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3.3k · Mar 2013
Define: Her
Cam Stoker Mar 2013
Soft curvy hips
Sweet smiling lips
Eyes so deep
Kisses on the cheek
Warm embraces
Safe places
A strong sound mind
A million words kind
Heaps of laughter
The morning after
A gentle touch
I can't get enough
Curvy and perky
Spontaneous and quarky
Full of fun
Bright as the sun
Laying in bed
My chin on your head

These are the things I love about you.
2.6k · May 2014
Nujabes - Battlecry
Cam Stoker May 2014
[Verse 1:]
Sharp like an edge of a samurai sword
The mental blade cut through flesh and bone
Though my mind's at peace, the world out of order
Missing the inner heat, life gets colder
Oh yes, I have to find my path
No less, walk on earth, water, and fire
The elements compose a magnum opus
My modus is operandi is amalgam
Steel packed tight in microchip
On my arm a sign of all-pro
The ultimate reward is honor, not awards
At odds with the times in wars with no lords

A freelancer
A battle cry of a hawk make a dove fly and a tear dry
Wonder why a lone wolf don't run with a ****
Only trust your instincts and be one with the plan

Some days, some nights
Some live, some die
In the way of the samurai
Some fight, some bleed
Sun up to sun down
The sons of a battlecry

Some days, some nights
Some live, some die
In the way of the samurai
Some fight, some bleed
Sun up to sun down
The sons of a battlecry

[Verse 2]
Look, just the air around him
An aura surrounding the heir apparent
He might be a peasant but shine like grand royalty
He to the people and land, loyalty
We witness above all to hear this
Sea sickness in the ocean of wickedness
Set sail to the sun set no second guessing

Far east style with the spirit of wild west
The "quote-unquote" code stands the test of
Time for the chosen ones to find the best of
Noble minds that ever graced the face of
A hemisphere with no fear, fly over

The blue yonder where
The sky meets the sea
And eye meets no eye
And boy meets world
And became a man to serve the world
To save the day, the night, and the girl too

Some days, some nights
Some live, some die
In the way of the samurai
Some fight, some bleed
Sun up to sun down
The sons of a battlecry

Some days, some nights
Some live, some die
In the way of the samurai
Some fight, some bleed
Sun up to sun down
The sons of a battlecry
Nujabes - Battlecry
Opening theme from Samurai Champloo
1.8k · Mar 2013
The Manta Ray
Cam Stoker Mar 2013
Gliding through the ocean on waterproof wings
Razor sharp scales cut through the wake with ease
Something bright shining in the distant dark
The barb on the hook takes hold of the shark
Pulled up to the surface the fisherman smiles
Until he realizes his catch was naught but a child
1.7k · May 2014
Tobacco Haiku
Cam Stoker May 2014
Cigarette smoking
Took a drag and blew it out
Stunk up my clothing
1.4k · Mar 2013
Igneous Haiku
Cam Stoker Mar 2013
Blood red lava flow
Steaming water calcified
1.3k · Mar 2013
Cam Stoker Mar 2013
Mother is a word with no description
But I will try to describe her through the power of inscription
I'll live up to the name 'son' with chivalry and bravery
To do anything otherwise would be emotional slavery
Mother is the one I go to when I feel weak
Every night before bed she gives me a kiss on the cheek
She motivates me to always do well
Letting mom down would send me to hell

Mother taught me to treat women with respect
Mother taught me to always expect
Nothing but the best from myself and others
I couldn't possibly ask for a better mother
She is always there when I need a helping hand
She inspired me to make a difference in this dying land
She taught me to always 'pay it forward'
If I fall a step back, take two leaps forward

Mother is the reason I work hard
Because of my mother, I always stand guard
A second protector next to my dad
I live lawful good, and do best not to act bad
I would take a bullet for Mom
Except then I'd be so sad to be gone
My mom and I don't always get along
But for her I'll do my very best to be strong

I love you Mother, you're my best friend
I'll love you until the very end
I'll surely be devastated once you are gone
But I will forever be honored to call you my Mom.
1.0k · Dec 2013
A Best Friend
Cam Stoker Dec 2013
I've had a few best friends, but none such as this.
I moved up north this year on a whim hoping for renewal.
And a chance at Christmas.
That was Summer.
Now, it is Novem"brrr",
and I have been in this apartment for awhile.
Myself, my roommates: Jesse Sam & Kyle.

Last night; a fight!! one i NEVER thought would happen.
a drunken brawl for over 1/2 an hour
Each one trying to gain power
over the other.
Afterwards, tears were shed, hands were shaken,
places were taken and a pipe was passed.
and upon waking up, each realized their ultimate mistake.
Never shall this happen again for anybody's sake.
959 · May 2016
Grandpa Al's Guitar
Cam Stoker May 2016
My grandfather is the reason for my interest in guitar. I once strummed the strings of one of his many collector acoustics and electrics, even a dobro, and loved every moment. Grandpa Al taught me the G chord, and from then on I was hooked. He signed me up for classes with a bluegrass instructor in my early teens, and I went to a few sessions, but I had rock n roll at heart.
   I stole my grandfather’s 12-string acoustic guitar in my mid-teens, on a journey to Seattle to be rebellious and to get drunk freely and spare for change on the side of the road. It was a big mistake. I broke several strings of the guitar on the hitchhiking part of the expedition. In a small suburb just outside of Seattle, a man walked up to me, and asked me if I could play. I tried my best with what I had, and he took me into the guitar shop across the street to spend fifty dollars on refurbishing my grandfather’s guitar.
   I played the guitar on the streets of Seattle for drug and alcohol money. I was offered a record deal with some people I met on the street and I was too ****** up to play. They passed me up. I slept near the harbor one night, and made a terrible mistake. I smashed the guitar and left it on the top of a trash can downtown the following morning. That day, I hitched back to Olympia.
   When I got back to my home town, I snuck over to my grandmother’s house and crept into the guest room door in the courtyard. I had been gone for just short of a week. She heard me come in and came knocking on the door angrily, which I had locked. She became afraid and called the cops. Knowing this, I tried to jet out of there and ran into a nearby police vehicle that immediately pulled me over, arrested and booked me. I got out several days later, and never told my grandparents the truth about what happened to the guitar. They asked several times.
894 · May 2014
Re-connected Subjects
Cam Stoker May 2014
Frayed wires like spider webs around a broken motherboard
Pieces of green fiberglass and resistors torn
Shattered glass where the screen used to be
Yet the hard drive still carries pictures of you and me

Stick glue and duct tape; stitch up what was worn
Pieces of cardboard heart and soul mended; keep each other warm
Splatter paint on each other in white to renew the canvas
Draw new memories in melted crayon

Be the wind that blows new life into my lungs
Be the hiking, the fishing, and the sun
Be the tree with strong roots; grow tall
Be the stone support beneath the waterfall

Together we can establish a friendship
Between the past, the future, and especially the present
Never give in to tyranny or fear
Live on what you've learned "no more tears"

One plus one could equal me and you
which is significantly equivalent to two
I won't make you divide your legs or multiply
Just hold up my numerator so i can touch the sky

にほんご: 愛してる
Français: Je t'aime
اللغة العربية : أحبك
English: I love you
Cam Stoker May 2014
"the snow creaks under your feet on the fragile wood of our back stairs i'm sitting alone wrapped in crawl spaces and broken melodies heard through thin walls. please forgive me. i just want you to stick around long enough to realize that i'm worth all of the trouble i cause because i'm sure that i will **** this all up somehow so don't let me getaway
i think of all those nights asleep in our bed swearing we will always be this close. flesh to flesh heart to heart i will never let this go
i swear that i would love you forever
so when it all passes will you still run your fingers through my hair and trace my lips with your hands we will still watch our shadows dance on Polaroids and loose leaf paper and i don't want you to be scared anymore because even though i hear angels calling my name it is you they are sending me to, they are sending me to you."
(c) The Saddest Landscape - The Temptation that is You
709 · Dec 2015
Her Man
Cam Stoker Dec 2015
I am a glimpse just a glimmer of who I once was
See, that shine don't shimmer through already rust
I cut my life open and glisten as sharp as blade saws
Hear me rhyme give listen before I fade to dust

I am a live man yet undermine the ending of life
This is a rough draft demanding a polished ending of time
Taste the blood, sweat, and tears I've poured into my cup
Feel, my gut, wrecked with fears, swore I'd never give up

I have spent too much time neglecting.. scribbling out ****
Save one last cent? Nah.. Spend it on stogies, zips, I'm broke
Why would I spend more of life reflecting sipping some..
Safe with past tense? Nah.. Share it wit chicks clicks and joke

I'm spitting fire on the mic like a Charizard
Metapod ain't got **** on Magikarp, still splash had no effect
the struggle is real and at the end of the match
i go hard i go large
i level up and take charge

if you wanna talk with me
conversation can be cold & chilly
My rhymes are unfair and offensive
JustIce for the presidential election
I'm a rogue with lyrical skills
I'm a guard can't pay the bills
I smoke I feel get real then go heal
people kneel at my feet cause I work deals and feed the weak
welcome to the flames with reality from chameleon cheek
This aint a ******* charity Im a rarity
A master couldn't capture me

I'll try persuasive
Make you rage with
Word course abrasive
Watching windows for the 5-0
Someone shut the ******* door
Been losing keno with the roaches
Ain't no dough from west side casinos

Get it? Good. Lucky like a four leaf clover
Eyes, keep em up... nevermore a pushover
Holding down the spot, grateful for Family

and holla at my friends
keep your chin up til' the end
chosen family was as good as you were getting
til' you met me? letting is a trend I'm setting

Spies, ***** em out... whoever
Holding up the spot, smokin on my ***
If lock up starts a'callin, don't start ballin
wrap it up and clear the hall to heaven

Simplistic living in this ***** hovel talkin 813 crap
Living stupid in this hole they call the ****** trap
Glendale's where I hail from,
AZ's got no compare, duh
There are demons lurking 'neath my hair
to be alive is to be SCARED?

I'm used to gettin *****'s wet, ***** full of honey dough
Talking bout some ditch, not the keeper girl though!
Guess what i've been told? my abdomen'll get tha shiv
no bloodstains on the carpet, thats how im tryna live

Drop and plop to the floor now the spot is hot
whole city in a shady spot and if you stuntin all a robot
snoopin down the block are some spooky piggy cops
truth in all these rhymes aint loosey goosey word slop

head spinnin know ill never win at wife
truth hits yeah it's ruthless call myself a trophy right
bubble butts and puddle ***** that's all the brothaz really want
treat keeper girl with money flow, make lemonade with sour hos

This is song from me, hey dear
You are the reason I give more *****
go ahead put up a listening ear
Yeah, I'm a dog whoofin at the ducks
She said he needs a reason to stay
he just wants her to understand him
Feel right about the past and feelin
what ever is the reason?
Tell me to stick around?
Whenever i do i just feel down and out
But i never forgot who this is all about

im a long ways from home
never pickin up the phone
people keep calling and calling
but i just want to be alone

you're lots stronger than i
you ain't well and healing?
i will surely try
to give you a get well feeling
so i wrote this lullaby
685 · Mar 2013
An Apology
Cam Stoker Mar 2013
i want to hold you
i want to help mold you
into a beautiful angel
sorry i am for the fact youve been strangled
suffocating in your skin
makes me wallow in my sins.

i love you for eternity
and if you will let me
i will love you double.

i promise youll never see another day of trouble
as long as your with me.

my heart bleeds for the pain youve been feeling
but we could just lay in bed and stare up at the ceiling
and twiddle our toes
to a melody we create
and i promise youll never have to sleep alone again when it gets late.
642 · Feb 2016
Cam Stoker Feb 2016
In the American comedy tv program Freaks and Geeks, Bill, a geeky individual always gets picked last for sports. He gets frustrated because he wants to play baseball. He believes he would be really good, but the jocks always pick him last and put him in far right field; he never gets his chance to shine. Judgement bothers me. My past has little to do with what I want to accomplish now. Human beings are judgmental creatures.
      "Who you are" is "what you look like" or "what you do" or both.
Judgement, in my opinion, is a form of harassment. What if "what I do" or "what I've done" is irrelevant to "what I want to do now"? Would you be able to look beyond my past mistakes to give me another chance at success?
Cam Stoker Dec 2015
Price Paid Present in Pixel Presence
Iced eyes Inside 0ut n0 d0ubt
Xact Xpected Xistence Xecuted
Elevated Earth Ebbing Easily to End
Last Line a Lost List of aLL i Long to Last
593 · Mar 2013
Dial Tone
Cam Stoker Mar 2013
This is a song for you my dear
You are the reason I have no fear
So go ahead put up a listening ear
Cause this is something you need to hear

All I ever wanted was you babe
All I ever wanted was you my darling

And she said
I need a reason to stay
I want you to make me want you
I need a reason to stick around
Cause every time I do you just push me down
And I know that my safety comes first
So please baby make it worth my time
And maybe one day I'll see you in a different light
Maybe one day I'll see you in another life

And oh I'm a long ways from home
And oh why won't you pick up the phone
I've been calling and calling but all I'm getting's a dial tone
I've been calling and calling but all I'm getting's a dial tone
571 · Dec 2016
Animal King(dumb)
Cam Stoker Dec 2016
King of the house hosts a royal crowd, a ring surrounds his post, all loyal to the crown bounds a herd of proud mammals from all around the world.

Chameleons in the jungle locked changing colors hide
As the lions on the rubbled rocks hanging out and sigh
A passing fly mumbles talk both meat & leaf eaters sufferin this life
Feeling the struggle at the top parrot says free your mind with words it's worth it share life with those at rock bottom and those in cloud nine.

As chirps of birds protesting the parrots' wise lines
A chameleon disappointed us all wasting all our time
Heard from the rest of the herd he tried to join us then sighed,
That white water rapids entered the river to the red sea after one year of rivers clean.

Whenever we leave and life ends:
We never forget family and friends.
532 · May 2014
Out the Window
Cam Stoker May 2014
Alcohol induced psychosis and delusions;
My vision blurred and smeared,
The illusion that everything an intrusion,
My surroundings disappeared..

Reasonless angry reactivity to everything?
Situation completely out of control.
           Are you in there? Can you hear me?
The alcohol seriously; taken it's toll.

     This birthday party just hit the fan!
I'm out, I don't even know where I am.
          That didn't last long, now I'm back in,
               To completely stir things up again.

Completely wild, like light of the full moon!
                                                  僕 わ ばか です!
Will this please get better soon?
                                           Boku wa baka desu!

Fighting yelling resisting choking kicking biting
      punching dragging arguing ruining partying
                   aching hurting destroying SOARING
                                                         ­                 crying...

I'd rather die than go to jail,
                               I gotta be honest,
                 I'd rather turn tail
              Than face charges like this.

     Bridges burnt.
Confidence gone.
And then I learnt:
      Feeling alone.

Wake up.

Broken ankle, broken wrist.
Wired jaw, have fun sippin' through straws.
Tracheostomy, now there's an ugly twist.
This can happen when you break the law.
And jump out of third story windows. uh oh
                                                             ­         d u h

What causes a man to do this. He really should know his limits.
Once again I shall see me in court. Defend myself with dire retort.
Get Under the influence: become insane.
                          Never shall I drink again.
516 · Feb 2016
Fusion Jumble
Cam Stoker Feb 2016
Working up the courage
To let present forget what's past.
Pour clean water into sewage,
Blend good in with the bad.
499 · Mar 2013
Losing the One I Love
Cam Stoker Mar 2013
The shower feels cold,
the bed like concrete,
and my bedsheets have splinters in them.
Why can't I just let go
and stop waking up with tears in my eyes.
495 · May 2014
Stained Society (Part 1)
Cam Stoker May 2014
Body radiating an invigorating
Essence of adolescence
Youthfulness; I'm plentiful

Government; I'm plenty full
Had my fill now it's time to get real
This twisted up society's the noose,
Forcibly held up by insanity, just needs cut loose

Afraid to be creative, seek the motive
Stereotypical and judgmental
People are; but you need to find a way to live
Away from the desensitized and weak cultural

Aspects, civilization has come a long way since the Aztecs
Yet we're still all morons, whether we be Muslims or Mormons
We need to wake up and start showing respect to some God
But we can't even respect ourselves, each other, let alone a higher power

Wake up and smell the fresh air
No reason to rag on your kids, your wife, or your neighbor
It's like getting pulled over
You don't feel protected, you feel pushed over

People need to realize we only have one life
So why spend it in hatred and jealousy
Why can't we all just help each other see
We are the ones who create society
490 · Mar 2013
Free Fall
Cam Stoker Mar 2013
Leap off the high dive
Soar through the air
Before you hit bottom
You realize there's no water there.
452 · Mar 2016
Dirty Grill Haiku
Cam Stoker Mar 2016
Sand block grit reminds
Me of the shine 'neath the grime
The grill is restored
416 · May 2014
Cam Stoker May 2014
Scritch and scratch graphite on stacks of paper.
        What will come out of my mind this time?
Harvest creative memories from the depths of my mind.
           Fractured pieces come forward to order.
                    Sketch it again and then do it over:
A thousand times a thousand I shape the same lines.
                                                              and all the
Pieces come together at the very
410 · Mar 2017
God Help the Boy
Cam Stoker Mar 2017
Looking for a group of friends
Driven by art and music trends
Sweep me off my feet this week
I've lost interest in food and drink
407 · Mar 2016
Cam Stoker Mar 2016
A is for all that I want to do with you
E is for everything that you mean to me
I is for all the times I tried my best
O is for my bank roll been put to the test
U is for the reason I keep on doing this
375 · Dec 2016
Imperical Inn
Cam Stoker Dec 2016
I don't need to sleep when all I do is tweak
I don't need to eat but living on the streets

This is the tale of a group of dope fiends
Slip on a sale fail to bring back the green
Tip over the scale ain't enough for the team
Speed pace pale face hear a woman scream

Paranoid when we get back cause the go was a weak sack and all the dough didn't make it back to the hands of the man who has our back

Imperial seriously no cereal in the mornin
Im feral furiously killa serial and storming

Boss man with the master plan worries
Bout empty hands and pockets he hurries Streets ain't a joke think old bloke out in the cold with nothing warm to hold and mold growing in his arm slowing down Stop
Read between the lines there is hope for these guys quit the dope for now or die don't give up always try even when we cry

We have shared our lives and to our surprise we can't keep this up forever
We have dropped the guise and haven't lied we stay meek humble and kind

Live on the edge wedge a knife in our back
I sign a pledge I never ****** your wife but you just couldn't believe that
Friends to brothers to sharing mothers
All a ruse so you could bring down another man who had shared only truth with you

Three remain in a hotel left broke & tame
We see you man a local soaked in shame
Each of us know the deceit in your words
Knew the greed make you flee like birds
368 · Oct 2016
This Weakend
Cam Stoker Oct 2016
I was tossed into a dryer,
set to tumble dry;
Then caught in a tornado,
on an earth rotating a vertical axis,
on a world flying circles round the sun.
364 · Jan 2017
Reading Yours
Cam Stoker Jan 2017
Looking inside all of you
Life is not as bad as I made it out to be
Reading your work gives me hope
359 · Dec 2016
Negative z3r0 Degrees
Cam Stoker Dec 2016
Growing older found my reasons
Flowing bolder lines this season
Snowing colder outside freezin

Slow time stuck writing lines a satellite with no reception lost in outer space. Odd square boxed in a blank existence the problem is scattered makes no sense stuck typing rhymes from this melted head. Molten lead my bones ache gravity is crushing me I'm floored to the carpet can't get on my feet to stand up and go to sleep in heaps of moon dust broken lungs no oxygen smoking guns spoke enough now I'm done.
349 · Aug 2017
little b
Cam Stoker Aug 2017
Little b little r little e little a
Oh how I wonder if you are well today
I think of you almost everday, I wonder if you have found your way, are you doing okay?
Once a fragile, broken girl,
I pray you've found peace in this world
I hope that work has kept your pockets full, I hope that play has kept you wonderful.
I pray that dark rooms shine with your light from within, that God has kept you safe in a world of sin.
I remember when we were stupid and small, and I haven't forgot you in any way at all.
I pray the boys all treat you right, and that you have sweet dreams at night.
348 · Mar 2016
Midnight Monday Haiku
Cam Stoker Mar 2016
Day in and day out
Work for money get paychecks
Playtime is over.
337 · Mar 2016
Parents Haiku
Cam Stoker Mar 2016
Mother and Father
Support, love, given wants, needs
Fam forever
328 · Oct 2017
Cam Stoker Oct 2017
They say not to hold on
to what is now gone
it still upsets my gut
327 · Jan 2016
Code D
Cam Stoker Jan 2016
Yeah, I'm a bird
Leaving the nest,
Tryna find the next best thing:
To fly on solo wings.
315 · Feb 2016
Cam Stoker Feb 2016
I am awake all night, when the sky is dark and the moon is bright.
I like the quiet and the peace, the silence of the world fast asleep.
People often ask me why don't I just take a tylenol pm and go to bed?
They say it's easy to lay still and nullify the thoughts in my head.
I respectfully disagree. Things are not that way at all for me.
My brain works harder when the sun has set, rest comes once it rises again.
When I lay in bed my legs get achey, my mind begins to stir and I get shaky.
Just because I don't rise with the birds, doesn't mean I'm lazy.
Active at night, for time eternal... That's why I tell people, I am nocturnal.

— The End —