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Catherine Jul 2013
i never expected
to love you
this much
but i don't regret
a single bit of it

Catherine Jul 2013
I would hold your hand
for when the nightmares
alarm you so you can't
go back to sleep

I would hold your hand
when we walk through
streets and pathways
so that we won't feel lonely

I would hold your hand
for when we walk at night
and you say
"it's just darkness"

I would hold your hand
for when we depart
but all this time it was
not real
and you were never
mine to hold

i really like you but oh hi u don't know i exist thats cool
Catherine Jul 2013
is it selfish of me to
want you for

10 words
Catherine Jul 2013
it's a bliss to just
lie down and think of nothing

but when you hear
tick tock,
tick tock

with every second
and so it begins to taunt you

by then you know
you've wasted time that
can't be reversed

Catherine Jul 2013
the sun shines
and the sky is clear
like the colours of your eyes
though yours are a little darker
and i would spend
every single minute
of this day with you until
the goddesses bring out
their dark sheet for the night sky  

but oh, darling
you won't be beside me
and so i shut myself inside
waiting for you to come
which, i'm afraid,
will never happen

Catherine Jul 2013
this typical question I receive
confuses me,
tears me slightly
and causes me to lie

"do you prefer living in ...........
or now in .........."

would you prefer living
in a place you lived your
whole life
with places you knew
friends you loved
landscapes to visit

or a place
where you felt intimidated
no where to go
having limited friends
and having to just live with it?

I used to live in Indonesia for 12 years
and I moved to England last year.

Everyday I'm nostalgic towards Indonesia and it helps me write

I have never talked about this so this is a little fact you learn everyday
Catherine Jul 2013
it took me a while
to realise that
i might not ever
meet the people that
makes my day better

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