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I want to write with hieroglyphics on the walls
image of time, unravel, unwind
rewind to a blank canvas of life
dripping ink on mind
sketching memories
pressing pen until it bleeds through cracks
filling mind with black
wait for sun to come
drying up ink, as it leaves a faint stain
we write with hieroglyphics on the walls
image of pain, deep blue, untamed  
refrain from all consuming
making you feel heavy
bite your flesh to find sour
blood turned thin, starting to run
coursing through you
desperate to wear veins thin
fill you up with pain, I dare your heart to beat again
given the right tools we can cut through anything
including the whole of you
write with hieroglyphics on walls
let the hurt run through your veins
pour out of your fingertips
unleash a waterfall onto the walls
let it lay there
let it fade into nothingness
once you're empty
I guarantee you'll be most fulfilled
****, a woman who has many casual *** partners
where do i begin, shouting, shaming, throwing a word at a woman
who uses her body in a way you deem, "wrong"
well let me tell you about a woman's body
a woman's body is hers, no ones but her own
her body is a vessel, a shell, a beating drum of life and choice
and what she choses to do, doesn't pertain to you
every part a different branch, teeming with life unseen
seeing beauty in each and every piece of her
casually isn't catastrophe
casually isn't calamity
casually isn't carelessness
casually is taking control of your body or completely giving it up, giving it to someone
even if only momentarily, even if only once
even if love never crossed your mind
some people like to say your "number"
follows you around like a burden, but your number
shouldn't follow you around at all
it isn't a number at all
it's a piece of time, piece of paper, piece of you
bundled up inside never meaning to hurt you
you never thought your own body would be used against you
where you put some of your most intimate parts
isn't to entertain the minds of people who don't know casually
isn't to give them a definition to put to their word
isn't to give them anything, because it isn't their's to take
it's yours to give
i think love has levels
you can't equate love and every ****** act committed
commitment doesn't come with every encounter
it's counter productive to shame an act because you wouldn't do it yourself
I'm not asking for acceptance of "*****"
I'm asking you to accept your unacceptable ignorance
and learn, learn about a woman's body
learn about her branches
learn about each and every piece
then, and only then, can you tell if her "number" truly matters
Paint me a picture so breathtaking you have to breathe life back into me
With colors forcing me to stare, transfixed
Beauty isn't questioned, it's known
Narrow mindedness is buried in the backyard at home
Taught our arms to stretch further to hold more love
Your heart was granted elasticity all the way to the moon
Eating icing with a spoon, in your colorless, empty room
Sat there until all of the world blurred together
Take in infinity, until our worries are as light as a feather
We don't have to hold the weight of the world,
Stand underneath the stare of unforgivable eyes
We can float into the skies, break free from a world of lies
We get to paint our own picture,
hang it on the nose of the world, a fixture,
Everyone, so blind to simplicity
But for me, it's all i see
I hope your light lasts forever,
Through your every endeavour  
Let it sink enemy ships,
Fuel the fire coming from your lips
Take you to infinity and beyond
My love, you're more than strong
said it's easier to be told who you are
darling, if only you could see yourself through my eyes
all you have to work with is a mirror
but keep in mind,
inside carries on, while outside decays
life can't replicate, so go find yourself

dance in the rain
sit outside all night till the sun shines again
leave your compact, for it holds no answers
sit still, eyes closed
remember every lie you told
stamp checkmark on your past,
no need to look again
just go find yourself
take nothing that ties you down
Just allow yourself to be found
sheer curtains allow for street lamp glows
passing through, illuminate the walls
playing with shadows, silhouette of life not there
silence of all things, but thoughts screaming
comfort in being alone, spending time with myself
serenity, surrounded by dark
like I can glow when the light is all gone
when street lamps dim and shadows die
I can be alone
loving myself, as if I am the only thing I'll ever need
it matters, finding comfort in being alone
room of closed door and windows
walls of lilac, cold hard floor
where the walls tell me secrets
and lilac smiles through its cracks
cold hard floor chuckles as it chills the air
bliss if I have ever known it
surrounded by nothing but feeling everything
as I play with the shadows
stare at the silhouettes of life not there
I feel the comfort of being alone
deep pink creature of sense, tingling
craterous chasms vibrant in themselves
keep them cool, soft heat may be applied
mistaken for volcanoes rupturing
birthed yummy, tasteful goodness
what happens when you give fire away
your candy shop mouth breathed fire
I only knew of the sweet it contained
new sides of you surfaced every day
make me play hide and seek with your smile
but we never played in the dark,
where it's easy to see
finding it, only to receive a burnt tongue
filled mouth of forest fire
flame throwing lips, teeth of everlasting coal
my tongue caught fire, burned away taste
now I speak, to burn holes in your chest
words that warrant ice packs when thrown your way
don't get to close to this burnt tongue
for it lost it's beauty,
when it became a volcano of rupturing words
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