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He dials a number he thought he knew by heart.

She waits for the call she knows will never come.

They live in separate worlds of pain.

Ring, Ring, Ring

Him: Hello?
Her: Hi....Who is this?
Him: I'm sorry is Julie there?
Her: No sorry I think you have the wrong number
Him: Ok thank you
Her: Ok....Bye
Him: Hey wait....I know this is crazy but do you want to get coffee sometime?
Her: ............Um.........I'm sorry I don't even know you
Him: I just have a feeling....Please....It's just a cup of coffee
Her:..............No. I'm sorry
Him:Well I guess you have my number now......Call me if you ever change your mind....Bye.
Her: *Bye.
The sky relinquishes its water

The tears I can't cry

Are substituted by the endless droplets bombarding my face

Silent and Imperceptible  

We broke like a cloud split apart by lightning

It was sudden but not without pain

Both of us blind

It was a shot in the dark that killed us

Transformed us back into you and me

We are the puzzle pieces that look like they are a match

But once put together it becomes obvious that

They are completely the wrong shape
Note To The Reader: Attempting to read all of these would be ridiculous but I hope that you can scroll through and hopefully see something you can connect to.....

1. I am sad or unhappy a lot

2. I am happy sometimes though and so I try to make other people laugh then to make up for the times I make them cry

3. I love sunny days with a light breeze and alternately heavy rain and thunderstorms

4. I am a sucker for all things involving sugar in all its forms

5. I am an analyzer

6. I am a worrier

7. I am messy

8. I am opposed to people who aren't themselves and people who apologize for saying the truth

9. I am a terrible typer and speller

10. Fine is a word I use for almost everything

11. I dislike spending time with most of the people I know

12. I dont think the apocalypse would be a bad thing

13. Eight is my lucky number

14. I love books as they are my escape

15. I am in love

16. I want to be an artist

17. Music is my life and the reason I'm still alive  

18. I only watch really funny movies or really sad movies

19. I love making lists

20. I love buying new notebooks and pencils

21. I'm self conscious and stubborn

22. I'm mildly lazy and very direct

23. Obsessed with DIY

25. Im a freak about germs

26. I am and have been depressed from a very young age

27. My favorite colors are blue and brown

28. I believe in magic but not true love
Green. Calming and Mellow
In total contrast with the raging seas of the depression
Riding the highs until you find yourself in a low
The lowest of lows
Smiles as rare as true sunlight
Highs, and Lows  
I love you....
high. High. HIGH
....But happiness isn't everything
LOW. Low. low
Pain crashing like waves
Radiating from the hand
that has just punched the wall
Radiating from the heart
that just lost its will to pump
Radiating from a body
that has watched its soul
If they knew you the real you...who I loved first...they would love you eyed monster... me...she can't bear the thought of you moving on...loving some else even though I have done exactly that...If everyone else could see the way I did...with out judgement...they would know the are amazing...the way you smile...what was the issue?...well you listened to them you took their words and made them true... my love for you had and always will be special...but that didn't was still love...what you made for me...It was a tiny piece of heaven...walking together holding hands headphones understood my music was more important than anything...One a fire always piece of me will always belong to you...Now matter how much you change you to me you will be the same... a beautiful boy...
As soft waves caressing the ocean shore

As timeless trees in the forest

As brilliant sunsets  

As the song

My heart plays for you
The question
The catylist to a hurricane in her once calm seas
The hurricane grew
It hit her flawless shores
Caused her pure cities to flood
With doubt
Unsure of every compliment
She lost her faith in the goodness
She is past tense now
"Children this is what happens when..."
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