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CharlesC Oct 2013
Tell no one else, only the wise
For the crowd will sneer at one
I wish to praise what is fully alive,
What longs to flame toward death.

When the calm enfolds the love-nights
That created you, where you have created
A feeling from the Unknown steals over you
While the tranquil candle burns.

You remain no longer caught
In the peneumbral gloom
You are stirred and new, you desire
To soar to higher creativity.

No distance makes you ambivalent.
You come on wings, enchanted
In such hunger for light, you
Become the butterfly burnt to nothing.

So long as you have not lived this:
To die is to become new,
You remain a gloomy guest
On the dark earth.
8.5k · Aug 2012
CharlesC Aug 2012
a national
fears abound
losses loom darkly
i lose mine
if we are covered..
i versus we..

from this dream
a new lucid vision..
there is no i
nor a we..
a bewildering surprise
the linkage
our real constitution..
the real
see for images....
6.5k · Mar 2013
Approaching loss
CharlesC Mar 2013
finding this morning
awareness of loss
the obituary entry
this physical sense..
those lesser deaths
portrayed as loss
fill electronic news..
Approaching loss
or loss Approaching..?
loss seems woven
into our fabric..
our morning Nutrition:
approaching is longing
to locate disclosures
of buried light
under the garments
we wear...
CharlesC Nov 2012
All this petty worry
while the great cloak
of the sky grows dark
and intense
round every living thing.

All this trying
to know
who we are
and all this
wanting to know
what we must do.

But what is precious
inside us does not
care to be known
by the mind
in ways that diminish
its presence.

What we strive for
in perfection
is not what turns us
into the lit angel
we desire.

What disturbs
and then nourishes
has everything we need.

What we hate
in ourselves
is what we cannot know
in ourselves
but what is true to the pattern
does not need
to be explained.

Inside everyone
is a great shout of joy
waiting to be born…
Inspiration by DW..
6.1k · Jan 2013
Black and White
CharlesC Jan 2013
it is said
are the measures
gradations of fib..
more white more truth
more black is worse..
with such entangling
where is found
purest lies and truth..?
then further
does truth birth lies
and lies the truth..?

are such words
to each
a mirror...?
5.8k · Mar 2014
The carrot
CharlesC Mar 2014
The day is coming when
a single carrot
freshly observed
will set off a revolution.

-- Paul Cezanne (1839-1906)
5.4k · Jul 2013
CharlesC Jul 2013
with a discovery
of symmetrical
beauty in pattern
fresh from asymmetry..
Astonishment of simplicity
Why had discovery
not leaped before..?
then in elation
discoverer declares
proof is irrelevant
Elegance is
all sufficient
imperative Truth...
4.8k · Jun 2013
Morning sun
CharlesC Jun 2013
In morning sun
yellow-green leaves
black branches
such contrasts flow..
yellow sun warmth
seems to pull..
pulls the sensations
fullness and growth
and makes nature
luxuriant once more..
hidden chirpers note
the dawning of
4.7k · Feb 2013
Quilt worthy
CharlesC Feb 2013
Those who quilt
have their secrets..
emerging patterns
laced together..
an initiating flash
then flow of thread
filling the symmetry
with surprise..!
pained reluctance
those corrections..
finally uplifting joy..
Those who quilt
then ask this question:
does the recipient
of this labored gift
resonate with even
one-tenth appreciation..?
is she really
Quilt worthy...?
4.7k · Feb 2014
CharlesC Feb 2014
New damage
new separation
and stitching
awaits sealing
and new union..
Knife and fork
breaking bread
for inner rising
in new strength..
Surgery on high
removed a rib
Eve's attraction
urges re-joining..
A line reading
linear distortion
yearns for
whole in-sight..
Surgery creates
and stimulates a
New Day...
4.0k · Oct 2012
CharlesC Oct 2012
A light within
is dimmed
when compassion
looks elsewhere
for a home..

Our going forth
is tethered
to a light
we have and own..

is the splendid core
of compassion..

Then we are
fed and ready
for compassion
to find its way
away from home...
3.9k · Sep 2012
near death experience
CharlesC Sep 2012
there are many on record
the caves
the tunnels
the blinding light..
a hesitation
on the line
between life and death..

so many forms of death
each with corresponding life
these deaths
a passing of day into night
a passing storm
dark passages
each exhalation..

in each of these
a transition is reached
life and death not distinguished
the tunnel becomes
is the light..
so we read the reports
to life's primary
image @
3.9k · Mar 2013
a STARBUCKS revisit
CharlesC Mar 2013
Over the centuries
a transforming logo
promoting and shaping
our dance with coffee..
a seafaring birth
fifteenth century siren
exposed and sensuous
twin-tailed mermaid..
her seductive history
reached to Seattle
with nautical theme..
one lasting effect
many centuries told
with modified modesty
her crown remains..
this enduring connection
upper and lower
crown and creation
transcends the coffee..
the logo reminds us:
senses through time
stimulate and attract
crowned light above...
3.7k · Aug 2013
The Red Bicycle
CharlesC Aug 2013
Real learning we
learn from
a red bicycle..
Movement is
conversation of
Without conversation
differences reign..
We soon find
multiplicity growing
and peace disturbed..
Red reminds us
each difference relates
to other differences..
Relating is unifying
bringing the peace
Red turns Blue...
3.7k · May 2012
CharlesC May 2012
an oval antique photograph
from the century just passed
six youthful brothers
must be sunday dressed
exuding life and promise
facing forward all in line
symmetry pervading
sister mary in their center

on the photos right
a startling recognition
an image seen before
colins great grandfather
raymond often ray
in features and a gaze
seemed as colin
would have stood

photo has a crease
fading but still clear
now with photos recent
privileged to compare
colin next to ray
both fully present
yet a gaze away

rays gaze anticipating
army time in paris
fortune seeking in the west
fortunes to be found
four generations branching
to colin and beyond

colins gaze capturing
a journey now beginning
does he see montana paris
or the stars
repeating patterns forward
reflect photographic truth

music completes the pattern
with colorings of sound
rays trumpet and harmonica
introducing a guitar
which colin has absorbed

thus in his confirmation
new dimensions
now foreseen
confirming four generations
reflecting many more
expanding light and love
carrying our gratitude
for the glimpse
an old photograph
favored us
to find

(poem written for my grandson's
3.5k · Oct 2012
the second choice
CharlesC Oct 2012
A retelling of
A story
which is often retold..
in young romance
It happens
but not only there..
an infatuation
A leap
sudden Enlightenment
new birth..
a departure from
the ordinary..
Then a discovery
life is larger..
the ordinary seems
seems dreary and stark..
even though
there is great love
Holding the dark...
Inspired by a Theodore Dreiser story with the same title...
3.5k · Feb 2013
Mother Nature
CharlesC Feb 2013
Our many voyages
of desert and sea
the harshness observed..
smooth cushioned water
becomes raging storm..
a splitting violence
this external turbulence
kindles jolts of anger
then fear and supplication..
finally the Question..

tumult and danger
seem forceful prompts
suggesting surrender to
veils of indifference..
yet some find now
new possibility arising
to trace one's journey:
jagged roaring storm
stimulates and brightens
fading light within..

in these extremes
depths awaken heights
new sisterhood appears..
in one's journey log
a backward look
records hidden leaps
of courage and faith..
real awareness
of one's precarious
life String...
see Stephen Crane
"The Open Boat"
3.3k · Feb 2013
a stop at STARBUCKS
CharlesC Feb 2013
this American crossroads
on a cold winter night..
parallel people observed
their laptops and smartphones
foci of isolated attention
connecting to elsewhere..
no central cheer
as might be conjured
in older places with
a warm central stove..
coffee art on the wall
seemed stagnant ignored..
youthful waiters serve up
Gold Coast Joe
Blonde Roast
to customers soon to
sit down and withdraw..
headlines in the NYT rack
reports political struggles
parallels of scale..
a barrenness..
these are parallel times...
3.3k · Mar 2013
Fires of enthusiasm
CharlesC Mar 2013
back then and
wishes for fire
to burn and break
the reality at hand..
a reality turned away
frightful black caverns..
but then a caution
for greater patience
infinite patience..
advice rendered that
greatest revelation
appears now in our
cataclysmic dark...
3.2k · May 2013
Red Rectangle
CharlesC May 2013
In symmetry
and colors
a notable image..
meditative model
Hubble finding
in night sky
light years
from here
and Now..

Science musings:

How created..?

A creator or

A centered aging
binary system..?

Polarity energy
says it all..?

The unusual shape?
Sacred geometry
expresses itself..?

A definite torus..
All Reality
and Consciousness
expressed as Torus..?

Boundaries of cones
form an X..?

Creation of symmetry

Why unusual colors
Red and Blue..?

Left and Right
Male and Female
oppositions prevail..?

As hydrocarbon molecules
colors building blocks
for organic life..?

Center Light transforming
to component colors..?

In a few million years
the Red Rectangle nebula
will probably bloom
into a planetary

New birth
Now announced...?
image at

for CharlieP
3.1k · Feb 2013
CharlesC Feb 2013
a morning conversation
with surprising anecdotes
of unique explorations..
reported confrontations
by science practitioners'
sudden dates with death..
now authoring testimonies
of their dimensional truth..
much comfort growing
from  ample recordings of
bright tunnel experience..
let us now inquire
are these flashing NDE's
consciousness leaps..?
might they point
to death's vital role..
at last finding
real self-awareness..
life in this moment..?

asking then..
is not each breath
our moment experience
of near death...?
See Dr. Eban Alexander
Proof of Heaven
3.0k · Jan 2014
Atoms and Poetry
CharlesC Jan 2014
Oh that strange
minuscule Atom..
Atom has posed
with planets spinning
with electrons jumping
with self-contradicting
waves and photons..
These secret poses
Over a century
Reveal and conceal
An amazing truth..

Atom smiles slyly
such confusion here..
Yet now and then
A scientist is startled
By a mirror reflection
A poet Behold..
Self-knowing arrives:
My name is Atom
and long enough
have I posed…!
When it comes to atoms, language can be used
only as in poetry. The poet, too, is not nearly so
concerned with describing facts as with creating images.
Niels Bohr
3.0k · May 2014
The dead fledgling
CharlesC May 2014
On a sidewalk
a fateful fall..
Over this dead one
two persons meet:
One wishes a disposal
quiet and away
from trafficking feet..
The other with a kick
and quick disregard
of this morning moment's
sudden dark streak..
A brief encounter
two teachers
on her path..
Each holding a mirror
for the other...
3.0k · Jun 2012
CharlesC Jun 2012
Two antagonists
joined and evolving...
prevailing scarcity
far rarer abundance
a forked pattern
through millennial time

new century
visions holistic...
technology sightings
viewing through lenses
wholeness appearing in parts...
promises of science
now simply profound

clear water and plenty
hungry billions soon fed
innovations cropping from
the boisterous crowd...
standing robots astute
heavy labor performed...
global nervous system
growing and formed
by the web...
residue and waste becoming
power transformed...
optimism breaking long
history's confines

large and looming give pause...
the antagonists mentioned
are they soon to transform?
abundance and scarcity
new parents
new consciousness birthing...
awareness with awe
in one simple moment?

ancient spiritual light
is it now flowing
holographic vessels to fill?
what might the
newborn be named?
should she simply
be called... enough?

this name also naming
a bright center glow...
daughter scarcity now
absorbed and lining
her abundant light...
new strength
new vision
a new fork
in our road?
3.0k · Jun 2013
an Orgasmic burst
CharlesC Jun 2013
of flavor
in an A-ha moment..
at these differences
we smile.. :)
fractals are about
similarity and difference..
connectedness rules..

Let us inquire
of the similarity
in the bursts above..
all similarities
find Torus shape..
Torus is formula
iterating creating all
differences we find..

On a vertical column
curved surface surrounds
a hidden black hole..
at a Point
black hole turns white..
now our bursts
all are as One..

The Torus needs
motivation to move
arousal and stimulation
below and above..
all this Similarity
iterates the differences
so striking we see..

More differences now:
succulent juices
pulses and flow
DMT liquid light..
all these differences..
we smile again.. :)
ok Mae...
3.0k · May 2013
CharlesC May 2013
The time honored
collective planning
a filling blackboard
is now denounced..
storming is thought
thought on thought
wrinkle on wrinkle..
what goes begging
is quantum's leap
a leap waiting
for solitude and
an empty slate...
2.9k · Apr 2014
CharlesC Apr 2014
in your toes and in your eye lashes
then shifting elsewhere as you choose..
We direct our focus to ever present
electricity producing that glow and
in simultaneity attend to the doing and
to the noise of this moment..

With a postscript: can we remember
as we forget...?
2.9k · Jun 2016
I am John Proctor!
CharlesC Jun 2016
ELIZABETH:  John, it come to naught that I
should forgive you, if you'll not forgive yourself.

We struggle as did John
to find an identity
that is not shrouded:
a most persistent persuasion
of our separation..

ELIZABETH:  There be no higher judge under
Heaven than Proctor is!  Forgive me, forgive me
John--I never knew such goodness in the world!

PROCTOR:  God in Heaven, what is John Proctor,
what is John Proctor?

Our self inquiry comes:
Who am I..?
What am I..?
I am..?

PROCTOR:  You will not use me!
I am John Proctor!
You have made your magic now,
for now I do think I see some shred
of goodness in John Proctor.

**His discovery appeared
on his horizon
as does our own:
I am...
see Arthur Miller's "The Crucible."
2.9k · Oct 2013
Morning Sun
CharlesC Oct 2013
A faithful reminder
we have
each and every
A new chance to
recall the real order
of things..
From this source
breaking the horizon
we now see emerging
from darkness
the new shaping
of our day..
With our reminder
using the scales
universe to atom
we know then
of a sacred pattern
2.9k · Jun 2012
CharlesC Jun 2012
an assembly or
better named
a clump
of multifarious flotsam
presenting its untidy self
on a recent passing

a hesitating photo records
a drifting pinecone
centering a stained
and shredding newspaper
a broken sharp stick
red rocks of scales and shadings
flecking dried green leaves..

order imposed by
framing and shaping of
the sidewalk corner..
might other forms emerge
with a focused patience?

a partial headline reads
...sound without the wires..
news of expanding connections
outside a material realm?
headline seemed embedded
in thick advertising bulk
announcing a continuing
culture of material weight..
much else of red and green..

the centering pinecone
occasional pineal symbol of
higher dimension entry..
somehow rightly here
in the dark center
of this mess

this a brief experiment
not yet for most an answer
a question now of mining
finding patterned varieties
in large nature's trove..
patient visions residing in
gathered fragments
if gathered they be..
expectations of more
in what persists
of this and that in
time...  :)
2.7k · Jul 2012
CharlesC Jul 2012
generous and expanding
white's brilliant reflection..
many shaded towers
edges enclose with
high definition..
a precursor to unwelcome
we too
accumulate faces...
poem starts with undifferentiated whiteness, following with edges and definition, then the
beautiful but dangerous aspects...culminating in the similarity with our own
various faces...poem with photo at:  http:// polarity in
2.7k · Dec 2011
CharlesC Dec 2011
Mining we do
for survival and art..
repeating processes
both ancient and modern..
beginnings are quiet
seeded by necessity..
badgers dig holes
earthen tunnels and paths
powerful digging discoveries
sustaining of life..
coal miners diggings
dark labor below
planting cities above..
data mining
a technology
new in our time
computer's patterns emerging
never before seen..
startling creation
of many new
2.7k · Dec 2012
CharlesC Dec 2012
she said is
the thing with feathers
perched and singing
without words..

words must surely
be deeply hidden
within that song..
can we locate
another perch..?

and ask the feather
what are your words
and your song..?
the words we find
it's shape does bind..

here are the
sharp connectors and barbs..
barbules and hooklets
all of these
to hold a feather form..

and what of a song..?
a central shaft with ending quill
guides nutrition and light..
sacred texts penned
and that majestic flight..

hope extends...

(with appreciation for
Emily Dickinson's
2.6k · Aug 2014
The Pear
CharlesC Aug 2014
a pear it was
hanging alone ripened
awaiting a fall..
her experience then
many years remembered
a radiant shape
a pear and not
with an afterglow..
now the memory
one simple viewing
intercedes with a
Knowing hers alone
within which her
life finds flow
compassion lives...
2.6k · Apr 2012
Saturday Morning
CharlesC Apr 2012
Shrieking birds
front porch disturbance
lilac springtime
much does depend
this sunny
2.6k · Jan 2014
Her Seashore
CharlesC Jan 2014
A window frames
a brushy scene
but she asks:
does the sea reside
on the other side..
On quiet evenings
waves of healing
she hears them
on her Shore..

this her lot..
Remembered pain
the surgeon's stitches
a promised gain..
New movement
she is told
gifts transport
to her sea

Yet for her
for this while
another transport
to her Sea..
Midst her life
of quiet prayer
By her window
her Seashore
She is there…

for Sister Barbara
knee replacement
2.6k · Sep 2013
A Blue Jay
CharlesC Sep 2013
is framed by
Rain darkened branches
Together with
Reflecting morning sun..
These juxtaposed with
Readings mention of
Humility and awe..
Which now serve as
Field and frame
Blue Jay and all...
a logwood reflection
2.6k · Sep 2012
CharlesC Sep 2012
let us consider
declarations of independence
as remedies
for election ills..
democracy has been
by flows of money
reaching ego ends..
competing parties mirroring
yet exaggerating differences
knowing one and all
precious power is the prize..

allows consciousness to
arise at last..
good then is found
in left and right
shadow enclosing both..
paradox rules oppositions
and detachment soothes
the din of boisterous claims..
new freedom
brings new strength..
money flows
lose direction when
feedback polls confuse..
and democracy then
may deliver promise
once again...
image @
2.5k · Apr 2012
CharlesC Apr 2012
each of life's moments
are formed by shadow
and light..
rare moments of light connect
lingering shadows of habit..

a claimed experience of
light draws
objection and challenge..
challenger not aware
light is linked
with secluded shadow..
there keys are found
opening doors to
experienced light..

humanity streams from
a hidden source..
experienced only with
keys connecting darkly..
awakening to
the unmentioned

(this poem inspired by
the first paragraph of Emerson's
2.5k · May 2013
CharlesC May 2013
encloses all with
softened light:
exercise repetitions
as health advisory..
decisions on paths
taken and not..
regrets missed connections
weather limitations..
no shorthand LOLs
a throwback letter
to an earlier time
with instant delivery..
this best of both
old and new..
an ending with
an email of note...!
2.5k · Jan 2013
A woman ironing
CharlesC Jan 2013
She expressed again
what others have known..
the ironing chore found
quietly calming
bringing sometimes
bliss to a day..
What is behind this
smoothing of wrinkles
which serves such
wellbeing and peace..?
Perhaps we find here
in striking resemblance
an old story..
night becomes day
martha becomes mary
as our wrinkles
are pressed..
With thanks to Bette
her example and sevice
and for this new
ironingboard parable...!
2.4k · Aug 2013
CharlesC Aug 2013
ecstasy blooms and
landscape turns to
soaring flight..
these are times
our light within
experiences our
2.3k · Apr 2013
Animal Kingdom
CharlesC Apr 2013
A rock enclosure
horseshoe formed..
walls display
an animal kingdom:
serpent and tortoise
elephant and frog
a swift trout..
guarded by a
human appearing..
images stimulate
mind's search for
similarity without..
in finds out..
out is in and...
2.3k · Apr 2013
Real cooking
CharlesC Apr 2013
chopping the carrots
and the onions
with tears..
this fragmenting
in linear time..
now dialogue ensues
carrots and onions
join other friends
ingredients unite..!
a community in heat
transforms and shapeshifts..
an aroma announces
a new creation
a quantum delicacy
before her eyes...
2.2k · Sep 2016
The Purple Pumpkin
CharlesC Sep 2016
Waiting for the white paper
which underlies this writing
to loose a flow of words
finding Peace
in the facing-off:
a pumpkin and a purple cushion..
Henry David Thoreau chose
to sit on a solitary pumpkin
not a crowded purple cushion..
Many we know might charge him
with most slothful neglect..
Our venerable teachers
have exhorted us to
lift up the purple
with their assumption:
what is real is purple..
Yet we..startled by experience
find that very often
purple is pain..
We long to sit on that pumpkin
long since overgrown
with dead purple vines..
At last in our longing
the pumpkin may speak
of what lies in hiding
.. 'til just now..
with Peace emerging
the Pumpkin is Purple...
I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion. Henry David Thoreau
2.2k · May 2013
CharlesC May 2013
After last manicure
preparation for guests
concern for
their notice of
most careful work..
Yet something was
hidden concealed from
close diligence..
With the sun
a yellow explosion
just that single one..
deep yellow glory
a message of
in quick rising
2.2k · Dec 2012
grasping Emily
CharlesC Dec 2012
her poems
pierce us
to our core..
we must surrender
to her choice
of words..
a wrong word
she despairs
to malaria compares..

perhaps a way inside
enter her two doors..
watch these
switch and intertwine..
find ourselves on the  /

as we wrestle
are we grasping for an
Emily Ungraspable..?
preparing for Emily Dickinson
discussion...  :)
2.2k · Jul 2013
Candle and Flame
CharlesC Jul 2013
Carved in mud
horseshoe tracks..
he asked me
then remembered
she was correct..
literal reality here
now verified..
One track though
symmetry double
only this one
with appearance
holder and candle..
consciousness is
energized by
of difference..
nature reflects an
image of flame...
photo at blog...
2.2k · Sep 2012
CharlesC Sep 2012

how is our
breathing placed
in our center?
retaining awareness
for a few minutes?
an hour?
all day long?
this new awareness
breathing our center
connecting meanwhile
in here and
out there..
new consciousness
simply breathing
being breathed...? for image...
2.2k · Mar 2013
Journaling Cycle
CharlesC Mar 2013
our journaling discipline
formed in six steps:

some warmup words
perhaps drawing or photo
pen now at ready
where we jump in..

first we list
what's to be emptied
put it all down
pleasures and pains..

these are obstacles
label future and past
futilities recognized
we've trimmed our list..

with shorter list
peering behind entries
find lurking there
Light of the moment..

this is Creation
WE are creating
cleansing the old
Writing new birth..

mind now diffused
a Cycle made clear
a Voice was heard
new Narration appears..

*Now WE step
into our day
riding our Cycle
pedaling our Way...!
after a journaling
presentation this
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