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A Riot At My Door*

Have you ever really wondered
The things that you would do
If the riots reached where you lived
All that you would loose

Would you stay and fight for your house
Say this ground is mine
Defend the things that you have
Or leave them all behind

Would you let them take all you've gained
That you've worked for all your life
Say that nothing that you own
Is worth somebody's life

Would you try to truly understand
Say you see their side
Pretend you care what they feel
Then hide and close your eyes

For me I know what I will choose
I can say without a doubt
If you threaten that which I hold dear
My guns they will come out

I can tell you how I know I'll be
If the riots reach my door
I'll protect the lives that I love most
And send you to the lord

Poem By: *
Carl Joseph Roberts
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Maybe We Should*

Maybe we should stop and think
Of the things we do each day
Give ourselves room to grow
Learn to change our ways

Maybe we should hear ourselves
When we speak words of faith
Not be quick to judge someone
For the path that they must take

Maybe we should see some things
In a new and different light
First walk a mile in someones shoes
To know what it is like

Maybe we should just try more
To live a better life
Make the world a better place
And leave the hate behind

Maybe we should

Poem by: *
Carl Joseph Roberts
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Cherished Time With You

I never knew what it would take
For me to raise a child
Or all the love I'd feel inside
That would make it all worthwhile

There were times that were so tough
Thought I'd never make it through
But now those time I cherish
Because it's time I spent with you

I know one day you'll understand
How your love it fills my heart
And nothing could replace you
Or ever tear that love apart

As now you start your family
You have a child of your own
You will get to feel a love inside
That will forever grow

You may not know what it will take
For you to raise a child
Or of all the love you'll feel inside
That will make it all worthwhile

There'll be times that will be tough
But you will make it through
Times that you will cherish
Because it'a time he spends with you

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
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What Matters*

It don't matter what you want
It don't matter what you need
It don't matter what you feel
It don't matter what you think

It don't matter what you like
It don't matter what you do
It don't matter what you have
It don't matter what you choose

There is one thing that matters
What you did it matters
You need to know what matters most
Is you no longer matter now to me

It don't matter what you make
It don't matter what you take
It don't matter what you see
It don't matter what you say

It don't matter where you work
It don't matter where you play
It don't matter where you go
It don't matter where you stay

There is one thing that matters
What you did it mattered
So you need to know what matters
Is you no longer matter now to me

It don't matter if you're glad
It don't matter if your sad
It don't matter if you lie
It don't matter if you cry

There is one thing that matters
What you did it mattered
So you need to know what matters
Is you no longer matter now to me

Now it no longer matters
Who, What, When, Where Or Why
As a matter of fact
You no longer matter now to me*

Song by: Carl Joseph Roberts
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ISIS is a cesspool of individuals who are nothing more than a mere pathetic group of;

Impacable-not able to be quieted or appeased
Scelestic -wicked;villainous
Ideopraxist-one who is impelled to carry out an idea
Sicarian- murderer;assassin
The South Side
(a song)

Three young boys just living their lives
Grew up poor learned how to survive
Never had much never asked why
That's just how it was on The South Side

All three were happy where they were
Thought they lived the life they deserved
They all had hopes and they all had dreams
But they wanted more then they could see

Three best friends for all of life
Would each move away and take a wife
They all had children of their own
But they'd always call The South Side home

The South Side is where they'd go back
When they'd tell stories of their past
How lessons learned stayed with them
And helped three boys become best friends
The South Side is where they'd go back
When they'd tell stories of their past
How lessons learned stayed with them
How the South Side made them into men

Then one day two friends would call
And find one friend not there at all
All three together one last time
Two friends now must say goodbye

Two friends carry the one who died
Who had given them so much in life
They share the memories held inside
Of the life they lived, on the South Side

The South Side is where they'd go back
When they'd tell stories of their past
How lessons learned stayed with them
And helped three boys become best friends
The South Side is where they'd go back
When they'd tell stories of their past
How lessons learned stayed with them
How the South Side made them into men

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
A true story

Please add to a few collections

If you must **** for your religion
Then your religion is not true
For the true God showed compassion
And he died for me and you

No true religion will require
That you take somebodys life
You cannot force them to believe
When they don't think the way you like

A true religion sees no difference
In those who will believe
Men and women stand together
And as equals they are seen

The choice it must be given
For a religion to be true
It is only God from up above
Who in the end can then judge you

If you must **** for your religion
Then your religion is not true
For the true God showed compassion
And he died for me and you

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts**

Please add to a few collections and help trend
In response to the Killing of 21 Christian Egyptians by ISIS. Killed for no other reason then being Christian and not believing the same as another. Christianity wants you to teach the word, speak the word but it does not require you to **** if the other will not listen. In Christianity Jesus gave his life for us so we would not need to give our life. Jesus gives each person the choice to believe or not but does not want you killed if at first you do not hear the word. Jesus continues to place himself in lives for as long as needed in the hope that his light is seen. No torture,  no death, just love.
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