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 Dec 2013 cassidy
Sam Conrad
She is
 Dec 2013 cassidy
Sam Conrad
She is a great friend to everyone around her.
She is going to be my best friend until the end of time, regardless of if I'll get to talk to her or be with her.
She is a great companion. I've never found anyone like her. I may never find someone like her again.
She is the kind of person who lends a hand to someone in need, and she cares about everybody.
She is not perfect. She doesn't have to be. We should love her good and her bad, both teach me lessons.
She is a great example of what people should be. Set examples for me, and I'm a better person now.
She is either undecided about her sexuality, or has given up on boys. I am a boy. But it's okay.
She is not very ****** in nature. I pushed her to do things she wasn't comfortable with.
She is the reason I am alive today. She saved me from some of the darkest times of my life.
She is so beautiful. She's human, practices proper hygiene, and is everything anyone could ask for.
She is outgoing. Despite her low self esteem, she tries to be happy and make others happy too.
She is glorious. When I am in her presence everything bad to ever occur in my world goes away.
She is hurt. I told her awful things. She's been through so much, and I used it against her.
She is historically lighthearted. I made her heart so heavy. She is getting back to herself, though.
She is a good Samaritan. The charity work she does in the lives of others? She deserves awards.
She is okay without me, though I'm not without her. I need someone like her in my life.
She is innocent. The hurt she was put through was undeserved. She didn't pick this life.
She is no longer someone I want to make out with. Have *** with. I don't feel that way anymore.
She is my bliss. I float above the clouds, when I am with her. She is my heaven.
She is my peace. Talking to her is the most graceful thing.
She is not mine to have, or mine to take. Nor should she be taken advantage of by everyone.
She is my heaven on Earth. I called her my soul mate for a reason. I just don't know how to explain this love.
She is killing me.
I love her with all of my heart.

I always will.
 Jun 2013 cassidy
Lyra Brown
i remember when you handed me a cloth
and a bucket full of soap and said:
i started to cry and said:
"you're treating me like i am Cinderella!"
you got so mad i hid in the living room closet
for four hours before you realized
i was gone.

i remember going grocery shopping with you
just so i could ride in the front of the cart.
you would always let me eat a chocolate donut
from the bakery section and i would always
make sure to be finished it by the time we got
to the till so you wouldn't have to
pay for it.

i remember the first time i stole a pack of gum
you didn't realize i had taken it until you watched me
unwrap a piece and stick it in my mouth right in front of you
when we got to the car.
you took me by the wrist and made me apologize to the
cashier, you told me i was bad and to never
do that again.

i remember being little and not wanting
to go to school because i didn't
want to leave you. sometimes you would let me
stay home and cuddle and watch movies with you
when i felt especially sad.

i remember you giving me piano lessons
and telling me to count out loud while
i practiced, meanwhile i had already
memorized the entire piece and was
making up new songs of my own.

i remember you telling me that i could always
tell you anything, that you would never judge me,
that you would always be there to listen and
comfort me. i remember believing you
and i remember the first time i realized
you didn't even know you were lying.

i remember sitting in the backseat with your
head on my shoulder while my Father drove you
to the detox centre. you kept saying how scared you were,
lighting cigarette after cigarette, squeezing my hand
so hard it cut off my circulation. your tears stained my sleeves,
and your vulnerability stained my heart.

i remember deciding it was time to lose you, finally,
on my own terms, for i had so many times felt as though
you were already a walking crime scene without the yellow
tape to ward people off. i tried but i couldn't make
a home out of that. it was time to learn the meaning
of safety, again.

i remember hearing your voice over the phone
after not hearing it for what felt like years,
and although you were a mess of tears and withdrawal
and ******, i could hear the love in your voice
and for once i felt my heart fill
with the temporary thing it has always wished for
I speak in rhymes
But my love is divine.
And if you don't mind
Let's go beyond the lines.
Forget about the dimes.
My love will make you shine.
 Jun 2013 cassidy
L Smida
 Jun 2013 cassidy
L Smida
All by myself
Not a single
Soul in sight
But I keep
Turning around
In search for


And each time
I turn to look
I see the same
**** thing
Just an empty


You ever going
To look for me
Will you ever
Show up
Or am I
Waiting around
For nothing
I wonder where


Sense has gone
I waste all my time
Waiting for

 Jun 2013 cassidy
Savannah Varney
It's what the tall trees do
It's what I beg of you
Feel the breeze
Sway the trees
Experience the movement
Or crash into the pavement
Don't wait for an answer
Be swifter than a panther
Time is of the essence
Skip into the distance
Leap into the unknown
Effort's always best full-blown
Don't let regret in
Just stop your fretting
Capture the light
Deep in the night
Sink in the sand
Be part of the band
And the last rule of tonight is
Always be united
With nature and your creator
Feel the breeze
Sway the trees
Experience the movement
Or crash into the pavement

— The End —