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I hear the song
My alarm
Playing the radio
The song I wish could belong
To "us" not just me
Beneath my lids his face appears
Close to mine
Watching me with childlike wonder
As I sing to him the words
I know by heart
Somehow our clumsiness
Cancels out
My dress flowing around me
And we appear graceful
Then as the song comes close
The end I knew would come, and was dreading,
he pulls me close
To hear the words I can't say above a whisper
I love you
I close my eyes.
And he's gone
The white blankness of my ceiling appears
Under my blanket made in China
Dressed in pajamas
Waking from a dream of a prince
Who will never come
Believing what they told her. Fat. Stupid. Slow. Being what they expected her to be. Just to escape the torment. Resorting to the sidekick position. The helpless follower. Never equal. Always to slow to be worth it. The fat kid in gym. The last one to finish the math problem. Blamed on dyslexia on big bones. Then it happened like a caterpillar her shape morphed became something that might be desireable. But by then her wings were riddled with the holes from past abuse. There was no confidence only anger and defensiveness on her horizon. In an attempt to salvage what was left of her she flew away to a place she thought was beautiful. A place she could start new, fresh. A place where she could hide the holes. But in the end winter came freezing her keeping her from moving while she was attacked over and over by new beasts who tore the holes open and gradually made them into bottomless pools of sorrow... When summer came she rested and patched over the holes to try again somewhere new... How does the story end? Thats up to you.
Somewhere far far away
Over the rainbow
Its 5 o'clock
A family is waking up hungry, to the sound
Of gunshots
A young mother cradles a baby
She doesnt expect to live
Like so many others she waits
For an end
Any end

Across the world
The illusion is correct
The grass is greener
Life easier
Its five o'clock
The mother is cooking
While her children set the table
In their perfect home surrounded
By a picket fence
In their gated community
Where the only screams are
Those of children playing
No matter the times you slip up I wait at the bottom to catch you.
Waiting for those precious seconds you are content in my arms.
The ways in which you continue to hurt me differ but my response remains the same.
The time zone seems like it separates us by years rather that hours.
As the days go on I become a traveller in the desert without water, parched.
Oblivious as a young child playing in the park.
Jumping on the piano keys leading to my emotions as though they were puddles after a summer rain.
The feelings I have for you are eternal and will be a chronic source for pain and power.
The sickness you have given me consumes my every whim and every facet of my life.
Every one of my roads leads back to you my Rome my Romeo.
"Daddy I love you."

"Thats nice sweetheart"
"Are you listening?"

"Nope couldn't hear you I was listening to music."

"I said I love you"

"Thats cute Dad."
Would that change anything?

Would you change your mind?

If I picked the right song

Sang it.

You might think you want to hear what I have to say.

You are wrong

If by chance you convinced me to

My song would slowly break you down

Down to the basics carbon, oxygen, nitrogen.

Maybe you could be recycled

All of your good qualities used for good

And your bad qualities?

I would capture them in my song. absorb them. Candy coat them for someone else's benefit.
"You are one of my best friends"

She said with her charismatic smile. Expecting me to respond with one of the acceptable answers "Same!" or maybe she expected me to smile and say "Thank you". Knowing this I responded "Only one of them?" This threw her for a second but she responded with a polite "Yeah I have a lot of friends." I wondered why she would pretend to be 'best friends' with everybody when in reality there is always someone at the top. There will always be the friend who is only picked when all else fails. Second best. Consolation prize. Giving you the ability to say "I didn't win but look I got *this
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