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 Feb 2017 Cait Harbs
So I tried to share,
Something beautiful
With even my mother
She's a zombie
Like the rest
Few words at a time,
At her best
What will happen?
When we're all illiterate?
When poetry is gone
I believe,
That'll be it
No more humanity,
No more beauty
And that's all I have to say of that.......
It makes me sick. The zombies of today. I'm sorry mom. That you can't see. That no one can see. And I'm sorry poets of tomorrow....May all The Great poets of yesterday, spin in their graves.
1, 2, 3, 4
What are women fighting for?

My father doesn't know-
about my past.
As the **** culture comments
slip from his tongue-
I mourn for the women
who experience the same.

Because every time
it is a knife upon my spine
chipping away at my backbone.

Some days,
it hurts to stand up straight.

5, 6, 7, 8-
Women need to procreate!

We tell women
their legs are an entry way
men can use at will.

But then they urge us to keep the seed
growing inside of us-
when sometimes it is just a ****
coming to the surface
because of an invasion
of our own garden
the one we spent
so much time growing.

In the case we let it flourish
into a flower, even though we don't
have the proper nutrients
all of those mouths
that told us to water it
are now dry and absent.

They don't return
so we are the ones who become withered..

a man who thought we was more
medicine than overdose
took away a child
that could of been my sibling.

And ever since-
my mother feels the withdrawal.

7, 8, 9, 10-
Will **** culture ever end?

Not when there's a vulture
among the white house
now painted blood red,
Caucasian white,
and bruised ego blue.

When the words
are noosing their way
around our necks-
we must give misogyny a kiss of death.

When some "feminists"
spew misandry from the pores
remind them to exfoliate
the hatred from their vocal chords.

Remind them to
look up the definition of feminism.

We can't forget-
about the boy who was forced
by his cousin and stayed silent
because "men can't get *****"

We can't forget-
about the women of color
who fight harder than most
because their skin
gives them the greater war.

When this America
is etched with white supremacy
Don't let them fetishize
or demoralize our sisters.
We stand together.

Don't let these instances
slip through your fingers.
Grab them by the throat
and remind yourself
of when they made
you lose your voice.

1, 2, 3, 4
What are the people fighting for?

******* Equality.
 Feb 2017 Cait Harbs
In the land of the honest,
the liar is king.
Too much honesty isn't always a good thing.
 Feb 2017 Cait Harbs
Famous love stories from
& poetry you
don't understand -

pages of maps from wars of the
past and
blueprints, models,
    attack plans

paintings in places
we might have been once -
and ghost towns that
I'd like to go
  the history of places buried so
deep in bomb shelters and
  trenches of

From front to back
from your to my
chapters and chapters of

The way that we speak is as silent
as wings:
we communicate in books
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