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 Mar 2013 Cass
Hardly Poetry
 Mar 2013 Cass
Needles dipped in India ink. We're used to the way it stings as it presses under our skin. We read Frankenstein three times that summer... funny how everything makes sense directly after it becomes irrelevant... like the line we liked to quote but weren't sure why, "Nothing is more painful to the human mind than after the feelings have been worked up by a quick succession of events, the dead calmness of inaction in certainty which follows & deprives the soul both of hope and fear." Or the way we swore it was too good to be true.
 Mar 2013 Cass
I have nothing to say
& that's because I've been asleep for days
The scariest knowledge that I ever gained
was the idea that I can numb my own pain
Now I'm digging rusty nails into my veins
just to wake so I can climb away
It's 4 AM and every butterfly is dead
beneath my ribs, every one with broken wings
from all those times they flew up my spine &
were knocked back down with Xanax & wine
I felt them struggle for a few years before
I felt them give in & now I ache to
resurrect every single one
Numb is right when the burn
is too real but do you know what
it's like to laugh & not feel?
 Mar 2013 Cass
there are too many love poems.
there are too many poems about how
there are too many love poems,

but we will continue to write them
because there is nothing quite so difficult
to explain without poetry.

we will continue to use words like
gentle   forever   eyes   promising
soft  caresses  aching
awake holding

there are too many love poems
and we will continue to write them
because we have too many words to write
too many love poems.
 Mar 2013 Cass
Here I am, lover lost before falling
Lust taking over.
Left with nothing but
imagination of hopes, dreams.
Of falling softly and slowly.

I'm walking away from you.
Walking away.
Because I believe you are no good.
But hell, how would I know?
I'm just afraid of you not feeling anything.
So I'm walking away, silently,
But Baby, I wish i can have you around.
Keep you in my palms, play around,
then let you go when I want.
Always twinkle your interest,
without losing my sense of self,
My own strength.
But human are not to be controlled…
**** i wish there was a way.
You seem so perfect with your body around me.
You, me where we fit.
And I love your little ways,
and your warm face, and your kind of beard…
I love that you are a silent rock,
only sometimes unravels
but even then, not really.
& I love your little ways.
Your quick, non-lasting smiles.
Your stubborn heart.
Your stubborn hands, arms, body…
Your stubborn words.
Your shy words.
Your quick ways,
your changing moods.
Your silent mysteries,
your loud and goofy mysteries… I love it all.
I love it all.
I love it all.
But I must leave you to my mind.
A book,
a poem,
a song.
I must leave you for
other women to enjoy.
I hate the thought.
I hate the thought.
I fear it all.
That one perfect being, you must leave.
 Mar 2013 Cass
The Cure
 Mar 2013 Cass
Every secret we share washes up to shore.
I float passed that night you called me a *****.
And we laugh at every soaking
t-shirt of your's that I tore.
Sometimes this love looks more like a war,
But we've grown from those days
when we were still keeping score.
And I've stopped drawing 'x's beside all
of the shattered things you once swore.
Because nothing you do can ever
keep me from wanting more.
We might drown all day but before
the night swallows us whole, you're
lifting the anxiety from my core.
And I will always kiss the salt from
your cheekbones as your eyes spill out
all over the floor.

For every inch of you that I abhor,
there's something stronger that I adore.
And no matter how many times you slam
it in my face, if you knock, I'll still open the door.
I'll never fall out of love with
the way that you snore.
And with my finger tips pressing into your skin,
I won't stop until I trace every last contour.

I've got demons lined up at the foot of my bed,
And so much Hell left to endure.
But Angel,  you've always been the cure
 Mar 2013 Cass
"You are such a ******* child."

Nice try, my dear, but you can do better.
See, darling, those words mean nothing.
I am a child. If you asked, I'd tell you.

Can't you do better than that?

Don't you want to crawl under my skin,
set up camp in my head, tent stakes pounded into my brain,
keep me awake at night with a gnaw in my gut?

Try this, instead, love --

"You are a manipulative attention ***** who skips around wielding her emotions like an assault rifle without giving a thought to how that affects anyone around you. You've never had to work for anything, never once in your life, and the minute you do have to try at anything, you will fail. You'll spend the rest of your life looking for someone to take care of you, but you'll never actually let them and you will be alone."*

Isn't that better?
 Mar 2013 Cass
Mandy Kate Fahey
Secrets seeping through my lips
Ill try to sew them shut.
Your hands are running down my legs
Ill try to keep them shut.

I'd give you my tortured heart
Place it in your hands to hold.
You always thought I was beautiful
You always held me,
Always yours to hold.
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