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 Oct 2013 Candie
Molly Hughes
Last night is blurry in my sleep fogged mind,
through my smudgy black eyes.
But I can feel the ghost
of the awkward,
kisses we shared,
the faint tickle of your hot breath
that whispered down my neck.

Did it really happen?
 Oct 2013 Candie
S Smoothie
If I could
tear him out
of my heart
and make this ok
I would
But I'm haunted
by the ghost of him
everywhere I go.
Never spending a minute
alone without the breeze
carrying a love note from him
and such a soul have I,
It cannot bare not to
respond in kind,
and so our love notes
float upon the wind
I breathe in deeply
such a comforting joy
and when the rain falls
And the wind wraps
its forceful hug around me
the scence of longing still lingers
An aching touch passed through
Rushing winds of desire,
Urgent and warm
or the winds
of a raging storm
passionate and avid
or as tender and loving
As a light caress.

A wistful brush of the cheek.

I sit intently, compelled to feel
your love notes on my skin
In some way I know
our love upon the wind
will lighten and warm our hearts
and thus I send my soul
to dance with you
my dearest ghost of love
on our ever loving winds.
 Oct 2013 Candie
Özcan Mermaid
Your heart belongs to me,
I clench to it; in the palm of my pale cold, hands.
I feel myself holding onto something that is not mine,
and will never be. (I let go.)  
My mind floods with unanswered questions;
suffocating... I gasp; struggling to breathe.
Why must you cause me so much misery and pain? Yet I find myself doing the same.
 Oct 2013 Candie
Sylvia Plath
"I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead;
I lift my lids and all is born again.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)

The stars go waltzing out in blue and red,
And arbitrary blackness gallops in:
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.

I dreamed that you bewitched me into bed
And sung me moon-struck, kissed me quite insane.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)

God topples from the sky, hell's fires fade:
Exit seraphim and Satan's men:
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.

I fancied you'd return the way you said,
But I grow old and I forget your name.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)

I should have loved a thunderbird instead;
At least when spring comes they roar back again.
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)"
 Oct 2013 Candie
I have imagined this moment over and over again and now it's finally happening and I can't quite tell which direction is up or down or backwards but I guess they're all directions so it really doesn't matter as long as I'm going somewhere. I've been watching my shoelaces as I've been walking and they seem to tighten with every step as though even they know you'll have me floating right out of them. My palms have already begun to sweat and the puddles they've created in my pockets are just deep enough to drown in. I look up for a second to see the air in front of me holding a string. A grin spreads across its face as it suddenly begins to pull and my breath is stolen from my lungs. I reach out to grab it but it has already disappeared and suddenly I realize I can't breathe without you here. I close my eyes and stumble, not wanting to go any further, not wanting to face the reality of a situation that doesn't involve sleeping beside you. But then I realize, that was something we never did. I have been falling asleep beside myself for years, I have been waking up with regret and a heart broken into more pieces then the number of tiles on the bathroom floor. I have been sleeping with my head on my own chest and praying that someday you'd fill the empty space between not being able to fall asleep and never wanting to be awake.
 Oct 2013 Candie
Kyler Goulding
 Oct 2013 Candie
Kyler Goulding
Tonight my past is creeping on my thoughts.
Countless days in a house by myself.
Memories of the schizophrenia I had when I was younger.
I call what I had schizophrenia, because I am not sure my imagination was twisted enough to have it insult me to the point of giving me nightmares.
I remember all of the times that I left people behind when I moved.
I recall all of the people I have ignored.
I take all of this into my head, and I just wish that I was a better person.
I do what I can for people, but I rarely let anyone get close to me in life.
I don't compliment people without seeing actions worthy of recognition.
I don't have any remorse for people when I think they deserve something.
I just lay down now, and I wish I could be someone's teddy bear.
I just wish that I could be valued with secrets, held often, and come to for comfort.
It sounds like a life I could live well.
Sure after they grew up they would probably move on, but at least I would have helped them.
Some people even keep their teddy bears for as long as they can.
So maybe I could have someone to be around.
 Oct 2013 Candie
Face the fall
 Oct 2013 Candie

Standing to fight
In the heart of the city
The jungles of asphalt
where neon flashes evil
as sidewalk dwellers
window shop hate
and find peace labeled “Not for sale”

I cling to my beliefs
in lamp post graffiti
Spray painted wishes
fading in color
and store owner nightmares,
defacing the brick walls
surrounding my very existence

Fear falls in pamphlet raindrops,
pages scattered
beyond the welcome mats
of big box politicians
in paisley ties
and sharp creased slacks,
shaking hands and scamming votes

Promises made
circled in cigar smoke and cheap wine,
fall on unsuspecting ears as truth
until the “sorry we’re closed” signs
spin in favor of loss…
opening for business
to the throngs of the needy

I see their eyes, hollow,
faltering of sorrow as worry
becomes the next day’s problem
Reaching into my pocket I retrieve
the multi-colored wings you gave me…just in case
and I fly to be with you
Unable to face the fall…of humanity
 Oct 2013 Candie
Jenna B
I don't understand you, although I desperately want to.
when I first met you, I was completely intrigued
by your words and your voice
you gorgeous voice that has the ability to make me melt
your beautiful words, that are so raw and true they make me shudder,
(although they are laced with just the right amount of confusion and wonder)
those were the parts of you that first caught my attention
I looked at you, and you seemed to be an open book
I went over to read you but it was simply a mirage
you have this illusion of simplicity but you are so deeply complex that sometimes,
I marvel and wonder if you could ever understand yourself...
I try to see past your walls, to what drives you
and sure, you've given me a glimpse once or twice
but it only made me urge to see more

Now- this is the part I don't know if you'll appreciate
See, I zoomed in on you so hard and concentrated on you so intensely,
trying to get you and capture your aura
that the rest of the world began to look a little...inadequate
and I think that you puzzled me to the point that
I started falling for you.  

In fact I fell so hard that I went a little crazy
I must have hit my head
I was crazy to live like you, and be with you
Maybe it was that little hue of ridiculousness that allowed me to see you more clearly
and oh WOW
I realize now that the more I think about you, the less I will ever understand
I know that you are such an intricate and vast soul that it could never be described
much less expressed verbally or stuffed into your body
You are truly the most stunning and flawed human being I have ever had the privilege of witnessing
I really think I love you now
and I just thought that you should know
So that you could understand a little bit of me.
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