I'm lost, I'm a fuck up, actually I'm a lot of things. And all of those things channel into my words, into my sentences, into everything that I write. It's the only place it can go when your funnel only ever points down, giving everything you do the chanc 20 followers / 2.2k words
not everything is art not every word spewed is a metaphor but ****, you are the ******* poem with no punctuation racing between sentences and stoping when the flow begs you to go on.
not everything is art not all brushstrokes make a masterpiece but ****, your fingerprints swirl sunsets smudged into my rough canvas of a body dripping pigment into my pores stroke by stroke.
I would die for you. I am going to die for you.* Not today. Not tomorrow.
but one day it will all make sense and everything will be beautiful and I will be warm in the winter, and you will be by a fire watching the icicles drip down.
and you will see me in the newly poured puddle. You will see me in the mud at the bottom of the hill. You will see me in the patches of snow scattered about the yard.
You will see the thaw. The rebirth. The spring. The sun. Just know I burnt myself up so your frigid dusk could be undone.
I am not a quotation in your own autobiography. I am a ******* novel. I am not a faded memory in a photo album. I am a ******* timeless piece of art. I will not be referred to in past tense, for I am real and present. In life, In Death, In the Between. I am necessary, needed, noticed, and ******* glowing.