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It's been two years since the first burning
There are still scars to remember me by
And new ones to cover them up
I've been carved up like the pumpkins they had
Preparing for the season of spices
And masks
I wore no mask
My face was raw
From the fire I'd walked right into
It still shines from time to time
Glistening with effort, fear
And tears of despair
At night when the world goes quiet
My mind is loudest
All I've done wrong
Everything I've ****** up
Conversations I shouldn't have had
Words I shouldn't have said
I can't take them back
So die
So die
So sleep
Wake up and everything's okay again
Pop my ProZac
Step into the sun
Be strong
But for how long?
I see red
Of course she is red

                                                                A fire I do not dare to grasp
                                                                But oh, do I dream

Not mine
Of course not mine

                                                                This much is customary
                                                                 I'm used to that

Beautiful, and full of joy
                                                                It's always this way
                                                                Why is it always this way?
                                                                She must not know
                                                                I have to tell her
                                                                But do I?
That sweetness
I will never have
You don't realize how important someone is
Until you can never hear his smile again
Until you can reach through the space he has left
In your chest
That emptiness
That's where he was
That's what you're missing
You don't understand how much you love someone
Until you can't tell him anymore
Until no matter how loudly you scream it
He just won't hear you
For tonight and tomorrow and forever
He sleeps peacefully
While you toss and turn in tears
For Collin
We watched the fire burn until it died
Kicked dust upon the embers then and sighed
We watched the moon retreat into the sky
We watched the lightning strike and wondered why
And when you took me home I tried to smile
Because at least I'd seen you for a while
But then you left and so my heart went south
I'm left with naught but ashes in my mouth
Do not crash
Don't crash


do not crash
                                                 do not crash
don't crash
             don't crash
do not crash
Little bird
I wish to keep you safe
under my wing
tucked away
out of the storm
I wish to shelter you
let no rain touch your feathers
let no pain touch your heart
I wish to be your sun
to warm you from the winter's chill
I wish to be the spring
I don't want to think
If I think
Then I'll see it
Play over
and over
and over
Behind my eyes
My eyes
Curse my sight
Burn me alive
O, Arrow!
I was blind all along
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