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 Jun 2012 Cee
Jacqueline Le Sueur
tossing and turning
in that chambered space
wakefulness and sleep

moving like molasses
in my veins

no way out
©Jacqueline Le Sueur. All Rights Reserved
 May 2012 Cee
Alexandra G
 May 2012 Cee
Alexandra G
caught up in the game, he ran my mind tired.
i was crazed and my body wired.
staggered at the thought of being without,
my tired mind filled with doubt,
i couldn't live this one out.
my eyes scrambled from face to face,
heart to heart,
the innumerable parts to this true tale of two who never knew of this legends end were left isolated,
self-contained in their indigenous state.
warnings fired, screaming through the heavens,
adorned to the nines and past the elevens.
the immediate lash or forever's perpetual dream,
the masses laid down without a word.
not a soul resisted the fate of what was to become.
my mind was stormed,
clouded with the unmapped essence of nothing's everything.
so i too sat,
in silence and tears.
 May 2012 Cee
I almost forgot
after the storm, chasing
rainbows in the sky

and shown a double by
my very own prism
 May 2012 Cee
Walking in place,
each step, an embrace:
my toes, to the floor,
then heel; once more.
Not forward nor back,
extension, contract:
changing position,
persistent, the stiction.
The weight of the floor,
a shiftable platform
below me, it mocks;
consistent, the clock.
Keeping time, keeping beat,
never complete.
Inside me, the race,
quicker than pace.
Inside me, the surge,
more to discourage:
pumping, through, and again
like steps, now and then.
Forward, though same,
it is here i remain.
 May 2012 Cee
Yandisa mhlana
Let time and space be captured in a picture, let the beauty of the world be found in one place.

Let me adore the treasure searched for by kings. Let me look at your face and believe paradise exists...
 May 2012 Cee
Thoughts of you
 May 2012 Cee
Perfect night
Your skin like crystal
Under red blue green Roman candle lights
Bursting spark where it once was dark
Forget about the other day
That life you left is far away
Your words feel real now as if they hold some weight
Floating off like smoke to an empty space
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