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Believing were all compassionate and loving is the hardest thing I've ever done.

I cry for the hurt
The body covered with 6 feet of dirt
I cry for the mistake
The painful longing for us to wake
Up in the air are hands
Down to the bone I feel it
Nod my head
It won't happen again

Tell myself I'm grateful for my skin
When did it begin?
Me being thankful for this pigment
I hate it
Again, I cry
For those who try to be strong
When the world has been so wrong
Nod my head
It won't happen again

When it all gets a little too much
Hope becomes a crutch
Keeping my head above water
Still drowning in sadness
Being eaten whole by disappointment
Feeling stunned and cold
Nod my head
It won't happen again

Nod my head
It always happens again
To the man who shouted his ignorance at my aunt and uncle in the parking lot.

Sir, you see, you must be mistaken
Your slur was not comedic,
yet you laughed
I want you to know your words have weight
Spreading hate seems to be in style
While I exercise compassion for you
Yes, I know you're wrong  
I've struggled with this for so long
You know, I'm sad you're missing out on life
Happiness in short supply
Love on the back burner as hope continues to die
You see, I can't help but feel pain
Your kids in the back seat watching your hate being displayed
Like a bad movie
Terrible quality, script repulsive
You chuckle
"One ******, two ******, three ******, four"
Out your drivers side window
I clutch firmly on the door
Hoping, I heard you wrong
If I could tell you one thing it would be this,
Life is to short to have hate in your heart
Part of me feels so dark
Anger welling up inside
I cried the whole car ride home
Unable to fathom how they must be feeling
Dealing with a world rooting against them
I never knew people could be like this
Our skin doesn't define us
Not its color, texture, or shade
You sir, may think you have it all figure out
But I can promise you this,
The day you stop being hateful of our differences,
you'll realize life is so much more than one color,
It's the incredibly indescribable combination of them all
You are a sunken ship
Kept buried at the bottom of the ocean
Out of sight, out of mind
Keep in mind, many things find life
In a sunken ship
Surely they knew the mold was too restricting
Condescending tone
Plot thickening
As we introduce so many versions of you into the world
It's difficult to twirl down here but when I stand still it doesn't feel like I'm in water at all
Moment of being surround by everything but feeling nothing
You're a wonder, you know
Like a sunken ship
Forgotten but astounded when they find you again
It's hard to breathe, so far under
But I stay here still
You are a sunken ship
Lay there, as time passes
People come and go
Marvel and pass
You know, you're the worlds greatest wonder
Long grass in the wind, you move like it
flow like I've never seen, encapsulating
each movement in tune with the next
like waves, they just know what to do
a swift motion ******* life from my knees
lips slightly parted, eyes wide
the way a body moves when it's wanting

when fingers move slowly
focused on the feeling beneath
forced to focus on each piece
mind allowed to wander
it's never how you pictured it
the incredibly vivid way,
a body moves when it's wanting
this room is burning
eyes set ablaze with fever running
disrupted passion flooding
ease of comfort not coming

angered bones shake
paper walls quake
once soothing words turned fake
as I beg for this to be a dream, I ache

how quickly this turned
paper walls of our love burned
said this isn't given, it's earned
maybe it's time you learned

this room is burning
eyes set ablaze with fever running
disrupted passion flooding
ease of comfort not coming
When the massacre of who I am begins,
You can look away
I am the reason I believe people can change
It happens, just happens, all the time
The world is so grey, I can't be definitive  
I am the eye of the storm
As I twirl around you, pain is never intended
Intentions get clouded
You know, I can't control what you think is implied
Implication of clear fact to protect your indecisive emotions
Swimming in devotion, it fades in and out
When in doubt, look away
Your love for me may fade
This ever changing girl may become a burden
I won't blame you,
if you choose,
to look away
I won't stay a minute past when I am welcome
The tea can sit cold, while the fire dims slowly
Shadows of angry hands eat the walls alive
And stomps make drums of the floor
Windows pull and stretch as light leaves the room
And the door tenses with a cold touch
Wood creaks, but knows when to silence

I won't stay a minute past when I am welcome
Now you sit, with cold tea and dead fire
No shadows or stomps
Light remains steady, door relaxed
And the wood creaks, as I leave
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