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 Jul 2013 Catherine
maybella snow
i'm not suicidal, but
         if a truck was about to hit me
         i wouldn't scream
i don't have a death wish, but
         if i was stuck underwater
         i wouldn't struggle
i don't want to die, but
         if someone had a gun barrel at my head
         i wouldn't beg to live
                          i'd smile
 Jul 2013 Catherine
There are no right words
to express my feelings
So I write-
to begin my healing

For when I lilt,
"You make me laugh"-
Twould better be, "Life
with you? The better half"

And when I blurt,
"You're beautiful"-
I really mean, "Your every
glance enchants my soul"

Then to insist, "I love you"-
is simply to say,
"I could want no more
but for you to stay"

Lo, within the declaration,
"I don't care"-
I should have put,
"Please, please, please... let's repair"

And oh my wailing,
"Will you leave me alone?"-
Could have been, "please
chip away this heart of stone"

That time I hissed,
"I hate this"
was truly, "it's been
too long since we last kissed"

Maybe a curse;
Maybe a sign
I shouldn't speak-
bottom line.

To express the feelings
of this heart of mine;
I choose the wrong words
all the time.
Wrote stream of conscious early in the morn, feel free to comment/critique and look at my other stuff!
I often
you were mine
I often
you are not mine
I often
you loved me half as much as I love you
I often
that you do not love me half as much as I love you
I often
that this idea I create of you wanting me was real
I often
that you have your own idea with her
I'll always
remember that I will never be good enough to have you

Hope you like it!
Satan is not this red guy
with pointy horns coming out of it's head
holding a pitchfork with it's left hand
he's just a beautiful soul
mistaken as an evil creature

 Jul 2013 Catherine
maybella snow
gently placing two dainty daffodils
into a cracked vase                                              
holding it under a cold running tap          
and half filling it with water
the daffodils sway slightly                    
caught in the ripples and eddies                                              
made by the small space and flowing water            
their fragrance is thrown upon the place
as if wanting everyone to smell                          
their powdery yellow fragrance        
setting it onto the middle of the table                    
they live comfortably                              
until the water slowly seeps out the faint cracks
water staining mahogany wood
the flowers wilt long before they should have                
with life saving water spilt everywhere                      
they loose their brightness  
and forget their sweet smell    
to become lifeless nothings                          
settled into a waterless vase
title relating to something someone said to me once.
 Jul 2013 Catherine
maybella snow
it's difficult not to feel so empty              
a glass of water less than half filled    
when you know                
there are so many girls/women                
who are bleeding
because they're over it                
they don't care anymore        
they're spilling blood
on rooftops                            
in bathrooms                        
behind locked doors            
but yet                                                        
they all have reasons                          
you can't judge any one of them                          

this is one of the reasons
why i don't want to become
a mother                                
why would i hold                                      
a dependent baby inside me                    
when i'm dependent also                          
and the world will corrupt them anyway                      
like it has to me
where my mother, wouldn't know if i stained tiles

it's called bubble wrapping                    
overprotecting your children                  
so they grow up and can't handle the world    
but really                                                                          
maybe their parents are just too      
of what happened to them,      
to let it happen to their dependent child                

the thought of becoming a mother                                              
is difficult to me                                              
i wouldn't want to ruin a new life                
i'd hate to know i didn't fix it                
even if i never knew, guilt at the world
corrupting a child
my child                
would be too      
too bear.
 Jul 2013 Catherine
maybella snow
my body has shut down
    i move and function
                    but my brain is nothing
         mush with no substance
   i can't hold together
                        the glue isn't strong enough
i'm not strong enough
         without you
                           you're the filling
   the once missing pieces
                      now you're gone
                              and i'm falling apart again
i'll pick up your pieces
     if you put me together again
 Jul 2013 Catherine
maybella snow
i remember the butterflies you gave me                                          
well, you were the reason they fluttered                                          
deep in my stomach, then migrated                        
to the depths of my heart                        
butterflies are small                                                            ­                    
flighty creatures                                                        ­                            
but they're                                                          ­                              
delicate and fragile                                                                  ­               
easily crushed
in the palm of your hand
how long                                                             ­   
will the butterflies                                                      ­          
inhabiting my heart                                                            ­    
live?                                                       ­       
before their thin,
delicately patterned
wings are crushed
into flightlessness
five poems in the one poem, if that makes sense
 Jul 2013 Catherine
maybella snow
studying my face today
      you said
  "i wish i had your flawless skin"
               my skin is far from flawless
you can't see the scars
        lacing my limbs and chest
so maybe i don't have pimples
                 but my skin is not
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