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The ticking of a clock,
Oh! the warmth it brings.

The thoughts of a second past three
Overwhelm this small, bright being.

The red hand


Continuous. And in any minute this day will end.

Until tomorrow. Yes. Tomorrow.
It will come again.
Smile. The bell just rang :)
There is no way to tame the wind,
It is effortless and free
In its desire.

By some hidden map it chooses course,
With purpose, always forward
It goes onward.

The wind cares not of time nor distance,
Continuing ageless, timeless
It does not fail.

For every tear it has dried and continues,
Cooling anger, soothing souls
It's never ending.

In its path is makes changes undeniable,
Unaccountable and unexplainable
Purpose driven feat.

Storms rage over and lightning strikes, yet,
It continues, unceasing
A force unstoppable.

In these whispers we hear each word,

I am. I was. And I will be.

**God is in the gentle wind
The wind is something we can see everyday. It has no real purpose. Yet it is there. And it does affect nature. Does not God affect His people too? And in His love so many are set free. How can one accept the wind, in all it's invisibility, yet deny the very part of them they need, the greatest love in all the earth. Inexplainable yet never failing is God's perfect love to any who will accept it. But it is not a senseless wind. Haha! No! It is awesome, powerful grace! :)

— The End —