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 Dec 2012 Cee
Seán Mac Falls
If I touch your face—
With lips, cool as cave water,
I am wishing well.
 Jul 2012 Cee
JJ Hutton
 Jul 2012 Cee
JJ Hutton
the coffee was cold.
a day old.
i heated it.
poured it.
fought through it.

put on a b-film.
something about crap
films made our lives
feel more fulfilling.

we laughed.
exposed every flaw.
we held hands.
loving glances.

i have to wake up in three
hours, but all i can think
is life is luck,
even for the dumbest of us,
when you tell your
eyes to open up.
Copyright 2010 by Joshua J. Hutton
 Jul 2012 Cee
AM David
Little Lies
 Jul 2012 Cee
AM David
Just like ceaseless
Drops of water, that
Over time, wear down the sturdiest of rocks,

So can little lies,
Those clever evasions and half-truths,
Erode the most stalwart of hearts.
 Jul 2012 Cee
Louise Glück
The great thing
is not having
a mind. Feelings:
oh, I have those; they
govern me. I have
a lord in heaven
called the sun, and open
for him, showing him
the fire of my own heart, fire
like his presence.
What could such glory be
if not a heart? Oh my brothers and sisters,
were you like me once, long ago,
before you were human? Did you
permit yourselves
to open once, who would never
open again? Because in truth
I am speaking now
the way you do. I speak
because I am shattered.
 Jul 2012 Cee
a spot
 Jul 2012 Cee
I want to go with your foreign body
beyond these man-made lanes
and artificial light,
take you further than radio waves wander;
find a spot where we can make a blanket
of rays and seashells,
and when we're still,
 Jun 2012 Cee
Megan Hundley
It must be the silence.
riddles on the other line-
rise of breath, slow muted sighs
raw red ripples
what are your rhythms
to me

I whispered for bravery into swollen knots of a weeping willow
sweeping scarred strength rough on my pulse
revealing to the roots my daily face to face with
not knowing
and the belief that I can wait

as a coo soothes a napping field
rocking, deep in care free slumber-  
I feel you too
will someday brush across my cheek, careful
sending troubles with a hush
quiet as the day shy's it's gaze to the night

There will always be a pause
escalating expectations, suspended seconds
when the door heaves closed
and I'm tugged into innocence
clutching the air for a blankie, holding close
the possibility everything will be alright

I keep a wilting daisy on the floor beside my bed
dampened by the shadows, colored by my eyes
it will dry completely, defeated on the carpet
yet there will be more
and I will always fill the vase with water
for a friend
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