discover
seamlessness as
the fullness of our
knowing only a
many colored
CharlesC May 2013
The long ago
memories persist
stories of war
back then
reenter today..
for a few
their immersion
brought glimpses
of more..
but stories persist..

Those life endings
ordered and angered..
new remembering
brings fresh pain..
a rejection decided
brought a lifetime
burden of guilt..
a lost limb then
anchored renewal
for others today..

We need ask
on this
day of memories
that all suffering
long and brief
heavy and light
be Sighted anew
accepted at last
sharp edges of
welcome Light...
Thanks to
West Point
Class of 1967
for your
service and suffering..
Into Harm's Way
CharlesC Feb 2013
My work yesterday
I pursued with fire..
dead letters burned
letters with news
for countless intended
recipients Unknown..
news shadowed or light
these notifications of
paths NOT taken
met their end by
my flaming torch..
My role as destroyer
carried my reverie
ignited a wish
a blessing and curse
to finally know NOT..

My work today
new letters appear..
copying not burning
yet sorrows abide in
slow repetitive death..
I must rise
stand tall
Find face and soul
in that wall..
I must proclaim
I prefer NOT..
this delicious word..
freedom's choice
tasted with short
bursts of joy..

Facing my wall
searching for NOT
into emptiness flowed
a bright wholeness
of  letters and light..
but a price to be paid
for other's disdain
they are forgiven for
not knowing NOT..
NOT holds those
letters I've known..
Ah humanity...*

Based on Herman Melville's
short story, "Bartleby
the Scrivener"
CharlesC May 2012
replicating and encroaching
sharpened green swords
monotonous and marching
poisons and a secret
carefully concealing
awaiting annual signal
when spring approves
only briefest revelation
veritable explosion of
simultaneously approving
quick resumption of
CharlesC Mar 2019
What is it
that we can say is
This has been
science's quest over
the centuries:
to locate the illusive

Atoms in ancient times
seemed irreducible
followed eventually by
You know these names..
Names of matter
tinier and tinier..

And the end
is not in sight for
searching in matter
for that which is

It appears
we await a new day..
Perhaps soon
for recognition
that our focus
need be reversed:
inside not outside
is a non-location
infinite and
CharlesC Apr 2012
early infestation of
lost cell phone
roughing the day's
smooth path
advice says these
are opportunities for
perhaps rough inside
of smooth
question for
CharlesC Sep 2018
just a recognition
that this page is white
and the print thereon
seems to declare
a difference..
appearance is different
but the difference melts
when it is noticed
the print is in and of
the white page..
difference is appearance..

might this recognition
this brief metaphor
replace all religions
in the world's story?
CharlesC Oct 2018
when these words occur
we imagine the place
from which they emerge..
since time long ago
this place has been assumed
as within the body
we have so long occupied..
evolving now in spurts
is a new day of realizing
that the thought arises
in a place much vaster
in a new "I" which
loses its ****** bounds
and with this loss
the soon fading of I...
CharlesC Jul 2019
It is the same
and vast
for everyone..
It is prior to the
sights and sounds of
this morning..
It is within the *******
events of the day..
It is the Self
stirring in suffering
waiting in shadows
to be born...
CharlesC Mar 2016
Two powerful words
fitting our reality
of an apparent
self and world..
Two words reminding
of what is truer:
Out of These
is made that
which seems...
CharlesC Mar 2013
She waited tables in
storied valley manor..
to a train strummer
she was mated..
fixer of hair with
energy and mystery
just these Lifedots..
revisiting the manor
Jolene since departed
no one remembered
her wispy details..
many Jolenes
only imagination
fills in...
CharlesC Jul 2020
This old biblical tale
Dreamlike in the telling
Could well be
Our own dream..
Events and places
Abruptly appear and
Dream opponents
Philistines and a giant
Appear and fade..
But what remains..?
The Grace of Namaste
(Jonathan and David)..
Which we Recognize
As we awaken from
Our own fitful Dream...

(See 1 Samuel: 18-23)
CharlesC Dec 2012
a lonely figure
in silence appears
each Christmas year..
might we make his
place more secure..?
recall his namesake
in Egypt's deep past..
Joseph the Viceroy
with many travails
observes a descent
with ascent foreseen..
let us then imagine
this newer Joseph
in silent watch
pondering his name..
with swift recognition
of the ancient Formula
which eternally repeats:
our many steps down
are concealed within
that One step up..
energy so flows
hidden messianic
CharlesC Feb 2013
who journals
out there..?
we know the priority
each new day
is a gathering of
those wrinkles and sticks
and seeing each whole
relating as they do
now to each other..
and then they reach
to something larger
new until now
until journaling entry
this moment...
CharlesC Mar 2013
our journaling discipline
formed in six steps:

some warmup words
perhaps drawing or photo
pen now at ready
where we jump in..

first we list
what's to be emptied
put it all down
pleasures and pains..

these are obstacles
label future and past
futilities recognized
we've trimmed our list..

with shorter list
peering behind entries
find lurking there
Light of the moment..

this is Creation
WE are creating
cleansing the old
Writing new birth..

mind now diffused
a Cycle made clear
a Voice was heard
new Narration appears..

*Now WE step
into our day
riding our Cycle
pedaling our Way...!
after a journaling
presentation this
CharlesC Aug 2018
is not one journey
nor is it many..
it is the movement
of your self
within and as
your Self..
CharlesC Apr 2019
There are many journeys...  
There are journeys in which we observe the
world from conventional windows of body and mind.  
There is another journey which involves recognition
that I Am much more than my old belief that my limited
body and mind is who I am.  Also.. to discover that my
belief in limitation is the root of my suffering and
longing.  The new journey, the Direct Path, belongs to
the experience of Non-Duality, in which are found to have
Two Legs:
the Inward, and the Outward.  The Inward Leg results
in the discovery of our Unlimited nature, and the Outward
is a "return" to the world..beginning a life-long
realignment in our lives based on a recognized
True Identity…
CharlesC Jan 2019
There are many journeys...  
There are journeys in which we as travelers observe 
the world from conventional windows of body and mind.  
There is another journey which involves a recognition
that I Am much more than my old belief that my limited 
body and mind is who I am.  Also.. to discover that my 
belief in limitation is the root of my suffering and 
longing.  The new journey belongs to the experience of 
Non-Duality, in which are found to be two legs:  the 
inward, and the outward.  The inward leg results in the 
discovery of our Unlimited nature, and the outward leg 
is a "return" to the world..beginning a life-long 
realignment in our lives based on a joyful new 
CharlesC Dec 2018
There are many journeys...  
There are journeys in which we as travelers observe
the world from conventional windows of body and mind.  
There is another journey which involves a recognition
that I Am much more than my old belief that my limited
body and mind is who I am.  Also.. to discover that my
belief in limitation is the root of my suffering and
longing.  The new journey belongs to the experience of
Non-Duality, in which are found to be two legs:  the
inward, and the outward.  The inward leg results in the
discovery of our Unlimited nature, and the outward leg
is a "return" to the world..beginning a life-long
realignment in our lives based on a joyful new
CharlesC Aug 2020
All journeys are
Necessary and welcome..
Worthwhile destinations
Are worthwhile..
Journeys are celebrated
As interfacing unfolds and
Tears of joy and sadness
However..there is this:
There is only one Journey
In which we have already
Arrived..Be there Now...!
CharlesC Nov 2020
Direct and Indirect

Portrayed as choices sometimes..

But are they choices..?

The direct journey has no

Geography or duration..and

Those arriving tell the joke:

There is no journey..only

Recognition of no journey..

The indirect journey is

Composed of stops and starts

Searching for what might be

Directly discovered...
CharlesC Aug 2019
This is
the mind obstacle
That those on the path
Find tough to encounter..
Some continue on a bypass
Over and around..

Others gently penetrate
The toughness itself
Gazing around
Finding intense coloring
But no diminishing of
Wholeness by that
Threatening something..

Returning to the bypass
These others are routed
Directly to knowing
That which they and
Everything are
Uncolored and Infinite..

These are two paths to
Uncover the Joy that
Seemed to be hiding
Until now...
CharlesC Jan 2013
no flower here..?
can we approach
this seeming defiance
of old common sense..?
the poet says
that our joy
lies in relation..
we pause to
shift our awareness
to the possibility
that the flower
over there depends
on the flower
casting further in
modest extension:
each flower appearing
is both creator
and creation..
the poet's vision..?
salve for those
hurtful hours...?
"The upswing of the light ones, the bowing sway of the heavy ones
and the delicate ones' timid curve.
Everywhere joy in relation and nowhere grasping;
world in abundance and earth enough."  --Rilke
CharlesC Apr 2020
Stands as we stand
Framing this story
In time and place..
And asking questions
With no answers
Then or now..
What's the buzz..?
To know who he was
We need only
Know who we are..
Each must sacrifice
Our outward beliefs..
Turn inward to recognize
a Superstar...!

Every time I look at you I don't understand
Why you let the things you did get so out of hand.
You'd have managed better if you'd had it planned.
Why'd you choose such a backward time in such a strange land?
If you'd come today you could have reached a whole nation.
Israel in 4 BC had no mass communication.
Don't you get me wrong.
I only want to know.

Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ,
Who are you? What have you sacrificed?
Jesus Christ Superstar,
Do you think you're what they say you are?
CharlesC Oct 2020
Judge not

That you not be judged..

That is how it reads..

How does it work..?

In seeming separation

Opportunities for judging

Abound..war and dysfunction


Oneness..without an other..

Judging not..IS


Not being judged..

This invitation to

CharlesC Jul 2019
is marked for
and identity
and birth..

1776 and counting..
an identity of separation
which has claimed our
treasure and allegiance..

prideful citizens
music and fireworks
have shaped romantic
imaginings of the
magical 4th..
a day which lingers
pleasantly in memories..

until sometimes
a quiet doubt
nudges and retreats..
and nudges...
CharlesC Sep 2014
"Just to sit, without expectation, with someone who is in pain or grief or fear, without trying to fix them in any way, or manipulate their experience to match your idea of how they should be; just to listen, without trying to make things better in the moment, without playing the role of 'expert' or 'enlightened guru' or 'the one who knows best'; just to be totally available to the one in front of you... this is the essence of true healing..." - Jeff Foster
CharlesC Oct 2020
The arts do it..

Knowing two as One

Is a saving Joy..

Add a third and more and

Form seems to approach



The arts point and invite

A journey's End...
CharlesC Mar 2020
Is our conditioning..
It is that which veils
Our eternal Now..
Veiled when separation
Gains our attention
And we venture into
Past and future..
East of Eden in the
Story's terms..

In our many lifetimes
In the Life we live
We experience Now
In surprising glimpses..
Our  lifetimes' shadows
Are deemed enough
And we reincarnate
Now to Now
To discover at last
What has always been
CharlesC May 2013
She loved me
and I her..
their lives made rich
this living wagging
being is embedded
in her soul..
their sharing of
each her pain
no separation then
or now..
both courageous in
life's offered struggles
seeking air and sun..
of play and joys
car rides and tennis *****
puzzles.. even rules
memories by the score..
a shadow box
now these memories fill
the shadow conceals
a shared and glowing
for Susan and KC
CharlesC Mar 2017
Thought for the day....... “I have one major rule: Everybody is right. More specifically, everybody — including me — has some important pieces of truth, and all of those pieces need to be honored, cherished, and included in a more gracious, spacious, and compassionate embrace.” Ken Wilbur

*pieces of truth
colorations of Truth..
Yes..honor these
as fragments but
much more important
recognize the equality:
everybody's true identity
as the Embrace
as Truth...
CharlesC Oct 2013
Bending and kneeling
with discomfort
pinning and marking..
coaxing a key from a
recalcitrant machine..
a later discovery
the key was malformed..
An elderly Chinese couple
communicating with gestures
simple throaty sounds
These representatives of
other older world..
An island of survival
in our ocean of plenty..
An afternoon snapshot
only surface impressions
and mystery of work
and years...
CharlesC Sep 2018
are presumptions
concealed within most of our
and the presumption
hidden away is
the answer we seek..!
presumptions are kindling
awaiting the fire
which will burn both them
and their home in the
kindling is chopped by our
language which cannot
help itself..splitting the whole
into many
knower and known.. the asking of the
our peace requires
igniting the kindling
blowing the spark and
gently burning the
CharlesC Sep 2017
Knowing for the first time
means becoming aware
that there really is
no first or next time..
It means realizing
time has asserted itself
as a fencing
with barbed-wire barbs
claiming their sequence
marking our surrender
of freedom..
As time barbs dissolve
in our space of being
we know with joy
for the first and all time...
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. T. S. Eliot
CharlesC Nov 2016
desire cries in our world of suffering..
lives seemingly and obviously
split and fragmented..
do we suspect that a larger secret
might reveal an illusion..?
our thoughts of Oneness conspire to confuse
and our perceptions confirm a blaring multiplicity..  
let us try something new:
a walk in the woods
a sit on a bench
welcome those thoughts and perceptions
in their rising and exits
all within indescribable Oneness..
And then please note:
Oneness of a sudden makes appearance
as surprising fragments of joy...
CharlesC Mar 2018
A direct experience
Of a space-like reality
In which thoughts-perceptions
Appear and disappear..
The Knowing-Space
Colors and un-colors
In endless variety
With seeming borders
And locations pretending
An utter independence..
Thought is using these words
In a convincing way
Until we recognize
Once again
The Knowing-Space...
CharlesC Jan 2016
Let's now confront the question
what do we know..really?
Do we know anything more
than experiences of sensing
as our 5 senses sense..?
We know the seeing
and seem not to know
that which is sensed..
Are there things out there
objects of sensing
maybe so..maybe no
can we know these..really?
Such musings
radical but simple
point to our Awareness
which we are..really...!
CharlesC Sep 2020
A day recalling

Past doing and achieving..

And demanding of decency..

Working and supporting

Abundance speaking..

Ideal colorings bringing

Nostalgic happiness..

Enter the pandemic

With stirrings and fear..

Yet..perhaps pointing to

Our unknown Livelihood:

Abundance unbounded...
CharlesC Jul 2017
Perceiving and sensing
all those worldly objects
grass seeds and mountains
far-off quasars
and twinges of pain..
Let's  pause..
Yet..for a moment know
all are vibrations..
all are appearing
within and made of
What you are...
Viva la Difference...!
CharlesC Mar 2019
what seems
as good luck or bad
dresses a teacher..
our smaller mind
when confounded by
the unexplained
drills down to locate
what must be there:
a cause and effect..
often 'tho..alas.. luck..

then might dawn
the recognition:
what is happening
is all at once
right Now..
what is happening
halts the search in  
no time and place
and Lady Luck
smiles and
takes a bow...
CharlesC Nov 2012
when she reaches
that V in the road..
we wonder
is her freedom found
in the choosing
or the choice..?
if she chooses choosing
she is not free
for the other choice..
if she chooses choice
making no choice
ends her choosing..

does the V itself
contain the secret
the freedom she seeks..?
that V point
containing all choices
might accompany
inspire and energize..
on her chosen path
she remembers
and becomes once more
again and again
that point...
With gratitude to Mae and Lady V for prompting this musing...  :)
CharlesC Nov 2017
Life lived in content
without noticing that which
contains the content.. has always been..
Yet..many teachings lament
that our un-noticing
brings our suffering..
And..makes mysterious
our own name..
We seem anchored
in content with its
enjoyment and pain..
What can we notice
in the white border
of this page...?
CharlesC Sep 2014
There is a directness
in our experience of awareness
after the mind surrenders..
Simply a knowing which
shuts out all of the eithers and ors
a language of silence..
A language which requires
no subject and object
yet it includes all of these..
A unified field it is
which spends our days
awaiting our humble
flash of recognition...
CharlesC Sep 2014
this hawaiian dream
of a feathery supercluster
connecting strands of light..
one feather for now
but is this one
of one bird
in one flock..
our minds wander
and weaken
no answer there
Who am I...?
Until now, the Milky Way was believed to be one galaxy in the 2,000 that make up what's known as the Virgo "supercluster." But as the new map shows, the Milky Way's 100 billion stars are actually part of something 100 times bigger: a supercluster of galaxies astronomers have christened Laniakea, meaning "immense heavens" in the Hawaiian language. (image on Google..!)
CharlesC Apr 2016
This stranger arrives
introducing May
perception with thought
coloring presence
green and white..

perhaps May
seen in green
protruding through the
covering white snow..
A green precursor
a guide to
a persistent spring..

Snow as Silence
lightly landing
diffusing color and form
awaiting explosion
in May
two days away...
CharlesC Mar 2014
Time distorts
the reality of things..
One direction it claims
a forward path
as the only path..
But then perceiving
with eternal sense
time is illusion when
standing alone..
A new sense
reveals time's twin
brings symmetry with
new found peace..
Reality reveals as
layer upon layer
canvas upon canvas
awaiting the last
brushstroke to
perceive the All...
Next page