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Marissa Calderon Feb 2018
I am hellfire and holy water.
The wind and sea are my friends
but the earth is made of me.

I am both the cracked soil on the ground
and the trees growing so high
they look as if they touch the sky.

But I am also the cool summer nights
with the slight breeze that brushes your hair
as the scent carries in the wind.

I am the dark and the light,
the hot and the cold.
I am the old man and the newborn girl.

I am everything.

I am me.

I am.

I'm not 100% sure how I feel about this, and it's kind of all over the place so it might not make sense to you. My apologies, but I hope you like it.
Marissa Calderon Oct 2018
And perhaps
the reason we cherish photos so much
is because they never change
even when the people in them do,
and that is truly beautiful
Marissa Calderon Oct 2018
Stop pretending life doesn't absolutely terrify you.
Marissa Calderon Oct 2018
He can make hell feel like home.
Marissa Calderon Oct 2018
He was her deranged fantasy-
and she was his beautiful sin
Marissa Calderon Oct 2018
I'm struggling to love you
and let you go
at the same time.
Marissa Calderon Oct 2018
Even though he's gone, he's not.
He's everything.
He is the city lights talking in morse code,
flickering on and off at different intervals.
He is the song playing on the radio that you love
so much, but it will always hurt to hear.
He is the tap-tap-tapping of your pen when you're bored in
class and your pen knocks on the table like a palpitating heartbeat.
He is the slight breeze when you're stuck in a summer haze,
and the chilly bite of cold raindrops on your face.
He will never be gone, in any sense of the word.
But he is gone, now.
Marissa Calderon Oct 2018
and that was how you left

the lights were still on and the
bed left unmade while the tv
played reruns of some old show
in the background your clothes
scattered the ground like leaves
in autumn and now I realize that's
how you wanted to leave like you
never left

but you did

and you haven't been back since
Marissa Calderon Oct 2018
I'm sitting at this computer again,
thinking about you... again.
Reminiscing on our past
and everything we would've
should've been,
but are not.
I miss you.

Do you miss me?
Marissa Calderon Oct 2018
He is my greatest sin
and I will gladly be ****** for him.
Marissa Calderon Nov 2018
My veins fill,
not with blood,
but with greed
and desire
to love
and be loved
in return
Marissa Calderon Feb 2018
You know, I always do this to myself.
One minute I'm fine and happy
and everything in the world is okay
and then
I'm just
Because I overthink too much
and I'm too sensitive
and the voices are back.
I need my medicine to help
but I hated taking them because they made me


and they made me have illusions
like the time I swore my brother came home from prison
and my nephews could see him
but when I ran to find them
and the car passed in front of me

there was nothing there

no one

and I felt empty,
that is besides the lump in my throat
and the fingernails digging into my palms
and the cuts stinging on my thighs

wait, restart
I started this sad
and I'm ending this sad

because maybe
just maybe

I like the pain.
Marissa Calderon Nov 2018
What a ******* tragedy to be broken by you, once again

What a ******* blessing to have been loved by you
Marissa Calderon Nov 2018
I might never forgive the Universe for hurting you so badly.
For putting you through that pain.
But I promise you didn't go through all that for nothing.
You won't die in vain.

You have survived your life everyday up to this point,
recognize it as a blessing.
God is using you in ways we may never understand,
you may very well be someone's life lesson.

Love who you want and be who you choose.
Do everything you'd ever wanted to.
Don't hold back from fear, no,
use is as determination and push through.

I know that my time with you is limited,
your end is drawing near.
But I try not to think about it,
because then all the emotions come out.
Love, sadness, anger, fear.

I love you Nana,
until your very last breath.
Please keep looking after us
even after death.

I'll look to the sky when I talk to you,
and think of you when I see butterfly's.
Because just like them, you'll have a pair of wings.
But like the angels, you'll fly.

I promise to always hold you close to me,
to keep you near.
I love you Nana,
I'll remember you for all my years.
Marissa Calderon Nov 2018
I waited

I tried

Love faded

It died
Marissa Calderon Aug 2019
For whoever reads this,

The first person I ever loved was not myself, but him, and maybe that was my biggest mistake.

I learned to love the dimple on his cheek, and the lines under his eyes when he smiled.
I learned to love the way his eyes turned angry when we yelled at each other, to love the way his hands tightened around my arms.
I loved the way his lips lingered on my skin after begging me to peel off my layers of my clothes.
I dug up every little piece of who he was, and planted it inside my heart.
I kept love for him everywhere I went, and even when he left me, my heart was still full.
I had put so much effort into loving him, that I forgot to love myself.
I saw no beauty unless the beauty I saw was his eyes, I saw no greater happiness, than when I saw his smile.

So, whenever I looked in the mirror, I felt numb, I felt hate.

I could not love the way my hair got wavy when it was damp, even though I always twirled pieces of his hair in my fingers.
I could not feel sweet melancholy when tears ran down my face, but I could when I wiped away his.
I could not get undressed and look at my skin, because it was only worth looking at when he looked.

I could not love myself, because I thought it was supposed to be fulfilled by someone else.

I had become nothing but a daisy, waiting for my petals to be picked, he loves me, he loves me not.

I only ever felt love, when it was given to me by someone else.
I could not feel love if it was given to me by myself.

I could only love me when he loved me, but now he doesn't.

He loves her.
Marissa Calderon Aug 2019
The people in her life have perfected this song and dance.
They paint pictures of the lives they want,
perfect with no imperfections or blemishes,
and put it on display for all to see.

But not she.


She didn't pretend to be happy.
She didn't pretend that she wasn't in pain.
She just hurt out loud and hoped somebody was listening.
Marissa Calderon Aug 2019
Their words were engraved in my brain like a tattoo.

Permanent and, on occasions, regretful.
Marissa Calderon Aug 2019
She was the kind of girl the that poets would spend centuries writing about.

He was the kind of boy that people have been singing songs about for generations.

And the combination of the two created nothing less than a masterpiece.
Marissa Calderon Feb 2020
a cry for help.
                                                           ­                                                people
who were
                                                            ­                          touched
                         because of the actions of
              tragic.                                    ­                           unnecessary.

a young

                                                    she is ten years old.
                                    she is moody.
she is sad.
       she is angry.                                                           ­  because he

                                                             ­                       why?

                                    ­                                                                 ­      suicide
   is the result
Marissa Calderon Feb 2020
she wants

she is gambling with death.                                                                 she
                                                        believes                the
            empty pill bottle is
                                                                                            her wish.

                                                                 the girl may
lose the gamble.

                 suicide                                  is not
         may manipulate

                                                                            one can be master.

Marissa Calderon Apr 2020
I am grieving you.
Someone I once knew.
A person.
But my person, no more.

We were rare, a thing of beauty.
Our love was striking.
And when we loved each other,
we loved most ardently.

But like all good things, we too must come to an end.

It does not erase what we had.
Our devotion to one another still exists.
It is buried in the past,
along with every caress of the skin.
and your hands interlocked in mine,
making promises we never could keep.

The flavor of our long forgotten love still linger on my lips,
begging to be spoken, to be tasted.
But, alas, it will have to suffer a bittersweet death.
I will introduce it to a permanent sleep.
It's new bed a grave.

Thank you.
And goodbye.
Marissa Calderon May 2018
Tidal wave after tidal wave
The pain rushes over me like water
And I'm scared
Because you know my worst fear is drowning
But I'm drowning in you
In your brown eyes
That once held so much love for me
But now they're empty
My arms that once held you
Now only hold onto the hope that maybe
Just maybe
You won't leave
I pushed you away
But now that I'm broken
Now that you see
Can't you tell how bad I wanted us
Because I did
I do
But maybe we were never meant to be
Or maybe God is ashamed of me
Because I'm thinking with my head
Not my heart
Because my head's a little ****** up
Actually a lot
But my heart's always been broken
So I'm left to wonder
Did I ever have a chance
Were we ever really meant to last
Or was this just some sick joke the universe pulled for laughs
Because I'm not laughing
I'm crying
Because losing you should be the last thing I'd have to go through
Because I love you
I love you so much
But I need help
I need to get better
Because if not
You'll be visiting my grave
Not me
It's like some old wise *** once said
"Some people die at 25 and aren't buried until they're 70"
Well I died at 6
Fast forward 10 years
I'm still waiting
I'm still waiting
Marissa Calderon Jun 2020
Forgive me.

I am still learning to love the parts of myself no one claps for.
Marissa Calderon Jun 2020
You're hoping if you spin the chamber enough times,
you'll catch the bullet.

I'll bite the bullet and cough up the shell.

We are not the same.
Marissa Calderon Jun 2020
All it takes is one second... and it's a lifetime.
Marissa Calderon Jun 2020
A lot of times we lose our minds so we can find ourselves.
Marissa Calderon Jul 2020
Life is not breathing. It's the moments that take your breath away,
Marissa Calderon Jul 2020
I'd rather listen to your story than attend your funeral.
Marissa Calderon Jul 2020
I have a secret to share with you.

The pain will go away when it's done teaching,
Marissa Calderon Dec 2020
There will come a day
when you realize...
that you have more yesterdays..
than tomorrow's.

And that
is completely
Marissa Calderon Dec 2020
I realized we were always meant to crash and burn
when I wanted to wrap myself around you like a tree.
Marissa Calderon Dec 2020
We were stagnant in our bodies
while the world around us changed,
and we stayed the same.
Marissa Calderon May 2018
everybody has their own version of heartbreak
mine just so happens to be a boy and a girl
who love each other so much
but can't be together
because she's an *******
and she can't get her **** together
and most days she doesn't even wanna live
most days she wants to die
but she won't
because no matter the pain she goes through
she won't dump that pain on anyone else
because isn't that what suicide would do
Marissa Calderon Dec 2020
fall in love with strangers on the subway
and watch as they leave without even a whisper of goodbye.
don't cry dear.
this is not the first time you'll learn to let love go.
Marissa Calderon Dec 2020
There was a silence between us.
Frustrated, angry gazes burning one another
like water never seemed to exist.
Like air stopped,
and the temperature only ever raised.
Marissa Calderon Dec 2020
Maybe I loved you in another life
and promised I'd find you on the other side.
Marissa Calderon Dec 2020
He was my person.

The one who made me feel vulnerable
and indestructible at the same time.
The one I would die for,
and die without.
Marissa Calderon Apr 2022
It would be so easy to fall in love with you again.
Marissa Calderon Sep 2018
You called two night ago
but I didn't answer.

You texted me yesterday
but I didn't wanna talk to you.

You tell me that you're homeless
and try to make me feel bad
but I don't

I can't

I won't

I'm mad that I believed you
when you said you were done

You lied and I believed you

How stupid of me

Because you never change

You never have

And you never will.


                                                       your daughter.
Marissa Calderon Oct 2018
"Break my heart.
Break it a thousand times if you like.
It was only ever yours to break anyway."

It's true, you know.
My heart has only ever belonged to you.
Even in all of its messy,
torn up,
worn down glory.
It has only ever been yours.
I have only ever been yours.
So please forgive me for not being able to let you go so easily.
I have not had to imagine a life without you for 3 years.
Instead, I have only ever dreamt of a life that involved you.
I never thought I'd ever live a life without you.
I have tears in my eyes right now as I type,
because I miss you.
And I know you're not dead,
you're still here,
but you're not.
I just can't sit here and hold everything in.
That's what gets me so deep into that darkness.
and I don't wanna be back there.
I don't wanna go back to that demon in my head.
the one that looks exactly like me
but worse
she's not alive, she's long gone and dead
I can't go back to that please!
Please don't bring her back!
I've spent years trying to escape her
and the second I reach the sunlight
I'm dragged back in to this world
this dark
wretched place
and I don't wanna be here anymore
I don't wanna be sad
I don't wanna **** myself
I don't wanna cut
don't send me back
I love you
please don't let me go

Marissa Calderon Oct 2018
my heart is heavy
my mind is heavy
my body is heavy
my footsteps are heavy
the weight of this world is heavy

i'm sorry
this guilt is heavy
this anger is heavy
this hatred is heavy

i'm hurting
this pain is heavy
this self-loathing is heavy
this anxiety is heavy

please stop being so heavy
Marissa Calderon Oct 2018
I've just told you that you don't love me... and I'm waiting on a reply.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I was never enough for you, and I'm sorry that you have always deserved better, but I tried, okay? I tried to be the best for you. I tried to be the best version of me, but I still don't know who that is or what she is like, all I know is that she has to exist. Somewhere. Somehow. She has to. Because I know that there is the worst of me, so there has got to be the best of me too. I can't keep living this way. I can't keep pretending to be someone that I'm not. I cannot continue being everyone's second thought, never their first. I can't keep waking up and hating myself. It feels like I wake up with God on speed dial, but he's ignoring my calls. I send him texts like, "Hey God, I know that you're busy and all, but could you maybe help me out here? Send me a sign of what I am supposed to do because I'm lost. I'm hurting. I love you. Thank you." And then an hour goes by, and I figure he's just busy. Then the day's gone, and then the week. Now it's months later and I'm still receiving the voicemail. God, can't you see I'm in pain. The bible says that "God loves all of his children" but if that's true, why aren't you answering me? I'm sorry to be questioning you and your presence in my life, but the devil has a tight hold on me right now. He has for years now, but I always run back to you, and I'm so blessed that you open your arms for me every single time. God, I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I know you have bigger plans for me, but I am not living up to them right now. God, I'm so so sorry. I'm sorry, and I understand if you're ashamed of me. I understand if you feel anger towards me, or you hate me. Because I do too. Most days I forget to count the blessings you've given me, and all I do is focus on the bad so God, PLEASE GRAB ME AND PULL ME BACK IN. I AM SO LOST WITHOUT YOU. I LOVE YOU. I'M SORRY.
Marissa Calderon Dec 2020
So, what now?

Are you going to critique the weather?

Harass the clouds?

Make fun of thunder for being off key?

Are you going to dissect lightning
for not beating the ground
the way you would?

You never appreciated the beauty of storms
and I guess it's because the hurricane in you won't allow it.
Marissa Calderon Jul 2018
I want to grab the bottle
with the clear liquid inside
and drown my sorrows
leave them no place to hide

My body
my brain
it no longer belongs to me
and I come to realize this
when I see my body as it bleeds

It starts as a drip
then a trickle
then a pour
so I watch the blood seep from my body
and I whisper for it, "More"

Why did you have to leave
why did you have to go
why did you pick her instead of me
to give your love
and soul

Why her
why not me
what about all of our plans we had
all of our dreams

We were supposed to get old together
and have our kids
the dogs were there too
they would've been their bestfriends

We would have had our house
on our piece of land we'd bought
and our kids would have learned
to love
and to laugh
from all that we'd taught

But ****
I guess it's all gone now
'cause you chose her instead of me
and yeah I'll smile
and I'll laugh
'cause I don't want you to see me bleed

I will remember you always
and I will love you through the struggle
and the pain
and I'll cry for you during thunderstorms
so my tears mix with the rain
Marissa Calderon Jun 2020
I'm a combination of all the people I've met
and all that I've experienced.

Inside, I hold the laughter of my friends,
the arguments of my parents,
the wondering of small children,
and the warmth of kind strangers.

I am embellished with stitches from broken hearts,
bitter thoughts of the lost and broken,
and the playlists you cry to at 3 am.

My bones are cut from words and steel.
My veins flow with the dreams of visionaries.
I am made from all those people and all those moments.

That is who I am.
Marissa Calderon Jun 2020
I want to be hopelessly in love with someone.
And I know, I'm probably not destined to be anything more than a friend to anyone, but I can't stop making up scenarios in my head in which someone, someday would love me back.
I get it if I'm not supposed to have that.
God knows I'm messed up in all the wrong places,
but I know this haphazard heart of mine could love someone.
I could love someone so purely and raw.
I could if given the chance!

...will someone give me the chance?

— The End —