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Jan 9 · 62
A Cold Day In Florida
A Cold Day In Florida

A cold day in Florida
It happens now and then
To keep our families warm
We lock ourselves within

It gets down to freezing
For just one day or two
We say it just cant happen
We have no coats to use

We cant see through the windows
Ice covers all our views
Not knowing how to drive
Black Ice is something new

We go down to the ocean
The water's ice cold too
The beach is almost empty
Tourist didnt get the news

Now we sit and wait for sunshine
Hope it will come soon
For a cold day in Florida
To us its something new

A cold day in Florida

Poem by; Carl Joseph Roberts (Joe)
Nov 2023 · 559
A War Without An End
They say this is a new war
But it's happened many times
The killings and the murders
The destruction left behind

We take sides, stand our ground
With no soldiers at our doors
Not knowing of the pain they feel
What they must endure

Occupied or Terrorist
Both sides refuse to lose
So they fight and **** each other
Each side with different views

We judge them for their actions
Not knowing their true pain
Innocents on both sides
With their lives they now must pay

One will win, one will lose
But the death it will not end
For their religion they must follow
A War without an end

Poem by Carl Joseph Roberts (Joe)
I have my own specific view but this poem takes no sides except the side of peace.
Nov 2023 · 150
The Love Of Poetry
The Love Of Poetry

We consider ourselves writers
Painting pictures with our words
So others have a chance to view
A message that needs heard
We hope that we are givers
Of wonders never seen
That each new verse that we write
Is something someone needs
We try to make a difference
Give a different point of view
Hope our readers understand
Maybe change a life or two
I call myself a poet
And I do all the things above
Although I do this for myself
I also do it out of love

The Love Of Poetry

Poem by; Carl Joseph Roberts (Joe)
Please forward and tag to help make this trend.
Feb 2023 · 276
Cupids Days Are Done
Cupids Days Are Done

Well it's the day after Valentines
And Cupid did not come
Now I'm waiting at my bedroom door
Putting bullets in my gun

I waited until midnight
Then today rolled around
Now if Cupid ever shows his head
Cupid gets knocked out

At first I planned to scare him
For all he's put me through
But ****** seems a better choice
Since I've had a drink or two

Now I could be drinking way to much
Because I think I'm seeing things
Or Cupid may have slipped me drugs
Just to get away from me

Did I just see a Santa
I'm hearing reindeer on my roof
My drinking could be trouble
Giggling Goblins are afoot

I think I saw a Bunny
Is that a beer orna green elf
Cupid he won't raise his head
Afraid to show himself

Did I just hear a Turkey chuckle
I'm seeing pink arrows everywhere
Maybe I should take a nap
Or I could just have another beer

Well it's the day after Valentines
And Cupid did not come
He gets maybe one more year
The Cupids Days Are Done

Poem by; Carl Joseph Roberts  (Joe)
Dec 2022 · 500
Christmas Has A Meaning
Christmas Has A Meaning

Christmas Has A Meaning
We must not forget to see
For a gift of love called Jesus
Was born for you and me

On a night so filled with darkness
A star did shine so bright
To guide the way for all to see
The Savior born that night

King of Kings they would proclaim
Kneeling faithful by his side
In the manger lay the Son Of God
The Messiah had arrived

The glory of this childs birth
We celebrate in many lands
He brings the world love and hope
Peace on earth good will to man

Christmas Has A Meaning
We must not forget to see
For a gift of love called Jesus
Was born for you and me

Christmas Has A Meaning

Poem by; Carl Joseph Roberts  ( Joe)
Dec 2021 · 312
The Love Of Poetry
We consider ourselves writers
Painting pictures with our words
So others have a chance to view
A message that needs heard

We hope that we are givers
Of wonders never seen
That each new verse that we write
Is something someone needs

We try to make a difference
Give a different point of view
Hope that readers understand
Maybe change a life or two

I call myself a poet
And do all the things above
Although I do this for myself
I also do it out of love

The Love Of Poetry

Poem by; Carl Joseph Roberts  (Joe)
Please share
May 2021 · 418
Heavens Door

He visits now his mother
His father stands there by his side
His sisters and a brother
Guide him to the shinning light

His days on earth remembered
By those who still remain
We talk about the life he lived
All the love that he once gave

A man who served his country
Was a soldier in our wars
Loving husband and a father
He was a gift that was adored

He faced the end with honor
Like his father did before
Now he goes to be with Jesus
He walks through Heavens door

Poem for my Uncle.  
Michael Yates
Jan 16, 1949 to May 7, 2021

Our lives were made better by having you as a part of our family.  
I thank you sir for allowing me to be a part of your life and for sharing with me your life stories
May your Wife, Children, Brothers, Sister close friends and all of our extended family,  have peace knowing that the life lived made a positive difference in this world.
Rest in peace Uncle

Poem by; Carl Joseph Roberts (Joe)
Apr 2021 · 360
How To Write A Perfect Poem
How To Write A Perfect Poem

So you want to write a poem
That the world will want to view
One that is so special
It will change a life or two

You can try to make it funny
To make your readers laugh
Or maybe a love story
To bring a feeling back

You may want to bring them into it
Let them feel your pain
Or show them there's a different side
A new path they should take

You can let them see deep within
Show them something new
Have them ask a question
Or maybe answer one for you

You can write a perfect poem
If its what you want to do
Just take the time and feel the words
That are deep inside of you

Just know that many poems of the past
Get read by very few
Still each poem, your poem is just perfect
If it touches only you

Write your perfect poem

Poem by; Carl Joseph Roberts (Joe)
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Sep 2020 · 1.8k
How To Treat A Woman
How To Treat A Woman

Wrap your arms around her
Hold her close and tight
Take away all her fears
Make everything alright

Say I love you when you're mad
Even if you think you're right
Take her hands and kiss her
Let her win most fights

Let her see true love in your eyes
As she walks into the room
Show her that you miss her
When she is not with you

Let the memory of her fill your days
Tell the truth and never lie
Each night before you go to sleep
Keep passion on your mind

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts (Joe)
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Sep 2019 · 2.1k
Unconditional Love
Unconditional Love

Unconditional love you'll see
Throughout the life that you will lead
Just know that there is not one day
That my love from you will go away

No matter what your age may be
I'll stand with you when you're in need
Watch over you throughout your life
Lend an ear and give advice

You can always count me on your side
But I'll tell that truth you may not like
Still I'll hold you if you ever cry
So you'll know that things will be alright

It matters not the path you choose
Pick the one that's best for you
Dont worry if I will approve
It changes not my love for you

Unconditional love you'll see
Throughout the life that you will lead
Just know that there is not one day
That my love for you will go away

Unconditional Love

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts  (Joe)
Aug 2019 · 556
Why I'm
You know men are just plain better
At most things that we do
You may say wait one minute
But inside you know it's true

A man can change a tire
We can even build a house
We know when it's time to talk
And when to shut our mouth

Now some women say I'm crazy
So I've been told a time or two
If only you would listen
When I tell you what to do

As a man myself I'll tell you
Exactly what you need
I know that you will understand
For your job is just to please

Now it could be that a womans job
Is harder then I think
You do have to clean all day
Then have dinner made for me

I've heard women say they cant believe
I've stayed single for this long
Then shake their heads and walk away
I think there's something I'm doing wrong

What could it be, what could it

Poem by: Carl Joseph Robert's (Joe)
No bashing it is a pure joke.
Feb 2019 · 578
The 55
Today I turned 55
So far its one amazing life
I give thanks now every day
For all I've learned along the way

Wouldn't want to change the past
Memories gained will forever last
Spending time with good friends
A family love that never ends

Wasn't always fun and games
There were trials along the way
Found true love a time or two
Life lessons learned guide me through

So Today I turned 55
So far it's one amazing life
Never thought I'd live this way
Im having fun now every day

Today I turned 55

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts (Joe)
Hope to have many more, feel 35 so I think that's a good sign..
May 2018 · 1.3k
Freedoms Cost
Freedoms Cost

His eyes they told a story
Of a man who gave his soul
No words were ever spoken
No lies were ever told

I remember him so clearly
As all the people passed him by
He sat there on the sidewalk
With sadness in his eyes

He held a simple cardboard sign
That he wanted all to see
Hoped we could remember him
For the way he used to be

He didn't ask for money
Or for feelings of dispaire
Would fight today like he did then
For the freedoms we declare

A veteran of the many wars
That allow us to live free
With a sign that read I fought for you
Will you please now fight for me

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
Please share
Just Smile, Smile, Smile

Listen to these words I say
I swear they are the truth
There's a love I feel deep inside
And its because of you

I wanted you to know my love
Each and every day
So each morning just as you wake up
It puts a smile there on your face

Just smile, smile, smile
Every single day
Smile, smile, smile
You make my world a better place
Smile, smile, smile
A love that is so true
Smile, smile, smile
I smile because of you

You make my life more beautiful
Just being who you are
Never let that go away
Keep a smile there in your heart

A love that fills your inner soul
Its what I give to you
I hope you truly understand
How you fill my heart too

Just smile, smile, smile
Every single day
Smile, smile, smile
You make my world a better place
Smile, smile, smile
A love that is so true
Smile, smile, smile

I smile because of you

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts (Joe)
It can be a wife, a true love, a child or a even a loved friend. Let them know that they make you smile.
Mar 2018 · 680
Driveway Moments
Driveway Moments

Shows we hear, songs we sing
While on our way home
Pull in the drive and close our eyes
And simply sing along

Hear them talk about that thing
That we've always wondered too
Smile and say I understand
And think its just for you

Driveway moments take us away
Say things we need to know
Lets us sing along with them
And sometimes helps us grow

Gives a different point of view
Memories from the past
Moments that get locked in time
That will now forever last

The voices come across so clear
The tunes we can't forget
We sit and listen to each word
Driveway moments are the best

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts (Joe)
Was just thinking of those moments when a program or song is so riveting that we just sit in the driveway and listen. Sometimes we talk back to the program or we know every word to the song and sing along. Weather a song or a program, Driveway moments keep us calm and are some of the best and happiest moments in time. Next time you see someone singing along or talking back to there car radio just remember its all great memories.

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Feb 2018 · 882
You Are Everything
You Are Everything*

You are everything I've wanted
Much more then I deserve
Inside I feel a calmness
Just knowing that I'm yours

You are everything I've asked for
Make all my dreams come true
Give to me a peace inside
Whenever I'm with you

You are everything I hope to hold
Are always on my mind
Each night just when I fall asleep
I want you by my side

You are everything that I need
To make my life complete
My one true love forever more
You are everything to me

You Are Everything*

Poem By: Carl Joseph Roberts (Joe)
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How To Write The Perfect Poem

So you want to write a poem
The world will want to view
One that is so perfect
It will change a life or two
You can try to make it funny
And make the readers laugh
Or maybe a love story
That will bring a feeling back
You can try to bring them into it
Let them feel the pain
Show them their's a different side
A new path they can take
You can let them see deep within
Give them something new
Have them ask a question
Or answer one for you
You can write the perfect poem
If it's what you want to do
Just take the time and feel the words
That are deep inside of you
But know that many poems of the past
They get read by very few
Still each poem, your poem is just perfect
If it touches only you

Write your perfect poem

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts (Joe)
Many times when I tell someone a poem, I hear them say, I wish I could write poetry. I sometimes tell them I can teach them how to write the perfect poem and it takes just a minute. I tell them I actually put the instructions into a poem and then share this poem with them. If you just write what you feel it makes it your perfect poem. If matters not how many people read it or even understand it. Each poem is perfect to someone even if that someone is only you.
Oct 2017 · 640
The Reminder of Love
The Reminder Of Love

Once we were lovers
Then somehow it all changed
Now we act like perfect strangers
Trying to forget each other's names

In your hands you held my heart
Back then it seemed so real
Now my heart it is in pieces
Trying to remember how you feel

When you left it hurt all over
So much more then I could bare
I hid my feelings deep within
Pretending I don't care

No new memories of the good times
Where we walk while holding hands
Just the knowing of a love once strong
That has now come to an end

As we walk away from this love
And go our separate ways
I will always see the love we shared  
In the child that they made

Collaborative Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts &
R.G. Browning
Helped write this for a close friend who had a child with a lady he once loved. Although they now go seperate ways there will always be a reminder of their love with the child that they made.
Jun 2017 · 1.6k
In My Fathers Eyes
In My Father's Eyes

In my father's eyes
His boy he always sees
Guiding me along the way
Into the man I need to be

In my father's eyes
I can do no wrong
He always stands beside me
And helps me through each storm

In my father's eyes
I feel the love he has for me
Gives it freely every day
And wants the world to see

In my father's eyes
As I look into his soul
I find the man I want to be
The day when I grow old

In my father's eyes

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
Jun 2017 · 338
In My Fathers Eyes
In My Fathers Eyes

In my fathers eyes
The boy I used to be
He helped me to grow strong
Into the man that he now sees

In my fathers eyes
I can do no wrong
He always stands beside me
And helps me through each storm

In my fathers eyes
I feel the love he has for me
Gives it freely every day
And want the world to see

In my fathers eyes
As I look into his soul
I see the man I want to be
The day that I grow old

In my fathers eyes

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
Feb 2017 · 1.7k
Freedoms Cost
Freedoms Cost

His eyes they told a story
Of a man who gave his soul
Not a word was ever spoken
No lies were ever told

I remember him so clearly
As all the people passed him by
He sat there on the sidewalk
With sadness in his eyes

He held a simple cardboard sign
That he wanted all to see
Hoped we could remember him
For the way he used to be

He didn't ask for money
Not for feelings of dispaire
Would fight today like he did then
For the freedom we declare

A veteran of the many wars
That allow us to stay free
With a sign that read I fought for you
Will you please now fight for me

**Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
Please share if you liked
Dec 2016 · 2.5k
THE Ohio State Buckeyes
Ohio State Buckeyes

* THE Ohio State Buckeyes
The best team in the land
We must fight the Clemson tigers
And prove our strength again
Those Tigers they are very fast
But we do not fear their roar
The Urban legend comes to town
He's been know to run up the score
THE Ohio State Buckeyes
The best team in the land
We will win the national title
Over the Crimson Tide again
A Buckeye Nation standing strong
And Known the world around
Forever loyal to our team
Who never let's us down

We are,
THE Ohio State Buckeyes*

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts (Joe)
Well, they simply whipped our tails then went on to win the National Championship. Still they beat my Buckeyes Oh well they are still my team. Once a Buckeye always a Buckeye. Even from Florida.
Sep 2016 · 2.2k
It Dont Matter
It Don't Matter

It don't matter what you want
It don't matter what you need
It don't matter what you feel
It don't matter what you think

It don't matter what you say
It don't matter what you do
It don't matter what you like
It don't matter what you choose

There is one thing that matters
What you did it matters
So you need to know what matters most
Is you no longer matter now to me

It don't matter where you work
It don't matter where you play
It don't matter where you go
It don't matter where you stay

It don't matter where you're at
It don't matter where you've been
It don't matter where you live
It don't matter where you sin

There is one thing that matters
What you did it matters
So you need to know what matters most
Is you no longer matter now to me

It don't matter who you call
It don't matter who you date
It don't matter who you like
It don't matter who you hate

There is one thing that matters
What you did it matters
So you need to know what matters most
Is you no longer matter now to me

You need to know what matters
It no longer matters
Who, what, when, where or why
Cause you no longer matter now to me

Song/Poem by:
Carl Joseph Roberts (Joe)
Jul 2016 · 1.6k
I Wonder If You Realize
I Wonder If You Realize*

I wonder if you realize
What it truly means
For me to of finally met
The girl out of my dreams

I wonder if you realize   
Of this love I hold inside
Do you feel it from my heart
Can you see it in my eyes

I wonder if you realize
That you take my breath away
Does my smile show it on my face
Each and every day

I wonder if you realize
As you walk into the room
That you are deep within my soul
Each time I look at you

I wonder if you realize

Poem by: *
Carl Joseph Roberts  (Joe)
If you like please share and help trend. Thanks
Jun 2016 · 1.3k
Do You Ever Wonder
Do You Ever Wonder

Do you ever wonder
If all that you may need
Was already placed in front of you
Just sitting at your feet
Do you ever wonder
If you are strong enough
To take that one step forward
Never to look back
Do you ever wonder
Of the life that you must lead
Give yourself to others
Who you know to be in need
Do you ever wonder
If you have what it takes
To live your life the way you want
And know it's no mistake
Do you ever wonder
If all that you may need
Was already placed in front of you
Just sitting at your feet

Do you ever wonder

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
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Jun 2016 · 1.2k
Don't Wait
Don't Wait
Starting From Today

Have you ever really wondered
What you'd do or say
If a doctor said you have one week
Starting from today

Would you sit and watch a sunset
Or the dawn as it arrives
Go see the ones that you love most
Let them feel your love inside

Would you listen to the oceans waves
Hear the birds just singing songs
Feel the raindrops on your face
Let the sunshine make you warm

Would you watch the children playing
Make sure you played along
Look back upon a life well lived
Make good on all your wrongs

Well life is short and it goes by fast
So I know what I will do
All those things on my list
I won't wait to hear bad news

Have you ever really wondered
What you'd do or say
If a doctor said you have one week
Starting from today

Don't wait

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
Jun 2016 · 746
More Than Dreams
More Than Dreams

I wanted you to know today
Of this love I hold inside
So strong it never goes away
It cannot be denied

This love it formed so very fast
The day that I met you
I knew from that first moment
That this love inside was true

This love I feel makes me whole
Knowing I have found my one
Gives me peace inside my soul
And I know my search is done

I hope you know just how I feel
And of what it truly means
I give to you all my heart
You are more then I could dream

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
Apr 2016 · 1.2k
White Jeans And A Smile
White Jeans And A Smile

White jeans and a smile
Slowly walked my way
And from that moment
My life began to change

We sat and talked awhile
Of the lives that we both lived
I hoped that I had passed her test
And her heart to me she'd give

I asked if she would take a ride
To let me lead the way
Wanted her to trust me
And never be afraid

She wrapped her arms around me
I made sure to take things slow
Put my hand on top of hers
Felt a love I've never known

She is the girl of my dreams
I hope inside she knows
The love I feel deep within
And how each day it grows

White Jeans and a smile
Slowly walked my way
And from that moment
My life began to change

For Haedy

Poem by:
Carl Joseph Roberts
Feb 2016 · 2.0k
NFL Cleveland Rams
NFL Cleveland Rams*

They started out in Cleveland
Just some news for you
The Cleveland Rams the were called
Before they even moved

L.A. is where they grew up
Then Saint Louis they called home
But Cleveland was the very first
Just wanted you to know

The sports shows say they're going home
But we know that its not true
We sure do wish they'd come back
So we can win a game or two

Yes the original L.A. Rams were actually the Cleveland Rams.

Poem by: *
Carl Joseph Roberts  (Joe)
Jan 2016 · 1.1k
Make New Things Happen
Make New Things Happen

Make new things happen
Each and every day
Let them lead you in your life
And simply be amazed

Become a part of wonder
Stand back and watch it grow
Do great things for others
And never let them know

Make new things happen
And know you took your part
See the eyes of others
Help change their inner hearts

Don't think that it can't happen
It's all a point of view
Each day when new things happen
Make them because of you

Poem by : Carl Joseph Roberts
To all my readers, my second poetry book has now been published called Life, Love and Lessons Learned. It is available on

Amazon, Kindle and Lulu
By typing in Carl Joseph Roberts Life Love And Lessons Learned.

My first book,
Through My Eyes, By Carl Joseph Roberts
was a success and because of many of you, even without a book signing it was profitable. And I hope many of you will support this my second book as well and additionally forward this to as many other readers in hope they will support also. Again, thank you all so very much for your support over these last sever years. From winning several contests to all your comments I have appreciated each kind word said. So please find and buy a book and support the cause if possible. Thank you all again.  Always writing... Carl Joseph Roberts  (Joe)
Please add to as many collections as you fell fit and forward as you wish to help support. Thanks. Joe
Dec 2015 · 1.5k
How To Write A Perfect Poem
How To Write A Perfect Poem

So you want to write a poem
The world will want to view
A poem that is so perfect
It will change a life or two
You can try to make it funny
And make the reader laugh
Or maybe a love story
That brings a feeling back
You can try to pull them into it
Help them feel the pain
Show them there's a different side
A new path they can take
You can let them see deep within
Show them something new
Have them ask a question
Or answer one for you
You can write a perfect poem
If it's what you want to do
Just take the time and feel the words
That are deep inside of you
But know that many poems of the past
They are read by very few
Still each poem, your poem is just perfect
If it touches only you

Write your perfect poem**

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
If you like please share and help trend
Dec 2015 · 8.8k
The Fear Of Failure
The Fear Of Failure

The fear of failure at least for me
Helps me to survive
It drives me to do better
And makes me live my life

The fear of failure pushes me
To make sure that I succeed
Shows me where I need to go
And what I truly need

The fear of failure guides me
Shows me where I'm at
Helps me to push forward
And makes sure I don't look back

The fear of failure is all I need
To make sure I stay the path
It shows me that the life I lead
Must be one of giving back

The fear of failure

Poem by : Carl Joseph Roberts
If you like add to a few collections and help it trend
Oct 2015 · 2.0k
Scary Clowns
Scary Clowns*

There is one thing you should know
I swear it is the truth
Watch for clowns this time of year
As they smile and lie to you

One day you'll see these words I say
They cannot be denied
For Halloween is on us now
The scariest of all nights

Ghost will float through the air
Let you think the night is fun
The walking dead will rule the streets
Some may have real guns

A witch may put a spell on you
Many Gobblins will be found
Thinking you have seen it all
You relax and let guard down

Then a final knock on your door
With no one else around
A politician standing there
The scariest of all clowns*

Poem by : Carl Joseph Roberts
If you like please share and help trend.
Oct 2015 · 1.3k
If I'm Dreaming
If I'm Dreaming*

If I'm dreaming
Please don't wake me up
The life I'm in is one I love
And im doing what I want

If I'm dreaming
Help me stay asleep
Turn the lights way down low
Throw a cover over me

If I'm dreaming
Don't you bother me
Let me stay where I'm at
I have exactly what I need

If I'm dreaming
See the smile there on my face
I'm loving life in my dream
I don't want to be awake

If I'm dreaming
Please just let me dream*

Poem by : Carl Joseph Roberts
Sep 2015 · 833
Chapter Two
Chapter Two

Well today, today I finally did it
I packed my bags and moved
Left the place where I grew up
And started chapter two

You see I never want to look back
On all that could have been
Or ever think to myself
I wish I did back then

 Now I don't know what my future holds
But I guess, well I guess I'm gonna see
I must take this chance and live my life
And do this just for me

There are some things that I will miss
Like my times with each of you
For the friendships that I've made in life
Inside I hold them true

Still when I look back on my past
I want to say there's no regrets
That I took the chances that I had
And I  did my very best

So today, today I finally did it
I packed my bags and moved
Left the place where I grew up
And started chapter two

Today I finally did it
Chapter Two, Page One

Poem by : Carl Joseph Roberts
I have officially moved to Florida, bought a house and will probably take a month maybe two off before I decide what I want the next 20/25/30 years to be. I know, at the very least, I will flip houses down there as I have up here for these past 10 years. I still have a few properties to sell up here and I'm keeping the family home so I will have two houses, one in Ohio and one in Florida. Still im thinking the majority of the time I will be in Florida. As needed I will occasionally be back in Ohio to prepare and sell these properties and I hope a few of my friends will join me for lunch or dinner just to catch up when im here. To all my friends both long lifetime friends and newer good friends, thank you for always being there for me when needed. Some of you have been invited to stay with me if you ever make it down to Florida and as it was up in Ohio, my door is always open to you. Love you all... Joe
Sep 2015 · 3.7k
My Last Day
My Last Day

It's My last day at work today
A new journey to begin
Just two short weeks ago
I turned my notice in

Memories with fantastic times
As teardrops fill some eyes
We share the stories of our past
And I say my last goodbyes

I will finish off my final day
And do my very best
Give to them on my last day
As I did on all the rest

I take my one last journey
To meet with all my friends
Listen to them wish me well
Hug and shake some hands

I walk away my head held high
And say there's no regrets
Knowing that the job I did
It was my very best

It's my last day of work today
A new journey to begin
Just two short weeks ago  
I turned my notice in

It's my last day

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
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Sep 2015 · 1.7k
The Life Of A Single Man
The Life Of A Single Man

Sometimes we *** in the shower
We hardly ever make our beds
We clean ourselves with shampoo
Using the lather from our head

We will wear the same old socks
That we wore the day before
And don't even get us started
On how long jeans last on the floor

If the bed is made we sleep on top
Then just straighten when we get up
Do we really need to wash the sheets
If our skin they do not touch

We drink milk from the carton
Eat fast food way to much
Have pizza pie for dinner
Then eat leftovers when we get up

We want the house to look real clean
So there are rooms that we won't use
When we can write our names in dust
That's when we grab a broom

This is the life of a single man
We just do what we want to do
It is very hard for us to change
When we meet that someone new

So don't try to change us overnight
So far we have made it through
But if by chance we fall in love
We may just change for you

Poem by : Carl Joseph Roberts
I'm posting some of my favorites for my new readers. Hope you enjoy and share again if you like. Add to a few walls and help it trend.
Sep 2015 · 1.3k
His Voice Or Mine
His Voice Or Mine

With his kiss upon your lips
As you close your eyes
Do you think about the life we had
Or the new life he provides

Do his hands caress your body
The ways that mine once did
Does his touch give you pleasure
Like only I could give

Do you see true love in his eyes
Like the love I had for you
Will your heart beat just as fast
As when I walked in the room

Does the memory of him fill your days
Is our memory lost in time
And as you sleep within your dreams
Do you hear his voice or mine

Poem by : Carl Joseph Roberts
One of my favorite poems.
If you like, please share.
Sep 2015 · 1.1k
Always And Forever
Always And Forever

Each morning just as you wake up
It brightens up the day
The smile you have on her face
Makes the world a better place

There’s calming peace about you
A kindness in your soul
Your gentle spirt lifts others up
And helps each day unfold

You have this love within you
That you give away for free
Never worry for yourself
When you sees someone in need

You are my wife, the one I love
I have vowed my life to you
You owns my heart and all my soul
And to you I will be true

Always and Forever

Poem by : Carl Joseph Roberts**

Feel free to use because I am not married or even seeing any ladies right now. Maybe one day this will be me.
Aug 2015 · 2.8k
Home Is Where The Heart Is
Home Is Where The Heart Is

Home is where the heart is
But my hearts no longer home
So I'll pack my bags and move away
To go find what I need most

I never want to look back
On all that could have been
I'll turn the page on this book of life
A new chapter will begin

I hope one day you'll understand
What I have to do
Move away from my home town
And start out someplace new

I never thought there'd come a time
When I would walk away
From this town where I grew up
And know I'll be okay

They say home is where the heart is
But my hearts no longer home
So I'll pack my bags and move away
To go find what I need most

Home is where the heart is

Poem by : Carl Joseph Roberts
If you like please share with a few collections

After many years in Ohio it seems my soul is calling me to another state. At 50 years old and with working in Law Enforcement for 27 years as well as private sector and flipping houses, it is now time to enjoy life a little more. At 50 I'm sure I'll still be doing something, just not sure what. Flipping homes seems to have been my passion these past 10 years so maybe that. Maybe something else that the man upstairs has planned for me.   I think for me it's just time to start chapter two.
Jul 2015 · 982
New Life Lessons
New Life Lessons

Never let them see you sweat
That's a phrase you'll sometimes hear
But it's only with hard work and sweat
That you can persevere

Don't look back is what they say
You must leave the past behind
But the lessons learned from the past
Are what guide you through your life

Take your time and don't go fast
They say to take things slow
But to get to all you want in life
You must choose the pace you go

Give and take is what they say
Your battles you must choose
But never should you just give in
You must do whats best for you

Remenber all lifes lessons
Then make new ones all your own
Don't be afraid to live your dreams
Let life lessons help you grow

**Carl Joseph Roberts
If you like please add to a few collections ...thanks
Jul 2015 · 1.3k
Take Time, Be Amazed
Take Time, Be Amazed*

Take time to look around each day
Be amazed at what you see
The many wonders of this world
The beauty that it brings

Stop and watch a baby
And hear the soft sweet cries
Admire all God's Glory
As a new born life arrives

Listen to the children
Spreading laughter all around
While they make angels playing
As snowflakes hit the ground

Watch a couple getting married
As they kiss and start their lives
Not knowing what their futures hold
The joy they feel inside

Look closely at a lasting love
As they sit while holding hands
Feel the passion in their hearts
And know it is Gods plan

Take time to look around each day
Be amazed at what you see
The many wonders of this world
The beauty that it brings*

Take time, Be Amazed

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
Please share
Jun 2015 · 1.2k
You Just Know
You Just Know

How do you know that its alright
To start over once again
To pack your bags and not look back
A new journey to begin

How do you know the time has come
For you to make a change
To give yourself all you need
So you can walk away

How do you know when to go
And leave it all behind
To start out fresh with something new
Not knowing what you'll find

How do you know to say enough
You have given all you can
To know inside you did your best
And it's time for different plans

I always said inside you'll know
When that time has finally come
That you'll feel it deep within your soul
And know what must be done

So if for sure that time is now
Then you know what you must do
  Turn the page on this book of life
A new chapter just for you

You Just Know

Carl Joseph Roberts**

It can be a life change with a divorce a break up or simply a move. Maybe a decision that needs made that you have put off for to long or even a work change. No matter what it is you must go and do what is best for you.
Jun 2015 · 1.1k

Fathers are a special thing
They give to you their time
They show you what you need in life
And give you peace of mind

Fathers do amazing things
Each and every day
Always there when you need
To say it is okay

Fathers teach you lessons
They guide you as you go
Allow mistakes to be made
So lessons learned you know

Fathers show compassion
They are there to lend a hand
Wrap their arms around you
And help you make a plan

A father's job is never done
No matter what your age
Each time your father sees you
For him it's Fathers day*

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
Happy Fathers Day
Jun 2015 · 932
Going Home
Going Home

Going home can sometimes be
The best part of life
The comfort and the peace you feel
Somewhere deep inside

There's a calmness that comes over you
Knowing nothing ever changed
As old friends come to visit
Their faces stay the same

Going home can sometimes be
Just exactly what you need
It reminds you of just who you are
And who you need to be

It lets you take that one step back
See all the things you've done
Helps you better understand
Just how far that you have come

Going home can sometimes be
What helps you make it through
Shows you that the life you live
Is the one that's right for you

Going home to family
Can be what you need most
To help you find yourself again
When you are feeling lost

Go Home*

Poem By: Carl Joseph Roberts
May 2015 · 3.4k
Be A Shining Light
Be A Shining Light

Each morning just as you wake up
You have a choice to make
You can choose that you'll be happy
Or sad throughout your day

You can choose to see the good things
And not to see the bad
Look forward to your future
Let go of all the past

You can choose to think of others
Learn from your mistakes
Listen to different points of view
And give more then you take

If you choose each day to smile
You will make the world bright
Each morning just when you wake up
You become a shining light

Be A shining light

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
Apr 2015 · 1.3k
A Riot At My Door
A Riot At My Door*

Have you ever really wondered
The things that you would do
If the riots reached where you lived
All that you would loose

Would you stay and fight for your house
Say this ground is mine
Defend the things that you have
Or leave them all behind

Would you let them take all you've gained
That you've worked for all your life
Say that nothing that you own
Is worth somebody's life

Would you try to truly understand
Say you see their side
Pretend you care what they feel
Then hide and close your eyes

For me I know what I will choose
I can say without a doubt
If you threaten that which I hold dear
My guns they will come out

I can tell you how I know I'll be
If the riots reach my door
I'll protect the lives that I love most
And send you to the lord

Poem By: *
Carl Joseph Roberts
If You like please add to a few collections.
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
Maybe We Should
Maybe We Should*

Maybe we should stop and think
Of the things we do each day
Give ourselves room to grow
Learn to change our ways

Maybe we should hear ourselves
When we speak words of faith
Not be quick to judge someone
For the path that they must take

Maybe we should see some things
In a new and different light
First walk a mile in someones shoes
To know what it is like

Maybe we should just try more
To live a better life
Make the world a better place
And leave the hate behind

Maybe we should

Poem by: *
Carl Joseph Roberts
If liked, add to a few and help it trend.
Apr 2015 · 1.2k
Cherished Time With You
Cherished Time With You

I never knew what it would take
For me to raise a child
Or all the love I'd feel inside
That would make it all worthwhile

There were times that were so tough
Thought I'd never make it through
But now those time I cherish
Because it's time I spent with you

I know one day you'll understand
How your love it fills my heart
And nothing could replace you
Or ever tear that love apart

As now you start your family
You have a child of your own
You will get to feel a love inside
That will forever grow

You may not know what it will take
For you to raise a child
Or of all the love you'll feel inside
That will make it all worthwhile

There'll be times that will be tough
But you will make it through
Times that you will cherish
Because it'a time he spends with you

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
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