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155 · Nov 2017
bedtime thoughts
Cassie Nov 2017
When I close my eyes
They all fumble to escape from their lidded prison
They begin as butterflies bumping into each other but turn into a swarm of bees, pushing their buzzing bodies to the surface
Until I am forced to open my eyes to relieve the pressure
And feed them the honey they've been fumbling for
154 · Nov 2017
Cassie Nov 2017
It's closing up my airway
It's lurching up my throat
It hides in open doorways
It smirks when doors are closed

It shows itself in salty streams
It hides itself in smiles
He may be on vacation but he'll be back in a while
153 · Jul 2018
Cassie Jul 2018
I'm sick of waking up hungover, sober, sad, anxious, self diagnosed hypomanic (the therapist and psychiatrist say it's a no)
Downright, not right
But there's nothing to do
But to pry the sheets from my being
Pray for the best
And wade myself though it
152 · Mar 2019
Cassie Mar 2019
hell now is a place that once tasted a lot like heaven
I'm burning up in rays I once basked in
hypomania (self diagnosed) used to be fun honestly but now it's just really annoying and getting in the way of me being who I want to be
152 · Oct 2016
Cassie Oct 2016
i hate the way i say "i love you"
before even finishing the i
i am waiting on you
to tell me not what i need you to know
but what i needed to hear
Cassie Dec 2017
They say home is where your heart is
And my heart is in my chest
There is no need for searching north to south, east to west

And if I don't like how my home feels
I'll do some renovations
I just must be sure to focus on the foundation rather than the decorations
149 · Oct 2016
Cassie Oct 2016
I know what I want
I know who I need
148 · Nov 2017
Cassie Nov 2017
Sometimes I get so angry at the world for tearing us apart
And so sad

I guess it's time
To smoke another bowl
Find another new antidepressant
Discover and create new pieces of myself
So I may forget the pieces this universe has stolen from me
This cruel world that sometimes I think knows what is best for me
And others I feel is this uncaring, unfeeling thing

And I guess this time, I should not let my chin slide over my shoulder on my way out of your life
But despite my wishes, I hear my neck snap in selfish opposition

One day, again, it will grow stiff
And maybe then the universe will turn to me again with it's arms open
147 · Jun 2018
I Think
Cassie Jun 2018
You are a possible poison
Please, wouldn't you rather me live?
Than risk watching (perhaps for a while, perhaps forever) my spirit die if yours left mine?

Think wisely,
Because I think I'd rather live a life half-lived
Than have lived fully with you only to lose you

(I think)
147 · Aug 2018
Cassie Aug 2018
You hate me,
don't you?
and I'm not pretty enough
to fight for,
I know
I'm sorry I could never be what you deserve

and maybe the saddest part
is that I could have been
if only I pushed myself harder

but then my face would be pressed so far into the ground
my bones would have broken
flesh would have peeled from my face

is the in-between
I've never lived it
But I know that,
That is where I would thrive

I dream of it,

It waltzes on my lips, between the folds of my never tired brain

And that place, I fear more than anything, is the one state
I'll never have the gas to get to
The worst part is this is all in my head. The person had never really done or said anything to make me feel this way. It's just my own feelings of inadequacy.

Thinking more about it though, I wrote this about a current relationship, but the feelings were definitely old fears sparked by a past relationship (my first and longest to date).
147 · Oct 2018
Cassie Oct 2018
Oh, I can see you from the corner of my eye
Feel your familiar fingers brush past my shoulder

My dear old friend

Could you perhaps, not come by

Every time the days get shorter and darker

So many good things are to come despite your cast

And I can already feel you blotting them out with your ink

Even diluted, it ruins the picture

Please, kindly dear, keep your black holes away from my stars
147 · Dec 2017
me too?
Cassie Dec 2017
text to my best friend:
i don't know what to make of it or myself at the moment honestly.
146 · Aug 2016
Cassie Aug 2016
More than anything I would love to find my other half
To stand in an empty room, knowing I have grasped her hand and pulled her in and up from the depths
To look in the mirror and see the only person who makes me complete
145 · Jun 2018
a bird and her key
Cassie Jun 2018
she plucked out her own feathers
threw herself against the wire that enclosed her
not because she could not set herself free
but because she had the key
and was too afraid to use it
142 · Oct 2021
Cassie Oct 2021
You called me **** drunk again and asked me if I ever thought maybe I'd died and this was the afterlife

I said no

Not because I was done with your "pseudo-deep" questions and theories

Like you telling me how hard it is to be an empath after you got done ******* on me

But because I didn't want to tell you what I really thought

If there is an afterlife, you'd think it'd be kind of fair at least. I've done nothing to deserve this level of hell.

The level of hell you cornered me into.
139 · Jan 2019
Cassie Jan 2019
it feels like
the effort and love I put forth
is not reciprocated
but I know I too, need my breaks

I can't tell if I am being too forgiving
or too harsh
it feels like I give everything I have in me and receive little in return from the person who means most to me a lot of the time right now.
139 · Jul 2019
ride or die
Cassie Jul 2019
I love you more than I've ever loved anything.
And I love very, very hard.

I will stand by your side no matter what tides come.
No matter how strong.

But if me leaving will make you better

I will.

I will do anything for you.

But just know I will never find anyone else.

I will wait for you forever.

I would rather die alone than with someone who isn't you by my side.
137 · Jun 2021
Cassie Jun 2021
Are you the enemy
Dressed in sheep's clothing

Or just a scared sheep baring its teeth
That my eyes mistook for a wolf

I don't know

I don't know
136 · Apr 2019
Cassie Apr 2019
I don't want to write poetry anymore
I don't want to feel the need to
I just want to be me without feeling the need to explain myself  (mostly for myself since nobody knows I have this site)
Just a thought
136 · Jan 2017
Cassie Jan 2017
This pit in my stomach is a black hole
Threatening to absorb all of the light in my life
135 · Sep 2018
Cassie Sep 2018
I never want them
To know I struggled

They loved me so much

But I want others to know I have struggled despite this love
A part of me feels at least a good little amount of people could relate to this feeling. I feel very guilty for being sad/anxious despite the love and support I receive.
134 · Sep 2018
Cassie Sep 2018
I think I was only made to be a mother
But this century is telling me to be more
And I'm scared I can't
133 · Mar 2018
Cassie Mar 2018
no matter where you go or who you meet
you one day, at some point find yourself back at home, alone with yourself
and I am trying my damdest to make myself a place I am not afraid of staying alone
I would love actually, one day to find my greatest joy and solitude there (here)
130 · Sep 2020
Cassie Sep 2020
I'm sorry to myself for apologizing more than you do when you're the one who should be apologizing.

But you probably don't even remember what you should apologize for since you were drunk now that I'm realizing it, so I guess I can't hold you to those.

I'm so emotionally and mentally exhausted of always being the bigger/more mature person with someone I should feel is my partner in this rocky life.

I've always felt like the rock in this relationship.

He sometimes has, but I always have been.

Just when I trust he is, he falls into his lying (about his addictions) and addictions again.

It's draining not to have someone very emotionally dependable.

I know its not his fault.

He has addictions, and mental troubles of his own.

So I never hold him to it, but I am personally feeling the weight of his meanness, his hopelessness.

And to know I can't stop being someone's rock or else they'll break even further than they already have when I already feel like I've broken and need help of my own is getting to be too much.

And I can't get help because I'm worried if people (a therapist or something like that) know he's an addict and I need help with my anxiety again someday CPS might check on us and see if he is a fit parent (if we ever have kids-that's a whole other discussion).

I feel stuck.

So, so stuck.

I don't know what to do anymore.

If he wouldn't get so angry with me I could deal with this so much better.

If we could fight this as a team.

Instead of me fighting for/against him.
I feel like this relationship is eating me alive but I love him too much to leave. I also know he's just misplacing his anger and doesn't even want to drink so I feel bad for even feeling this way towards him sometimes. And he says he doesn't think he'd be here if it wasn't for me. As I said, feeling very stuck.
130 · Nov 2018
Cassie Nov 2018
Cigarettes on a wooden porch and it's pouring
And I've got a paperback and half a pack still left
The pages of the paperback are thin and stiff
And give off that smell
Like the rain releasing the scent of the dirt and grass from the earth
Just older


I'm home.
130 · Mar 2017
Cassie Mar 2017
I'm meeting myself again and she's beautiful but she's so sad,
I'm scared for her.
Cassie Jun 2018
when it's been a while since the last time
when the rain broke free from the clouds
and I finally breathe in that rain kissed Earth
my bones sometimes become weak and weep

I too, know the feeling
of having no other choice but to let the water in me seep from what sees and touches this Earth
more often than not, breaking things that have been growing for years
without a thought or a care,

Blind to what stands in front of me.

I may be a horrible person

but maybe the best thing to do is to accept that I am not all bad, or all good

I am just another force of nature

the only difference is

I can control my direction and destruction

if I so choose
127 · May 2017
Cassie May 2017

I looked down at my thighs today, slightly wide and striped and said

"I respect you"

in my head without even thinking about it or meaning to

And honestly, I'm the proudest of myself that I've been in a while.
127 · Sep 2018
Cassie Sep 2018
I think
There is maybe a mutual understanding
Both for the best interest of ourselves and each other
That we put ourselves first
That we know we'd be okay
Though maybe not quite so happy
If the other left

A part of me thinks this love
May mean more than
The one who'd risk his life because
Without me this man could still live
He just would rather his life with mine in it
Attempting to be sane.
124 · Apr 2017
Cassie Apr 2017
honey, you can't save anyone but yourself and honey,
nobody can save you but yourself.
123 · Aug 2018
Cassie Aug 2018
you think you know
how loud this voice goes
how low
you haven't the slightest clue
the damage I could do
when you hurt what this heart gaurds
122 · Aug 2019
Cassie Aug 2019
I am tired of smiling
I am always looking for something to smile for
Any respite from this brain
But just as much because maybe it'll make others happy too

But the corners of my mouth are cramping
Cramping into a grimace

And I am tired of grimacing

I am tired of myself
120 · Dec 2017
Cassie Dec 2017
feel like I'm about to get ****** over reall nice
and the worst part is it's my own doing.
I really need to stop doing things that will help others but hurt me
119 · Aug 2018
Cassie Aug 2018
why do we stay
for people who would not do the same
if we did what they were doing to us
to them?
119 · Aug 2021
to all of my people
Cassie Aug 2021
Knock knock,
Is anybody home?

Yes, but the doors are locked and the curtains are drawn

You beg me to unlock a window, a door, anything

I've begged myself too

Racked my brain trying to remember how I last found my way to you, bloodied my hands attempting to break my way through

I can just never seem to find a doorway when I most need it

I promise I will let you in when I do

And I hope you understand this is just as painful and frustrating for me as it is for you

I love you💜
I pray you can see it💜
Very bad anxiety, like social anxiety, is making it hard for me to talk to and spend time with people I love right now. I just can't focus and overanalyze what I say. Trying not to get down. I'll be back to myself again soon💜
117 · Nov 2018
Cassie Nov 2018
I don't want to be like this

Hopeless for no good reason
Anxious for nothing
Sitting on my *** worrying myself to bits when I know for a fact getting up and doing something would help

I'm sorry
115 · Sep 2018
Cassie Sep 2018
I really think sometimes
I was born to be an artist

This brain
This heart
These sleepless nights

But these hands
Tremble through every art piece
And spasm across strings
throat or instrument
And the words I write
I know, aren't as good as they feel getting out

I must remember
That's what art is
Art is your soul escaping you

Even if the end product, you can't stand to look at or listen to

Art is soul escaping from body

And if you

Or I in this matter

Can't appreciate that

Well, you thought you knew what art was

But you don't
115 · Feb 2018
Cassie Feb 2018
Let myself go?
I have been fighting to live
Not just survive
So if a couple of pounds is my punishment
I will take it
With a side of fries
115 · Jul 2019
Cassie Jul 2019
I wish I could make you understand

How much I trust you

But also how much I love you

And how much I worry

When you slur your words
or your "tells" come out.

I don't know what to do.
I don't want to accuse you but I don't want to let you slip back into being addicted to something

I wish I had the brain and the heart to sleuth it out.

But I'm too tired right now.

And I am so sorry for the both of us.
Cassie Jul 2021
I want to be chosen

Not by default

I don't want to be your only option

Because it makes me feel like you love me less for who I am

And more for the empty space I fill in your heart

I don't trust that I am your top choice

Honestly you've proven to me many times that I'm not, I just refused to admit it

But now I will.

I choose myself.

I don't need you to.
114 · May 2021
Cassie May 2021

Do you even know who I am?

Did you even really care to find out or just need a companion?


Do you even know who he is?

Did you even really care to find out or just need a companion?
112 · May 2017
Cassie May 2017
you are not the sun and I will bloom without you.
112 · Sep 2019
Cassie Sep 2019
I refuse to, but
I want to drink very much at the moment
There is something about the dulling of my senses that helps make me feel more present
Finally, not feeling overstimulated
Distracted by my own morbid imagination
I just want to be normal
And sometimes it feels like it's the magic potion
But I know it's really poison
So I refuse to sip
(But goodness can I hear that clock tick, reminding me of every moment I waste white knuckling through the present)
110 · Jan 2018
strength in softness
Cassie Jan 2018
i no longer long for silent, smiling fragility
collarbones poking against the confines of trembling flesh

i now long to be
strong in my softness

no matter how my body be
110 · Jan 2018
Cassie Jan 2018

my protector
my savior

and the knife that cuts too deeply the softest parts of me
110 · Dec 2018
Cassie Dec 2018
everything has the potential to break
even diamonds do

please, don't try to convince me otherwise
This sounds a little pessimistic, but all I mean is that the strongest people who I have looked up to have had moments of feeling broken too.
109 · Sep 2018
Cassie Sep 2018
I will lick my own wounds, but thank you
nobody else has seemed to get a handle of it

I lick until there's no blood left
Then some
Then some more
Until I'm bleeding again

I don't know why but,
Sometimes when I get a cut
I crave the taste of blood
For some reason, the only way I deal with things is on my own (until I've been stuck in my head for so many days and I break down and let someone else in). I think it's caused more harm than good to be honest.

Also, for some reason when I find myself in a bad spot mentally, I sometimes can't help but spin/wallow in it. It feels like a part of me that I've been trying to hide, so I sort of give in and listen to sad/moody music and poetry and whatnot. And then I'll end up getting emotional over the songs/words on top of already feeling emotional/down. Just something weird I do (and I feel like a lot of others do too).
107 · Sep 2017
Cassie Sep 2017
I remember in third grade
My perception snapped as if suddenly waking from dream (this dream being childhood)
I realized I was wider both ways than the girls in my class I found my gaze linger on
So I began to hold in my stomach at all times
Bedtime became uncomfortable due to being unused to relaxed muscles
Feeling failure flood me every centimeter that grew between my spine and my belly button

When I asked myself why exactly I'm still doing it, knowing beauty isn't the most important thing in the world and that I am tired and uncomfortable
I hear my brain answer
"Well, it'd be rude not to", and though I know it isn't true, I can't imagine filling this belly with air without the feeling of flooding.

I have some more to work on.
107 · May 2023
Schrödinger's Eggshells
Cassie May 2023
Sometimes it feels safer to stay where you know the eggshells are because, well, at least you know where they are
And if you line your ducks up just right
You might make it out the door and onto the other side for a little while

And some days the other side seems like a place where I may not have to tip toe anymore

But on others the other side is most likely riddled with invisible eggshells

What if they're sharper than the ones I've become used to, what if I ****** up my feet irreparably?

What if, what if what if

****** or not

I'm taking off running💜
106 · Aug 2018
Cassie Aug 2018
I miss you
I might always
But maybe we're best for each other when there's a little distance between us

Too close and I can't tell where your tears begin and mine end

I fear together we'd drown
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