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 Oct 2013 Candie
Drug Is Him
 Oct 2013 Candie
I know what I feel
but how do I express it
in a way you understand
that it is real?

you kiss my lips
before I even speak
before I can say
all the words
that haunt me
and send chills

before I get a chance
to perfect my lines
you put your hands
around my waist
and I lose myself
in your eyes
those brown eyes
that make me weak
from just one glance

nothing distracts me more
than his hungry lips
when he pushes me down
towards the bed
and bites my neck hard
so innocent and cute
yet *******
when the door
is closed

my favorite drug to take
is his sweet love
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Oct 2013 Candie
Such A Sin
 Oct 2013 Candie
devoted to one
desire for
so much
I wish I
we were
and now I am left
with the reminder
that we are

lusting after you
feels so wrong
like I am
a crime
such a sin
I feel so unpure
I feel like a *****
I'd be a ****
if I gave in
to what
I seem
to want

never the kind
to cheat
but for you
I'd take the risk
risk of getting caught
risk of being found out

the more I deny my lust
the more I need your touch
it feels so wrong
to feel this way
but you take
my heart
to a place
that I have
never been

such a sin
such a sin
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Honestly needed to write, I was going insane.
 Oct 2013 Candie
Cannot Help It
 Oct 2013 Candie
hurting you is something
that I couldn't do
you know that
I fell for you

Despite our past
my heart clings to you
just like it always used to

Your heart is precious
kinda like amazing you
you know I'm not lying
you're the one I'm wanting
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Oct 2013 Candie
it seemed so perfect
on the flawless surface
but not on
the inside
when I
see our face
I have to
fake a smile
trying not to
let my feelings
crash and collide

I thought we'd get married
and I'd have your kid
but some things
are not meant to be
you seem to love me
but our fights break me
they leave me in misery

when you sleep
I stay awake
my heart
it breaks
you were
my love

but feelings change
and lovers drift apart
seems so strange
and it's really hard
I thought our love
was rock solid
I guess it's not
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Oct 2013 Candie
Ray Of Sunshine
 Oct 2013 Candie
His sarcasm is on point
Funny as ever
What a smile
Makes me feel
Above the weather
© Natali Veronica 2013.
About: CFL

You made me love you
Against my will
You grew tired of me
But I love you still

Am I as unloveable
As it seems?
Can I only truly
Be loved in my dreams?

I did nothing wrong
And you threw me away
Was I just a distraction
For a rainy day?

I thought we were happy
That we'd never part
Then out of the blue
You broke my heart

You said 'forever'
I thought it was true
I never felt for anyone
What I felt for you

I feel it still
Though you obviously don't
My brain says 'let go'
But my heart just won't

They say to move on
And meet someone new
I've tried and I've tried
But my heart's set on you

I hate you sometimes
For hurting me
You made me fall
But didn't catch me

You walked away without a scratch
I was put in Intensive Care
You're safe at home without a care
I'm lost without you; still gasping for air

It's been years since that day
My world fell apart
When you crushed my dreams
And shattered my heart

But my heart still holds on
My love was so true
I've tried to let go
But I still think of you

I want to move on
For this wound to heal
But time only EASES
The pain that I feel

The wound's not so fresh
The pain not as bad
But still it hurts
And makes me so sad

Confusion and hurt
A wound that won't mend
Longing and sadness
That won't seem to end

I wish and I hope
Let this be the day
My sadness and longing
And hurt go away!

I'm sure it will happen
I will move on
But I'm tired of waiting
It's taking so long!
 Oct 2013 Candie
Betty Ponder
Proud to be celibate and writing "not" from a place called "be ashamed".  
Touchy subject and taboo to most, this discussion of abstinence.
For me it's about keeping most intimate physical part of my being,
untouched by man until heart joins in marriage to the one I love.
Not judging lifestyle choices or anyone who makes personal decisions
based upon their own beliefs and what they feel is right for them.
Times I've been in love? Proud to say, I can count on only "one" hand.
My body "is" my temple and all parts to be shared only with my true love.
 Oct 2013 Candie
Lily Espy
No one
 Oct 2013 Candie
Lily Espy
Screams to be heard

No one to hear them

Blood caked on her wrists

No one to bandage them

Nightmares from her childhood

Coming alive

No one to save her

No one

*lily espy
 Oct 2013 Candie
 Oct 2013 Candie
They asked me my name
Hi I'm Jessica
They asked me to describe myself
I'm happy and I trust easily
I met a boy
He was nice, and funny
He had a crush
I was it
Gave him my trust
I thought we'd be bestest friends forever
But then he met someone else
She asked me my name
Hi I'm Jessica
She asked me to describe myself
I'm happy and I have amazing friends
He put me on the back shelf
I was forgotten
He lost my trust
He couldn't find it
He didn't want to find it
I was left out
Replaced by someone
She was beautiful
She was skinner
She was better at everything
Everything I thought I was
Everything I could do,
She could do it better
I looked up to her
I tried to be like her
She introduced me to here friends
They asked me my name
Hi I'm Jessica
They asked me to describe myself
I'm forgotten and I want to be like you
A while passed
This went on and on
He said we were still best friends
But he didn't act like one
I couldn't take it
They ask me my name
Hi I'm Jessica
They say describe yourself
I'm depressed and Waiting
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