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Carsyn Smith Nov 2013
Every other girl dons her heels
but me.
I come in my dancing shoes.

Every other girl holds her skirts
but me.
I'll cartwheel in my jeans, please.

Every other girl accepts his hand
but me.
I reached for his first.

Every other girl follows a step behind
but me.
I lead the parade.

Every other girl lives to become beautiful
but me.
I know beauty lives to be me.

Every other girl displays skin
but me.
I'm all pearly whites.

Every other girl chokes in a corset
but me.
I'd rather sing of freedom.
Carsyn Smith Nov 2013
Little Barbie Doll,
oh, how you love to be played with!
So kind, you are,
to offer your services to all;
to not be sexist
or rude,
to not be selective
or specific.
Little Barbie Doll,
oh, how pretty you are!
So beautiful, you are,
with lashes so long;
to not be fake
or plastic,
to not be secretive
or allusive.
Little Barbie Doll,
oh, how active you are!
So mobile, you are,
you'll play anywhere;
to not be restrictive
or exclusive,
to not be immaculate,
or unblemished.
Little Barbie Doll,
oh, how I wish to be like you!
So perfect, you are,
with a reputation of a vamp;
to not be pure
or classic,
to be unclothed
and slatternly.
Little Barbie Doll,
oh, what a ***** you've become!
Carsyn Smith Nov 2013
Can we just be together and grow
for a century?

Can you just laugh with me about
for a decade?

Can I just listen to you tell me about
for a year?

Can we just curl up and
for a month?

Can you just hold me when I'm feeling
for a day?

Can I just tell you everything about me that's
for an hour?

Can we just find a time to
for a moment?

Can you just smile back at
for a second?

Will I ever work up the courage to smile at
for the first time?
Carsyn Smith Oct 2013
It's amazing how,
in the silence,
you hear so much.
How the screaming
you thought so strong
is nothing but a whisper.
And those unintelligible whispers
echo in this hollowness
until they're the only thing you can hear.
You and I are like two very similar pieces of cloth:
both warn and tattered
both used and bedraggled
both healing wounds the other has left.
You and I --
we're meant to fit together like puzzle pieces:
shaped for each other.
You and I are like two magnets,
tell us to face each other and we repel,
turn us away and we attract.
There's so much that could be pushing us apart,
but so much more that's pulling us together.
In this silences,
that has cut me so deep,
I find I can't sleep
without seeing your face.
Carsyn Smith Oct 2013
No matter tree strong
Or branch withered and shakey
Leaves must fall alone
Carsyn Smith Oct 2013
He never knew he held my heart.
Never aware, even as he gave his away
and she gave hers to him.
It's cramped in here -
her heart beating next to mine
in the warmth of where his heart once was.
I want to leave,
to escape so her heart can flourish.
I never held his heart -
Why pretend like I did? -
He's not mine to fight for, never mine to keep.
Trying to leave quickly is like
trying to rip a snake,
whose venom fangs are plunged deep,
off your arm in one swift movement.
With tears in my eyes and a strained smile for her,
I take the snake from flesh,
but the venom chokes my heart
to a shade of blacken green.
Carsyn Smith Oct 2013
The dullest life lived
is one lived never fully
aware of the world
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