you know how humans mark the beginning and end of something, as if there's an exact border line between things?
astrologies, seasons,
eras in history,
& even night and morning
when in reality, it has always been progressive
slowly fading into something,
and you won't even realize until it has turned into something completely different
that's why people time lapse things like sunsets
and paintings
so they can look back on moments
they did not realize was changing
i guess that's how our conversation went
how we went
scrolling through our talks and chats, is exactly
like a time lapse
like a sunset perhaps
looking back on things i didn't realize was changing
until it was too late
i hope one day you'll go through our time lapse
like i did
and i hope it means as much to you, as it means to me
and remember how once,
for a certain amount of time,
before it went completely dark
it was beautiful.
every second of it.