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 Jun 2013 Caroline
 Jun 2013 Caroline
I feel like ****.
Screaming doesn't make it better.
Crying doesn't make it better.
Take a walk and clear my mind.
Smoke a cigarette.
Nothing feels any better.
It's that feeling of desperation that clings to you,
Like wet clothes after a down pour.
It will only get better if I change my clothes.
But in order to do that I must get naked first,
And that could quite possibly be worse.
So I will sit here crying,
Waiting for them to dry.
But you forgot to tell me to get out of the rain first.
 Jun 2013 Caroline
 Jun 2013 Caroline
into a deep hole
that I had dug up
with my bare hands
That dark hole
was called *Love

In your words
I *found
In your eyes
I found clarity
In your heart
I found trust
In you
I found security
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Jun 2013 Caroline
Everything* we find *pleasure in are always temporary
From the finest champagne to the large stacks of money
Dollar bills give a thrill for a night and maybe another
But soon the wallet will be empty and you'll be without a lover
Lipstick stains fade as the night draws to a close
As we lose touch with reality and our lives
Nothing seems real until you experience pain
Or until you feel your heart slowing down
Life isn't as fun as the movies tell you
Life is far worse than you will ever know
As your addictions infect your brain with greed
Your love for temporary bliss will be hard to contain
And it will constantly haunt your mind
Until you get the feeling you want and need so desperately

Withdrawal symptoms are hard to bear
When you're so far up in the air
Stuck on a high from material objects
It will affect every part of your thoughts
It won't stop until you reach a new low
And your adrenaline rush turns into an overdose
An overdose of the drug that is bliss
From the things that bring you happiness
It can be *******, fine champagne
A love for expensive luxury and money
A need for attention and affection
Which you find in the deadly addictions
That creep into your brain and consume
What is left of your pure mind
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Jun 2013 Caroline
Like A Dream
 Jun 2013 Caroline
He's incredible, sweet and gentle like a rose
and the way he holds my hand
as we're busy making plans
wonderful gentleman
just the way he holds me tight
every touch makes me weak
makes me drift off to sleep
the passion is intense
makes you forget everything
makes you forget all the pain
makes you want to love again

Devil with a charming heart
tears your security walls apart
electricity when we touch
he's like a dream
is this reality?
feels like Heaven to me
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Jun 2013 Caroline
I gave you permission to hold my heart
You held it in the palm of your hands
Promised not to break it apart
It was a risk and I took the chance
Soon it was clear that you were the one
I felt like my heart had won
the winning prize
But soon it was clear
That he fooled my eyes
with filthy lies
and broken promises

This man had my happiness
in the palm of his hands
He knew that I was weak
so he used it to his advantage
as I loosened my defence

His mouth talked *******
but his body meant business
I can tell by the way he said my name
as we walked during our dates

He was a liar but honest about his past
Gave you a one-way ticket to paradise
made you weak as you fell for the eyes
who ultimately deceived you not once
but oh so many **wicked times
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Jun 2013 Caroline
Dear Angel
 Jun 2013 Caroline
The day you died haunts me still
but you will be forever young
forever on my mind
I will always miss your smile
the way your presence could light up a room
kind of like the sun as it rises in the morning
and as the moon glows when the day progresses
into the starry sky at midnight exact

I will never forget the impact you made
just by being my dearest friend
one day, I'll see you again
at the bright gates of Heaven
I will then see your face once more
and the girl who I once lost
but now can see again

One day that will happen,
One day, my friend.

Dear angel, I love you.
My heartbeat feels so dull,
without you here bringing it back to life.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Jun 2013 Caroline
For A Night
 Jun 2013 Caroline
Remembering you is something I hate
It's like I get a bad taste in my mouth
And it's not from the cigarettes
But from your body's shadow
As you walked into the room
We stared at each other
For what seemed like minutes
Your body language said it all
The way you bit your lip
As we looked in each other's eyes
I felt sparks fly between us
I am no science genius
But I know chemistry when I see it
I swear it was more than intense lust
More like the after effects of alcohol intoxication
A feeling that made your throat warm
As well as cold because you know it's only temporary
A love like could never last
But it could
For a night

I am no saint or sinner
But I would give you a night to remember
Just to leave a mark on your heart
So you'd remember me years from now
Even if we never see each other again
And if we ever cross paths once more
I'd know if this was love or not
Or just a passionate impulse
For affection from his tense
yet gentle embrace
Just to feel loved
Even if it only lasts
For a night
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Jun 2013 Caroline
 Jun 2013 Caroline
You cut through my feelings
like scissors cut through paper
and with every false promise
I feel my blood getting thinner
as my heart grows weaker
can't you see through my smile?
the anguish in my sunken eyes
or the way I lose control of
my inner thoughts
as soon as you go

my heart can beat without you
but it can't feel love
it can only feel pain
because you left it broken
as you can clearly see
I am Human**.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Jun 2013 Caroline
Glass Of Pain
 Jun 2013 Caroline
Go ahead, leave me behind
watch as my heart breaks
and my soul loses it's light
as you destroy me
and my mind

poison my heart with lies
feed my brain empty promises
and remember my face
as you watch me die inside
with tears filling my eyes
and a smile covering up the pain

leave me behind, but remember
I'll always cherish your love
as it was raw and tender*
even though you left me broke
feels like someone put my heart in a blender*
and left me with a glass of pain
which tasted bitter
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Jun 2013 Caroline
 Jun 2013 Caroline
I'm the one who falls for heavenly eyes
who likes a slice of poisoned cherry pie
constantly seeking the one for me
I always play with the devil's key
deadly and wonderful
that's what you are
you make me love drunk
I see stars

chemistry is electric
the passion in bed
seems like magic
or maybe a trick
to make me weak
as you poison my mind

Infatuated with thoughts of you
feeding me lies but I still want more
I wonder if you love me too
even if you don't, I still want to score
because you're the drug I need
**the kind of excitement I seek
© Natali Veronica 2013.
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