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cass Nov 2016
Once on a Tuesday evening you kissed me, you looked at me and I wasn't just me I was ten million other things, and I knew by your soft touch you loved me. In the way you said my name I knew.
cass Nov 2016
I opened up parts of myself to you and finally they healed like they were supposed to.
cass Nov 2016
I want you to grow your hair out. The halo of tiny curls that have begun to tangle and coil around your ears make it impossible for my mind to focus on anything but running my fingers through them.
cass Oct 2016
Memories of her were like tidal waves, you would get washed up in wonderful thoughts of her
Only to crest and fall to the shore
Once you understood you had only memories
cass Oct 2016
I want it all, all of you
like your the last drop of my favorite drink.
I want to unzip your every secret and fill them with sunlight.
Feel my cheeks burn with the heat of your lips on mine.
Feel your warm breath on my neck and wrap you up in silk sheets.
I want to open you up and fall inside
Ill hold you closer, and we'll pretend that we're eachothers oxygen.
cass Oct 2016
Memories of our first date still
reside in my coat pocket.
Tiny stars on my *******
remind me of how I waited
for someone to make me feel
like the sky was made so that we could lay together
and name stars after each other.
I'll always think of your laugh
and how somehow you get it into your mind
that I've done something cute
and it makes me kind of incredibly happy
in a silly giddy, seeing stars, get dizzy, smile stretching way
kissing my hands my head and fingers
you make me feel so comfortable being myself
in the little while I have seen your kind face
I have felt the most happy and the most wanted
cass Oct 2016
Scoop me up and out
leave me with nothing but the pale silhouette of touch
All I want is to speak with you
understand your mind
carry your hand inside mine
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