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On this morning
3 years ago,
I lived in hell.

Things were all so
terrible then,
But I couldn't tell.

On this morning
One year ago,
I woke up in heaven.

Miracles became real,
Thoughts became things;
I chose what to feel --
That changed everything.

On this morning,
5 minutes ago,
I woke up smiling.

Because somewhere between
The pain that I felt
And the joy that I found...

There was one decision
  That altered my path;
A spirit incision,
  Soul science, Mind math...

I made up my mind --
  So simple, you see --
To open my heart...
  I chose to Believe.

In love, in laughter,
  In giving and sharing;
In helping someone
  And actually caring.
In breaking the mold,
  In trying things new;
In paving the road,
  And choosing my view.

My Life is a piece of art,
  So beautiful, so pure,
That tells of my story
  And the path I've endured
The colors are vibrant,
  The picture is clear.
The moral is evident...
  There's happiness here.
My life, in so many words...
Pay attention.

Pay attention to this moment;
To the sounds, to the lights,
To the colors in the the sky.

Pay attention to your thoughts;
To the world inside you,
And the way it guides you.

Pay attention to your feelings;
To the joy and the tears,
To the hopes and the fears.

Pay attention to your heart;
To the way that it beats,
To the rhythm it keeps.

Pay attention to your life...

The future already happened,
You're just learning the story.

Accept it. Let it run through you.

Let Love overfill your heart,
Let Light overglow your soul,
Let Hope overrule your fear,
Let New overtake the old.

This is your life;
You're doing your best.
Decide that today
Will outshine the rest.

I do not know you.
But I love you.
And if you really pay attention,
You'll feel it, too.
I dance

Alone and in silence
To the music within me
No one hears

I dance

With grace unbalanced
Like a swan on water
With no fear

I dance

Like no one is watching
Even though I know
No one hears

The sweet sound within me

But I dance

With great pride I dance
With love I sway
To the sweet sound no one hears
But I dance anyway

Return my heart and mind
  To perfect love and truth.
I seek what is divine,
  The innocence of youth.
Remind me who I am,
  And teach me how to stand;
Teach me how to live,
  And show me that I can.
a prayer that i have prayed every day for some time
Love is a well,
  So full and so deep.
The water is pure,
  The taste of it sweet.
Love is a story
  That never gets old;
A legend of peace,
  The best ever told.
Love is a bird
  That sings at first light;
Sailing in the wind,
  Lost in its flight.
Love is forgiveness,
  And letting it go;
Moving ahead,
  And taking it slow.
Love is a kiss
  That enters the soul;
A beautiful melody,
  That pierces the cold.

Love is you,
  And love is me.
Love is all,
  And love is WE.
thoughts on my favorite topic, pure and perfect LOVE
One thing is sure, there is no doubt,
  this is your life, and life's about
The love you give, the lives you change,
  the world around you re-arranged;
And you'll do well to not forget --
  life changes not, but you change it.
So open wide your eyes to see
  it's all for you! Now just believe.
Where is the silence, O my Soul?
    I cannot find it here nor there.
I hear of violence, war untold,
    But stillness hides beneath my stare.

Love is in the quiet hour,
    Lessons learned from deep within;
Hope is in the blooming flower,
    Answers told to asking men.

Clouds will never cease to shower
    Rain upon the begging grass;
Stars will never lose their power,
    Guiding us back home at last.

Where is the silence, O my Soul?
    I finally see it in the air!
Beneath the violence, I now know,
    There rests a peace found anywhere.
J. Drake (Awakened Imagination)  ::  something I wrote when I realized my circumstances no longer controlled me
What can I confess? I love her and that will never change.
I've tried. Nothing works. There is no way to push it out.
It will not be defeated. It is an unbeatable love. An immovable force.
It will not be controlled, it cannot be told where to go.
It simply is, and will never cease to be.

Rest cannot be obtained by mere sleep.
Refuge is a distant memory.
Your steps become nothing more than the distance between you and her.
Everything is her. Nothing is not about her.
Laughter is only a reminder of the type of innocent happiness you feel
When she's standing next to you.
Smiling faces are always a prelude to the glowing memory of hers.
No thought is had that isn't in some way connected to her.

The sun seems dim in comparison to the fire this love embodies.
It is otherworldly. It is unfathomable.
It is that brightness which cannot be perceived with the eyes or
Conceived in the body, but merely felt with the soul.
You see it more clearly through the amplification of tears,
Behind the cracks of the heart.

You work. You play. You sleep. You eat.
And nothing fulfills. Nothing satisfies the soul.

Your future is behind you.
And she stands there, grinning, waiting on you to remember her, reminding  you to forget.

But I will not give up on her. It is not in me to let go of this love.

Our destiny is written in the stars. Our happy ending imprinted in my heart.
writings concerning the love of my life

— The End —