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Ceida Uilyc Dec 2014
"Rain is the ******* of the Clouds.
Thunder its moans,
And Lightning its ****** from the Heavans.
Hence, when it comes down it gives life to plants, earth, men and Women, so exquisitely!"
Idea-Alaine Randall
Composed: Ceida Uilyc
Ceida Uilyc Dec 2014
.......... ..............................................
Co­ndemned bits of divinity
Call me to breathe again
Slowly Walk
man-eater buildings
if it suits the taste
Come over, bring an ecstatic Tuesday,
More wind and an exception to beauty's calls

You know me as the pretty mistake of two.
Moonsong of a million.
You will doe-eyedly
End me for a night's sleep.
Written by Thorne Heathenspring
Wuv Yew Thorney ;D
Ceida Uilyc Dec 2014
The time has come.
This shall not pass.
This shall become.
This is crucial.
This is the it.
This is the Rebel,
Rebelling against the Rebels of monotony.
This is the Rebellion against Echoes.
This rebellion is against all those who become the echoes,
With none a change, but just an echo.
The flame in me is ablaze.
The flame in me has numbed me to a blindness.
The blindness that sears my soul inside,
To split itself in the name of me, myself and I.
To beg the pardon of a million hearts that I have hurt,
Without the agony of pricking, but the agony of smothering.
This shall, just not pass!
Ceida Uilyc Nov 2014
In the dusty blind mist of the bloodless battleground,
All I could sniff was me and my sweaty stale sweat,
I winked hard in the hope that I will wake up wide this time,
In the Antarctic,
Wrapped in the endless horizons of searing white ice,
Hugging a ******* Rock Crystal that hugged me back,
Wrapped in his smothering arms,
Giving me something more than warmth.
I called that rock, my God.
As it gave me the ******* euphoria of a warmth,
That I was not capable of winking the capture of.
Suddenly a wind blew, a soft breeze.
I slipped down my Rock, my God.
Fell into the icy lifeless ice of the Antarctic ice.
Suddenly, my body stopped and my lungs ****** icy dose of air out of my warm nose.
Almost as sudden and heavy the breeze was,
I pulled my soul out of the stiff static body of mine,
And started climbing the rock, my God.
I climbed and climbed and perched on the head of the rock, my God,
And captured the pale curves of my lifeless body, lying astray,
Just miles away.
With each second the breeze went past, my God reduced his warming embrace a little slight,
I realized I was melting into the rock, my God.
I withered and threw my hands at the clouds,
But all that the clouds willed to part was the icy tears of an early morning sky.
Falling into the ecstasy of the ultimate free fall,
I fell without a thud,
into the rock, my God.
I did not choke, cry or whimper.
For my God was awaiting my soul, with greatest Grandeur,
In the void of the Deep ******* Rock, my God.
I saw a million me, glazing, glaring and galloping away from me.
For the rock I called my God,
had eyes now.
It had searing red blood-shot eyes,
I could sense the waves around me trying to guard me and beckon me to run before I was mutilated by the God.
God, he reached into my toes and bowed into me.
I slipped again, but I never fell again.
And he screamed a chant that drained the remnant li'l life outta me.
And, then I never heard the thud but the cosmos whizzing past me, forever.
And he whispered Luck for my tirade, charade and ultimate abode!
*This is not a trip on ayahuasca, but merely a result of an imagination and a dream about Mother Ayahuasca*
Ceida Uilyc Nov 2014
Oh, the reality.
How different it looks from Clogdance.
Bereft of the muck and the mush,
It looked overdone and suffocating.

Gilbert thought Clogdance was too much.
Well, Gilbert never wore glasses.
And, Gilbert had an amalgamate of yellow and blue,

He’d always dreamt of the dullness.
And, the blindingly searing colours,
Of Clogdance were just not the right cup for him.

So, Gilbert walked fast.
And, Gilbert walked far.
To find the bubble to break out of and move into the alternate,

Gilbert had wanted just the normalcy.
A right dosage to appreciate his otherwise
Worthless an existence, too languid.
Bright, and pricking and smothering.
The colours forever, was leered into his skin,
In the days of Clogdance,
Gilbert believed.

Well, Gilbert walked faster.
And Gilbert walked farther.
Hoping to live the numbness to retreat to the searing bright,
Gilbert did never stop,
nor turn around and look back.

Gilbert walked for forty years,
Through the white shores of Paradiso
To Teal Whale like water Wholes,
Carved into and flowing in shapes.

Gilbert shut his eyes.
Gilbert thought he’d be blinded soon.
Gilbert disagreed with all the logic and science
That Clogdance had to sacrifice.
Sloppy Gods and their hermitage taste buds too bland,
And corroded off,
Off the ability to taste any,
Had simply maddened Gilbert.

Gilbert wanted to live.
Gilbert wanted to live without the charity of the old Gods.
Gilbert wanted to, just Live.
Gilbert walked fatigued,
But, steady and stable.
Gilbert’s brown Wolf-like curls were silver streaks
in the darkness too slow.
Gilbert stopped.
Gilbert inhaled.
Gilbert sat down,
And, then he slept for an year-long.

He woke up in the Sahara, on Earth.

All around, Gilbert saw the streaks reflecting his youth.
Of an era past,
in the deal for greed.
Or a plain, pleasant contentment,
Gilbert thought.
The brown jet.
Unending dunes of a beautiful radiant Brown,
Gilbert found no green, or white,lest his own grey discoloured strands now.

Brown and brown,
and brown and dull,
Gilbert widened his eyes at the thought.
Gilbert gasped and groaned
in his new-found Mortality.

Gilbert panted and heaved aloud,
For water, warmth and comfort.
For a little colour to fuel
his faint ‘browned’ life.

Gilbert crawled in the dunes of Sahara for two years.
None an oasis did he find,
So forth,
He died.

To be buried deeper into the merciless dust.
Of a heavier Legacy.

Brown with the Brown,
Gilbert died Unknown.

And, young.
And, dull.
And, a mortal.

And, none knew
What ate Gilbert Clogdance.
Ceida Uilyc Nov 2014
We were lying on the lawn
In the park when the Shooting star,
Made its first appearance.

"Make a wish honey, you'll not live forever",
He told me.

I looked at him with the same contempt,
I’d given birth to,
Since the day of our holy oath.

"There's an old man called God,
in the sky is what world preaches.


There is just a man in the sky, ******* shooting stars too hot n bright.”
I finished with sparkling euphoria.

"you ******”,
He addressed me, to deliver a mocking pat,
But his heavy muscles excited itself too much,
And my skin broke red a drop
Upon his slap too tight.

"***** mouthed *****",
He emphasized his love again,
Hence I shut my mouth too *****.
And stared at the starless sky.

Sarah the ***** passed by,
And he asked her if she'd spotted the shooting star.

Sarah's lips shrunk too little,
And she nodded a hefty no.
And he got up on his legs,
And walked away from me.

I saw him moving his hands down her jeans,
And Sarah bent further down.

Then, I saw another shooting star.

And my rage wished for a gun in my palm,

Lo, there it was.
A sleek black gun too comfy in my palm.

I could see their back.
I could see Sarah bending,
Responding to his fingers down her jeans.
And then he pulled down her negligee' too transparent,
Ripping off at his touch.

Then, he turned and looked at me.

I saw his eyes widening the focus on my gun
And his brows creasing.

I clicked the safety off.

I wanted to lock the eye contact,
And savor it for my eternal future.

And I shot once, straight into his heart,
That dragged him to the ground,
Dead with a tent in his pants.

Then, I shot again.
Just to sweep the obscenity off the frame,
His *******.

And then, I looked at Sarah.

Another shooting star passed by.

'Make a wish hon, you'll not live forever'
I told her.
She closed her eyes.

I shot her four times.

Mouth, ******, left
And then the right breast, just to emphasize.

And then, something heavy stuck my chest.
I looked at Sarah and the big gun in her left hand.
I gaped and gasped at my bullet hole.

I said,
"Shot with a shooting star,
I should've ordered a tank.”

She shot me thrice, in the head.

Then, we're both dead.

And then, there was just stars.
Ceida Uilyc Sep 2014
I remember the millions arms that has comforted me till date,
I also remember that in this twilight of my voyage called life,
Not one but altogether only,
Could satisfy me from all aspects.
As warm as the tears almost rolling down my wrinkled cheeks,
I paused to remember having seen and felt all the zillions of experiences I had ever dreamt of,
All the houses under the dream Devadarus lived under,
All the wonders that has rushed the blaze in my veins,
Before, On or After, for definite!
I stand staring into this abyss of seeing the faintly sparkling firefly of dots,
Of the cosmos of linking all that I have dreamt of seeing, smelling, feeling and hearing,
to have already surpassed me,
Before, On or After, for definite!
And all that I look forward is the cloud-clad sparkling and coziest fluffy heaven of my dreams,
If all has to be true,
That part for definite should be too!
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