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cass Dec 2016
Its not just my heart the opened and made a place for you. My whole body made a place for you, the bone structure in my hands changed so that your fingers could fit comfortably beside mine.
I changed for you.
You didn't change.
You gave up.
cass Dec 2016
Mosaics, a combination of elememts forming a less coherent whole. That's what we are.
cass Nov 2016
I am fire
I want to burn
Burn my soul
This flame will devour all
cass Nov 2016
Leave a canvas for me
dear love
to paint
Your paint coated fingers will caress my cheek
And I will cover you in
cangiante strokes of yellow and red
I will fill every part of it
with the story us
cass Nov 2016
Break my love
Break into a thousand pieces
I will be here
I will kiss you
hold you
Pick you up
Love you
Make you soup
Wrap you up inside me
I will make terrible jokes
And tell you about the moment I knew I loved you
I will be quiet with you
And whisper kind things
Turn on Harry Potter
And listen too you play your guitar and tell you how talented you are
Because you are
I will be here
  Nov 2016 cass
Madison Brooke
You are not a work of art.
Has the Mona Lisa ever breathed? Did the Venus de Milo blush the first time a sweaty shaking nervous palm slid into hers?
The girl with the pearl earring never laughed so hard her stomach hurt. Klimt’s gold-shrouded lovers never heard a song so beautiful it was hard to speak.
But you?
You have lost yourself in the pages of a book. You have felt gravel shred the skin of your bare knees, cried when your goldfish turned belly-up in its glass bowl, extracted a sliver from your thumb. Last summer when the night seemed to stretch a million miles in either direction you sat in the backseat of your best friend’s ****** car, windows open, your eyes closed as the music and the soupy August air washed over you.
When you took that painting class you studied the swirls and whorls of Starry Night and traced the careful strokes of a master painter. What your teacher never told you to do was stare at your eyes in the mirror and do the same.
You spent all those years in awe of the lounging picnickers formed by millions of miniscule spots so close together they formed a whole. You never marveled at your own skin, at the pores and goosebumps and freckles that make up your flesh.
So begin.
You are more than marble. You are more than brushstroke. You are soul and sweat and skin and blood and life. There was something so important that the greats always failed to capture: that awful, aching, breathtakingly beautiful thing keeping  your eyes blinking, your synapses firing, your heart beating and feeling.
You are not a work of art. You are so much more than that.
cass Nov 2016
He is
the very thing that keeps me grounded
He is
the most kind
He is
the most imperfect perfect person I have ever had the chance to kiss
He is
the person my heart belongs to
I haven't told you this, but I love you. Maybe when you read this you'll know.
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