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3.1k · Dec 2012
Handwriting is a personality of the pen
no,the hand,
no,the writer,
no,the human,
no,the water,
no, the ink,
It's the art of trying not to sink
2.9k · Jun 2012
What Dreams Are Made Of
Today I woke up
And I stayed in my sleep
I was meant to walk on dreams
I know this all seems…
Like a dedication to a lunatics life
But i’m dancing on clouds
In a world that allows
The freedom to be
Or the freedom to see
Every color, Every sound
Everything lost that’s also found
In the world where dreams are alive
Awakened and forsaken
For royalty and those who wish to die and survive
Today I woke up
And smiled because
I can finally exist
As a royal outlaw
2.7k · Dec 2012
Drinking Bleach
Summer sets its heavy heels
on top of the changing trees,
Like the season I waste away,
I will decay...
from drinking too much bleach.

But the ***** killed me more
as I let it burn my throat,
As I let myself blackout,
Only to wake up in the middle
of another conversation I’ll regret,
As I promise i’m still sane.

My mind poisoned me more
than the misunderstood bleach ever could.

This head of mine has ****** me dry.
Forced me to think alive.
But die inside my bones.

But worst of all...
It cut my tongue and blinded me
to the point where I thought I actually
wanted to see.
2.4k · Aug 2010
The introvert
Tiny thoughts pass my mind
As i wait in my head for a bus that isn't coming
And so with my downtime
I will believe that something good will happen
Then i drift away
1.6k · Dec 2011
What was a timeless girl
Turns into summer rain
Spring flowers
And falls change

Winter chill frozen on your lips
But all I need is a chance
To dance with you
In a eclipse

Look at me in danger eyes
The blood on your wrist has no disguise
All this pain that seems so real
Eventually you will not feel

You can wait for a change
But it’s far better living on the stage
With flesh and blood carved out
On marble thrones, Singing dark tones

Breathe In, Breathe Out

Just ask me to
And i'll fall for you
And I don’t care what you do or say
As long as you’re in my arms
Everything’s okay

Breathe In! Breathe Out!

Let the waves take you
Ride the ocean in my arms
Takes the sea
And stop accepting this harm

Have you heard the gun shots?
Have you felt the stab?
You’re living in a dystopia
Depressions on your tab

Just try to push me away....
You’re walking nowhere
Looking for a change
Boiled in anger
Destroyed by rage
But this light?
It gives you a timeless age

Breathe In, Breathe Out

Just ask me to
And i'll fall for you
And I don’t care what you do or say
As long as you’re in my arms
Everything’s okay
1.6k · Sep 2010
Your smile is all denial
You remind me of a time
When I was so helpless
Looking into your eyes
Seeing my reflection
I honestly can't believe
That you could ever feel like
Yet you burn and bleed
Drowning in your river of denial
And I wish I knew what to do
But I know that if I help
You will pull me back in
And sometimes i need to walk away
No matter how cold hearted
The word "no"
Has always suited me
I refuse to let myself fall in love
With you
Just because I relate
1.5k · Aug 2010
Ocean eyes
Through your ocean eyes
You see laughter and calm beach
The swaying waves
And seagulls swooping
Through joyous turns
The hot sand
That welcomes your bare feet
As the smell of salt
Taints the air
Oh how i wish to see through
Your ocean eyes
1.2k · Dec 2011
Ugly.Hit Repeat.Ugly still.Talking,Talking,Talking.Rumors.She doesn’t even…..He is just faking…Pointless.Pulsing through the hallways. Heads don’t turn.Still ugly.Enter the doorway.Copper countries are dripping on the wall.***** hit cold seats.Still ugly.Now there’s more.Fat *****.Still Ugly.Muffled sounds through my head.My name rings as if hit by a bell.Caroline.Fat.Caroline.*****.Caroline.Ugly.My hand salutes the air.Ugly.Scattering out of the copper flooded doorway.Ugly.Saltwater fresh on my face.Ugly.Fat.*****.Repeat.Repeat.Repeat.REPEAT.REPEAT.snap.bang.­Red stained walls.Ugly.Ugly.Ugly.Still ringing through my head like the bullet.Release.Releasing.Released.Eyes open. Ugly Fat *****.Wasteland.
1.2k · Dec 2011
A Political Intelligence
Let history be written

But burned fast away

And our children

Remain ignorant

Like we were

“Back in the day”

But don’t mistake

Age or politics for wisdom

You can be old, Stupid

And never rid of em’

The youth to us

Is ridiculed with vague defense

The truth to us

Is covered with continued offense

Because you must fight

For wisdom and fight

For more

Speak up for the World

And even the poor

Because nothing will change

If you don’t help it

It doesn’t matter

What hardship you’ve dealt with

This is a congruity

A speaker for the masses

This is every malformed thought

You forgot you fastened

But words burn in hearts

And hearts are forever fired like the sun

Educate yourself,

Mr.Hoping To Be President, before you choose to run
1.1k · Sep 2010
Diamonds and Twigs
I will always prefer twigs over your diamonds

I've always been that girl

Playing in the mud

And laughing 'till i cry

An odd one?

M a y b e

But trust me

I'f you ever find me on the street

Say  a n y t h i n g

I don't need diamond words

When i have my twig

S m i l e,

And my youth
1.1k · Apr 2015
For You
I thought your chest
was a hole
to another galaxy

and the only way
I could touch
the stars

was to tear you apart.
986 · Sep 2010
Crossing Paths
We walk bare footed through
City streets
Trying to seem

We cross paths
On our city streets
Barefooted and

We notice now
Our silliness
And our helpless

And turn our heads
To see a man
Walking through thorns
Without pain

Cuts and cuts
Swallow him
But he feels

The man is but
A dream to us
Our invincibility
Has gone
854 · Jul 2011
The Hate, The Heard
Say it when you cry
Say you want to die
Don’t believe a girl can feel
An innocent game called

Fake a laugh, Fake a smile
Dance your way into denial
Slit wrists and broken hearted
She screams at herself
Because of the pain they started

Bury the razor into her skin
Red water breaking, Because of a sin
Tears drip down her tan cheeks
The pulse of music blending with her minds memory
Of them screaming “FREAKS!”

If you’ve seen her, You wouldn’t know
If you’ve been her,You’d understand her show
The laughter still haunts her,taunts her, It rings in her head
But they’re too vain to realize
They make her wish so dreadfully to be dead
851 · Jan 2011
Suspect me
you pushed me off a cliff
and he caught me and then brought me to heaven.
and all heaven was,
was a huge blank space with thousands of pictures of eyes.
eyes that stared at me and stared
so I ran  from the eyes
I ran right into the sun
and he followed.
then I hung myself
and fell back to earth.
800 · Jul 2010
freeing yourself
Ash falls from the clear blue sky
The heat of flames crackle nearby

As the key to be free turns
And the excitement of freedom burns

As your shackles and chains fall off your cold wrists
And you prepare to use your fists

But no one is there to fight you but a mirror
and now you see everything clearer

the only person holding you down was yourself
and now you know the feeling of freeing yourself
793 · Nov 2010
You are...
I've givin tears to so many things
but when the shock comes again
I won't cry
I'll just die
without you,
and I'll forget you in the end,
and I'll never give a second glance
and I'll never know what could of been.

I'll give so many hearts the same beat
and I'll shatter sometimes
without any lies
forget the last tear
you are the kindest,
the sweetest,
the most important thing here
you always say your worthless,
helpless, and growing shadows
but you were important,
but you were amazing

and you are my friend,
my friend,
give me a soul,
give me a chance to tell you(tell you)...
I love it when you speak
when you speak the funniest things,
when you freak a little bit out,
and when you scream

I love the tears you shed with no right
and how you never give a ****
about anything
but what you love,
what you need,
how to breathe,
you march on,
i love you
i love you when your making it so important

I've givin tears to so many things
but when the shock comes again
I won't cry,
I'll just die
without you,
and I'll forget you in the end
and I'll never give a second glance
and I'll never know what could of been

and suicide will confide you
but for now I want to be
something thats necessary
This is supposed to be a song but I just can't find the right way to sing it.
791 · Oct 2010
Long White Coat
Marching through
Painted streets
Closing in on the prize
Stopping short
Off the pavement

With white bleached spools
Off the thread
A long white coat
Lay on the grass

Its ignorance
To its misplacement
As its sleeves pick up
A small breeze

Every person scatters by
Except the little girl
She looks in awe
Seeing something that
Adults can't truly understand

Her mothers hand clasped between
Her miniature fingers
She is pulled along
Away from that coat
That she can't seem to comprehend

Maybe it's the pure randomness
Or it stranded frays
But the girl somehow knows
It's inevitable ways

As she walks quickly away
Her mother pulling her along
She smiles with her young delight
Giving words,a story,a past

To a long white coat
To a random placement
To a meaningless experience
To just another day
769 · Aug 2010
Im (not) sorry
You tried to change me and i just walked away
I'm not sorry
I said goodbye and just left
And I'm not sorry
I didn't forgive you
And I'm not sorry
I told you how i felt about you
And I'm not sorry
I gave up everything to forget you
And I'm not sorry
I did what i wanted
And I'm not sorry
I don't love you
And I'm not sorry

I took advantage of you
And I'm sorry
I didn't listen to you
And I'm sorry
I never opened up
And I'm sorry
I never answered your questions
And I'm sorry
I lied to you
And I'm sorry
I changed you
And I'm sorry
I let us burn out
And I'm sorry

But what I'm truly sorry for
Is i broke your heart
While trying to find mine
695 · Aug 2010
No redemption
Holding back every bitter tear
As i look in the mirror
Only to see no one
Have i lost my way
Or am i truly gone
Week by week
I disintegrate
Into the cold blood
Of a familiar stranger
693 · Jan 2011
Words Never to Be Heard
Can you hear me now?
As my words shatter to the ground
As I turn to let you pick there fragments up
You'll try to put them together
So maybe you can understand
But none of them connect for you
They simple turn to glass
Frozen away in my mind
Never to be transferred
Thats the last time
I'll ever be even partially heard
648 · Jul 2013
Infinite Doubt
I am infected with my own mortality,
as if I have given up
on dreaming.

But it is told that no love is found in the truth.

So I lie to myself
in quiet whispers.
Tell myself that emotions
are not

What a nightmare
infinity is
when you're trying to sleep
but your heart still beats.
638 · May 2012
I am my tan lines, The marks burnt into my skin
I am my smile, festering emotions from within
You've seen my markings
You've seen my sins
But you'll never see
Where I need to begin
629 · Aug 2012
The Garden
My mind is numb
My skin cold from the ice in my veins
I'm a corpse that's alive
I'm awake after I died
My fingertips are thorns
My nails are frost
My knuckles are gems
So as I punch, They are lost
My eyes are glass
As I blink and cry they crack
My throat is sore
I dare not scream anymore
My mouth is a rose
That died before it's bloom
My lips are petals
And they burn as I kiss the devils heirlooms
My back is stem
That lovers break
As they try to rescue the daisies
That aren't in my head, but they're still fake
My body is a garden
That winter will always touch
It isn't groomed or seeded
So my heart's weeds will flourish in this rust
627 · Aug 2012
I Am Smoke
I am not a wreck
I am the wreckage
of cigarette butts and stardust
I'm betting you're not in love
And I'm hoping that I'm right
Why love a girl who denies her own flight

I am not a tragedy
I am the unconfined breeze
That destroys the home of ideas

I am the smoke you release from your lungs
You said once, it was beautiful as it evaporates

Am I beautiful as I evaporate?
621 · Jul 2010
ravens reminder
Red petals drop off the tree
Blood glistens off the sword
A woman's grief gives relief
To those that go to war

Waterfalls flow off the cheeks of rocks
Spraying drops of oceans salt
As the ravens fly around me in flocks
Reminding me that I'm the one at fault
608 · Jul 2010
Drowning past
Tenor my thoughts
Relieve my stress
Balance my heartache
Rivers water
Flow through me
Take me apart from you
597 · Jul 2010
Breezing by
I don't make a impact
I simply breeze around others lives
Forever just to be a girl they once knew
I'm nothing in this world filled with
Hate and love
Just a kid with unheard opinions
And broken screams
588 · Jul 2010
The last moment
Razor eyes stare through the glass
As fading light lies in bed
With rushing hope scrambling around
And robotic death sentences slowing there beeps
As shadows whisper welcoming words
To unknown callers
Silent screams of repent to undo a hopeless cause
And brilliant white sheets soon to be folded
With chilling beds and underground havens
Will tears touch the freshly placed dirt
Where your body lies,never to see the sun again
We remember the last moments
Of the sad truth
585 · Mar 2011
I haven't seen many acrostic poems on this site.
582 · Sep 2010
The circle box
Open up the circle box
Slowly and fragile
All the same

Feel the impact of what's inside
Look into its crystal glass
See yourself looking back

Through the time warped mirror
Back to the days
Where your smile never left

Slowly feel the empty
Where your ears should be

You can not hear
How can you know?
A wishful smile breaks

Oblivion slowly wraps itself around you
As your sight is blinded
And you are alone
577 · Jun 2015
Not Everything Is Art
not everything is art
not every word spewed is a metaphor
but ****, you are the ******* poem
with no punctuation
racing between sentences
and stoping
when the flow begs you to go on.

not everything is art
not all brushstrokes make a masterpiece
but ****, your fingerprints swirl sunsets
smudged into my rough canvas of a body
dripping pigment into my pores
stroke by stroke.

not everything is art
but ****, you are.
572 · Feb 2012
So call me, tell me, What you can do?
My queen of hearts is falling for you.
Call me baby, yes, tell me what I should do!
It's for you, see me painting these roses brand new?

And you’re just a white rabbit that never dug your own hole.
You wander through Wonderland looking for the right role.
But you’re always in a rush to find love,
And you run right past Alice, Even though she was your sign that fell from above.

Do I exist, I fear, O, I fear I disappear.
But my cheshire grin stands strong.
You can call me strange, But it's really the curiosity that you see as a bit queer.
But no one ever said that was wrong.

So call me, tell me, What you can do?
My queen of hearts is crumbling for you.
Call me baby, yes, tell me what I should do!
It's for you, see me painting these roses brand new?

Oh, I've made a world of my own.
Eat me, Drink me, and it can be your home.
Oh Suitable, They scream "Off with your head"
Darling I will protect you from the the 7 of aces that are chrome red.

What's a celebration? A unbithday I beg!
Shall we celebrate with tea? Or with lies on our teeth?
Wonderland has captured us, Pulled us in by our legs.
Because when you play with strangers, You see the magic of underneath.

So call me, tell me, What you can do?
My queen of hearts is falling for you.
Call me baby, yes, tell me what I should do!
It's for you, see me painting these roses brand new?
Supposed to be a song (Thus the repetitive chorus)
564 · Nov 2010
Halloween Tribute
To hell
We part on sacred soil
A cemetery
We do uncoil

Creeping out
Of wretched tombs
rising up
To create ones gloom

Shatter panes
Crunch beneath are kind
As we march
Waiting to embrace the find

Our game
We play with hitched delight
Crawling to you
And triggering your flight

My name is
A gruel of zombie kind
Raging through
To make death and divine
554 · Dec 2010
Our ears remain open
Listening for your story
Let the words soak through

We wait as you shake
And your droplets descend on
Gasping for the past

I sit alone here
Comforting you, when they leave
Stealing your worries

Turning them into
Open stories for you to
Utter towards me

I listen waiting,
Then you speak,without restraint
So I let you speak

Then offer myself
As help and encouragement
For you to remain
549 · Apr 2012
The Jersey Turnpike
The sun is setting
The cars are still comatose
******* New Jersey
548 · Nov 2011
If Hope Was Enough
There was once hope
And I knew how to cope
But my mother ran away to elope
And I started to depend on dope
As I tried to hang myself with rope

The darkness won
I forgot how to have fun
I wanted my life to be done
I learned what it's like to be shunned
And the pain weighed me down as if it was 1,000 tons

So I started seeing a therapist named Lee
But eventually she had too high of a fee
And I was alone with the monsters inside of me
They kept biting and cutting, They never let me be
And all the scars, No one would ever see

As the pain remained, I grew old
I never could fit in a happy, smiling mold
And it was my suicide note that I decided to fold
And all my treasures have been sold
Suicide took me, My heart died cold.
547 · Jun 2011
If I Die
If I die
Before I wake
I pray that you
Can take me away

Take me to hell, Or take me to heaven
As long as I'm no longer stuck
On an Earth that finds luck
In the number seven

You could take me down deep
Where the water is dark
I could hopefully swim
Amongst the sharks

You could take me to graveyards
So I could say adieu to my ghosts
I could walk on the gravestones
Releasing my spirit, I'd no longer be a host

You could take me to rivers
That I've never seen
I could carefully swim
Trying to know what this all means

You could take me anywhere
Any insignificant place
So maybe I could understand
The epitome of my fate.
533 · Sep 2010
The cracks have fallen
I'm sick of stuttering
When in my head
I know exactly what i mean

I'm sick of second guessing myself
Always doubting my truth
Always lying to myself

I can't hold in another word
e v e r
I'm ready to let my voice be known

I have taken everything
From myself
Because i thought i didn't deserve it

I'm done with my past
I WILL fight for myself
I can't fall again

The cracks have fallen
Off my ***** window
And now there is nothing there
531 · Jun 2013
call me a coward,
but this world
is a gaping mouth
waiting to
my every open wound.

the soil,the rocks,the waves
are at war with a faceless god.

and none of us are
none of us are

we stand
as bullets,
and bombs,
waiting to ignite.
527 · Feb 2012
Dust into Diamonds.
Lock me up in this night sky
Because I want to breathe in the stars
Let the galaxy blend into my body
And my heart to be in tune with Mars

I know one day I'll have to see your face
And I know my throat will be clogged
Because being with your smile
Is something my soul will keep logged

We're nothing but dust and diamonds
We're everything we've ever said
You're a lover and I'm a lost dreamer
And that's why our eyes are ringed red

Could you come down from the clouds?
And just surround my dark life
We've always known we are our own disasters
But we're each others rescues that make sense of the strife
526 · Jul 2010
Lost in Tragedy
Now this aching feeling
It's tearing me apart
And this devilish endeavor
It's pulling us apart
Now we're lost in tragedy
Lost in the fired sky
The planes flew away but
Put us back to the start
522 · Jan 2011
A "writers" rant
They said I might have Writers Block
But I've never considered myself a "writer"
Writers write for others
Writers write to make others feel emotion
I write for me
I write to unearth all of my emotions
That I buried long ago
I write when my mind can only peace together words
That I'm far to afraid to say aloud
So I write them down
and call them poems
How can I be a writer?
a writer carefully selects and places there words
i just spit them out onto paper
I see no art in my poems
I see me
a person
not an artist
but what is an artist or a writer?
but simply a label
so maybe I can label myself a writer
and fancy calling myself one
maybe I can add a little....
to who I am
to what I do
and maybe it does have to be for just me
521 · Feb 2014
Mantra For The Mirror
I am not a quotation in your own autobiography. I am a ******* novel.
I am not a faded memory in a photo album. I am a ******* timeless piece of art.
I will not be referred to in past tense, for I am real and present.
In life, In Death, In the Between.
I am necessary, needed, noticed, and ******* glowing.
518 · Jan 2011
Making matters worse
I heard you
I don't listen
I'm a **** up
I can't do anything right
I did it to anger you
I won't live to see success

Is that what you want to hear?
when you fling your words at me
Will me agreeing make you happy?
actually i don't care


I WILL live to become
my own person
and it's only a matter of years
in till i can leave

Go ahead
make matters worse
punch me
get drunk
get high
go die

Abuse is only one word
and yet you scream so many
why don't you just realize
I can't stand your hate
which you give out plenty
Not my life. Just a poem written by me but in someone else's world.
516 · Apr 2013
Burn Out
I'll never cross a bridge
into a different state of mind
The traffic of my nerves
would never pardon me or be so kind.
But the currents pulsing
in the wires above my head
are burning into my skull
my joints convulse
and flicker my soul,
morse code for
"Do or Die"
as in,
Do not call this a tragedy
Or an impeding doom, I'll
Die in the confines of Kobains last words
"It's better to burn out then fade away"
I'll be better as charred dust
in the minds those who feel dismay,
then are like the life of the unexpected victims heart, eternally in delay
514 · Jul 2012
What's a Mother?
One day I woke up
And they called it being alive
And I took this gift for granted
So I cried
“Look at Mommy”, “Mommy” help me
But then I didn’t know
What’s a Mother? What’s a Mother?
A Mother is Hope

One day I opened up my eyes
I searched quickly what’s around me
I found Sisters, I found a Father
I found a family,
And a beautiful Mother too
What’s a Mother? What’s a Mother?
A Mother is the one who stood back and smiled as you grew

I found my Mother in memories
In the sand, snow, and sun
I found my Mother loving melodies
That in her mind goes unnamed
I found my Mother with open arms
Where she swore I didn’t deserve harm

I found my Mother where there were few
And I love my Mother,
And my Mother is you.
I wrote this for my Mom on Mother's Day :)
514 · Sep 2010
The Hermit
Close the doors
To cruel fate
Shut the windows
Could it be a mistake?

Wall up in safe simplicity
What is there to lose at this rate?
Can we contain every fear?
Could we ever use someone as bait?

If the Hermit does repent
And slowly opens up his gate
He may shake and tumble through
But he has escaped
512 · Oct 2010
The world and entrances
Cavernous spaces
Divide our youth
Holding us back from
Tainted truth

Words left untitled
To wander our mind
Slowing seeping
Into the divine
508 · May 2012
Like Tea
Far to often I find that I spit my words out
Not to let them be known but to shun them from my brain
What's the point of picking careful words
When all that's left of them is stale, bitter, cold?
I find myself closing my eyes
Trying to imagine a better day
But days don't get better
Days can't get worse
Days steep in kettles
In till they are poured
Our hands are teacups
It explains all the burns
We stick out our tongues for a sip
Of the day that left in the empty spaces
Spaces we purposely put between our fingers
I chug the tea that is now cold
Reminding me of memories
That stuck to the leaves in a metal ***
I go to the garden
and pluck my lies and wrap them up
Here my love, take a bouquet
I swear, I swear, I swear.
I spit my words.
I drop my days.
I close my eyes.
And I can't be saved.
496 · Mar 2011
I'm not what I used to be
I've become lost trying to find "me"

All the souls i've met
I've touched,but I'm not finished yet

I'll keep walking
Looking for the newest soul shocking

It's life that I live
Life thats made me act passive

As I search for my cure
Eloped by the obscure
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