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 Feb 2013 Cass
 Feb 2013 Cass
There's a mess inside my skull
& it's pouring from my finger tips
 Feb 2013 Cass
Is This Death?
 Feb 2013 Cass
I'm not sure what to do.
I just keep falling deeper,
and deeper.
Sometimes it's so dark I can't see
my hands in front of me.
I feel like someone is sitting on my chest.
I'm suffocating on nothing
and it's terrifying.
Trying to feel a little,
breathe a little,
live a little.
But are you really living,
if you're expecting death?
If you jump off a cliff
into water,
do you feel the adrenaline
if you're not afraid of
what could happen?
I think this is what dying is.
Not worrying,
or caring.
If you don't give a ****
about anything,
what's your purpose anymore?
 Feb 2013 Cass
I want to escape reality,
so I do.
I write and write,
about the lives I'd love to live.
I'm not sure why it's funny.
And I'm not sure why you laugh.
If you've never done it,
I'm going to question your sanity.
Isn't there a life you'd like to live out?
Put it down on paper,
to remember what could be
if you just escape to your
You could say things
you know you'd never
have the nerve to.
Love people
that don't exist.
Go places that frighten you
intrigue you.
Why would anyone laugh at that?
An alternate reality,
or realities, endless.
Everything you'd ever want.
It's as close to perfection as you can get.
So why would you ever laugh at me
for being creative,
and simply putting
alternate lives on paper?
 Feb 2013 Cass
We smoke at a house within stumbling distance of fast food.
                                                                            [Such a bad idea.]
I couldn't tell you how long we stay or what we talk about,
          ["Who's downstairs?"]
But I usually laugh so hard I run out of sound and air.
                   ["I want to say it's Matt, but he's right here."]
My eyelids gradually drift together until they're completely closed.
         ["Is she okay?"]
It takes me a while to notice, sometimes.
                  ["Of course she is. Look at that smile."]
I can't light a lighter.
       ["Seriously? Aren't you like a genius? Just watch-"]
I won't let them teach me either.
                ["Okay, fine. You're lucky we like you."]
It's the quietest I can ever manage to be.
       ["Look at that smile."]
I'm just sinking and floating.
                                                                           [Such a good idea.]
 Feb 2013 Cass
I left my seat belt beside me,
because I wanted to die

I left my windows wide open,
just to feel *alive
 Feb 2013 Cass
Guys with long hair have agendas. And if they don't, they're stoners and 'agenda' a really long word, man.

Guys with long hair are the poetic types with acoustic guitars and incense in their dorm room and they hold their hair back with a pen behind their ear and they use it to write in a leather-bound journal about girls who smoke too much and have soft ***** so they can pick up more girls who smoke too much and have soft *****.

Guys with long hair are the metalheads who sit in the back of class and use their hair to distract from the fact that they're wearing poor-quality ironic headphones that project Alice in Chains to everyone within a four-desk radius but no one's going to say anything because hey, that guy's a creep.

Guys with long hair are the classical types that play expensive instruments and have beautiful eyes that you can't see very often and have to keep ponytail elastics on their wrists, their wrists that never stop moving, conducting, tapping, curling, because Chopin slows for no man, no matter how long his locks.

And if you poured all these guys with long hair in a test tube and melted them until the agendas broke and forged and changed colors, you'd have him.

I found him in a smoky sweet basement in a house where everyone belongs but no one should actually live. I braided his shoulder-brushing hair without asking and saw his smile like a chunk of snow the size of your high school falling off a mountain, fast and white, huge and more important than anything else around.

I found him again in a different basement where only musicians belong. He invited me into the closet with the piano and it's like he asked me to crawl inside his head and hang out for a while. He casually mentioned his favorite angry bands while his fingers brushed keys in an order they seemed to know on their own, tendons and strings.

He says things that deserve to be handwritten in leather-bound journals. He holds your wrist with one hand when you shake the other because people have become desensitized to handshakes and don't feel the human contact of it anymore. He hugs to the right because you're supposed to hug heart-to-heart.

*"People are going to judge based on what they see anyway. Might as well make sure they're right, sort of."
 Feb 2013 Cass
Stephanie Marie
Bubble gum was
A past time favorite, smacking lips, sugar kiss
Teeth warming up to ******* tongues, licks
Of whistled no you can’t do that, **** in
Pop! Tripped bubbles, blow onetwothree
Inside each other and then Bam
Bam Bam, the bad man is head over heels
For the girl with pink lips, licking sticky
Bubble gum crumbs off her skin.
And you say we always win; winner-winner
Chicken dinner for two or three or
Just you; a lone loner is alone;
It’ll be okay pink bubbles, one after another,
They’ll keep coming your way.
 Feb 2013 Cass
Selena Naomi
 Feb 2013 Cass
Selena Naomi
Restless mind
Restless body
Restless soul
Eyes crying a river
Every night
A lullaby to sleep it seems
A nightly routine
Feeling of loneliness
Feeling of doubt
Feeling of sadness
The need to just shout
A numb mind
A face dried with tears
Only one solution
Make the hurt my heart feels
Go away
A slice for my mind
A slice for my body
A slice for my soul
A life full of lies
A life full of disappointment
Never one to give in
But one to feel the consequence of considering
One slice for lies
One slice for disappointment
Why do I do this to myself?
Cause myself so much pain?
I wish I could end it all
The hurt
The doubt
The pain
I should take one for the team right?
Let's see...
Maybe they'd all be better off without me...
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