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Caterina Correia Jan 2022
She had a throbbing sensation in her finger that looked bruised
A throbbing in which her blood boiled through her veins to attack her stability
She needed relief from a bubble of pain;
She needed to feel all normal again
Finally a light pulled her through a
A pathway was made to guide her through the walls of the castle floors
The approach was like a treasure, she hasnt seen
A sharp object she can use to stop the throbbing on her skin
A voice of evil whispered in her ear
Touch the spindle was a command she was forced to hear
Like a magnet, her finger couldnt release,
A ***** to her body, put a force in her knees
Fell to the floor
Fell unconscious
Fell into a deep sleep
Fell so sudden
A sleep-like death was the queen’s intention
A crave for a princess for her to be weakened
Caterina Correia Dec 2021
Pick me up like Im a box;
And carry me to a place meant for you to be alone
All this ribbon that binds me, are my chains that will free me
The paper that covers me is taped closed to hide an image
My body is a box
My string is the ribbon
My clothes is the paper
So throw me;
Im the present underneath your sheets thats green like a tree
****** me;
Now you’re ready to unwrap me
Caterina Correia Dec 2021
I learned how to cry by speaking to a mirror
I learned how to drown from depression, and all of my tears
I learned that my nightmares will always be my fears
I learned that anxiety will stay with me for years
I learned from myself; from my mind,  that the darkest room is deep down inside
My mind convinced me; and told me to let go
But my heart had the final decision to say no
The convincer’s job is to steal weakness,
But the decision maker’s job is to be the strongest
Caterina Correia Nov 2021
I can tell you to kiss me,
But your in control of how long
I can tell you to strip me,
But your in control of the amount of clothes to take off
I can tell you to grab me,
But your in control of where to start
I can tell you to throw me,
But your in control of how far
I can tell you to hold me down
But your in control of how tight
I can tell you to mark me,
But your in control of how many hickeys
I can tell you to pull my hair,
But your in control of how hard
I can tell you to **** me,
But your in control of how rough
Caterina Correia Nov 2021
Your last of being healthy, then I made myself sick
Your last creation, then I created a mess
Your last gift, then I stopped wrapping
Your last movie night, then I stopped watching
Your last communication, then I went distant from the world
Your last strength, then I went weak
Your last drive, then I crashed
Your last holiday, then I stopped celebrating
Your last laugh, then I couldnt smile
Your last hug, then I went numb
Your last meal, then I couldnt eat
Your last word, then I couldnt speak
Your last blink, then I couldnt see
Your last breath, then I couldnt breathe
Your last heartbeat, then my heart started to bleed
Caterina Correia Nov 2021
I tasted a sweet saliva on my lips; on my tongue
I felt a gentle, but rough touch against my figure
I felt a warm sensation on my skin; inside my body
My hair was trapped in between your hands; pulling as my blood rushes to my head
And then I felt drowsy, as my tension released itself
You got my eyes rolling at the back of my head when im underneath you
My hands went numb from the lack of blood flow; from being squeezed so tight
Uncovered from our clothes, but we were covered in sweat
You gripped every inch of my body, while I engraved my nails in yours
My body shaked
My body got weak
I couldnt stand, but I was standing against the wall
The cold wall warmed up my skin; warmed up my bones
Your body pushed me
Your lips pinned me
Your hands arrested me
And then my heart raced; as it slowed down from all the body change from being relaxed
Caterina Correia Nov 2021
Things can make you impatient to the point where you throw them
The time can make you stressed to the point where you become late
People can make you angry to the point where you hurt them
But nothing & noone makes you insane from just one thing;  just one person
Your mind can break you to the point where you go insane
So those things, and people that you deal with, are just temporary fixes
The one that stays forever,
Is the one behind your skin
Behind the skin is a heart, bones, the mind, & soul,
Its the face when you look in the mirror
Its the enemy that will never go
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