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Carsyn Smith Mar 2013
You don't need a big poem to describe that feeling.
That one, simple, four syllable word
Is so powerful
There's no way to describe it properly.
Carsyn Smith Mar 2013
People wonder why I look out the window,
Instead of climbing on the seats and hanging from
Open windows all while laughing like lunatics.
They wonder why I keep to myself,
And not whisper secrets or talk of people.

The window offers something that you can't.
I can watch my imagination dance on the mountain side,
Swim with the River People, and curl herself in the autumn leaves
Warmed by the afternoon sun
All through the glass.

I'm a star gazer.
I'm a dreamer.
I wouldn't change anything about me.
I wouldn't loose myself to join the herd.
Because while you're swinging on chandeliers,
Laughing like hyenas, loving like gorillas,
You can't see your imagination fly free.
It dies without you,
Alone on that mountain,
Frozen in the river,
Falling from the naked branches of winter trees.

So, no thank you,
I don't want to be like you,
I want to watch my imagination through the window
Because that's who I am.
And I wouldn't change anything about me.
Carsyn Smith Mar 2013
We may travel in packs
But we're only ever just
Distorted puzzle pieces
Searching for our place.
And it's hard.
It's hard to fit into a puzzle
That isn't yours.
But how are we supposed to know?
There aren't roll calls or attendance,
Just expectant looks or
Sideway glares
That let you know if you're welcome
Or if you're alone.

But what happens when
The image is supposed
To make sense
But one piece doesn't fit?
How can someone deal with
That pressure to fit?
They run around the board,
Squeezing into any open space
They might resemble.
Because they crave for
That drug-- that feeling of belonging.
They're driven insane,
Depressed and alone,
Trying to be someone they're not.
These people drown
When no one is looking,
Detached, cold,
Floating deeper into a dark mind
All because no one made the effort
To make them feel like
They could fit.

There's a lonely thing,
When a piece hears the click into place
But the flower on me
Isn't like the swirl on her
And the image is trash,
Disgusting, hideous.
And how can you tell
That piece,
That has felt the drug-- the feeling,
How can you tell them to leave?
Because sometimes we
Click into cliques
That aren't ours.
These people break,
When no one is looking,
Silent, unwanted,
Falling into an abyss of shun.
All because they were turned on
Giving no room for thought
That they could fit.

There's a difference,
Whether the pieces fit
Or the image makes sense.
There's a beautiful thing,
When all of the pieces fit,
But each one belongs to
A different puzzle.
Where each piece hears the
Satisfactory click into place.
That feeling-- where you know
You belong.
That feeling-- it's a drug that
Drives each of us insane,
Depressed, and alone.
And even though the
Flower on me doesn't go
With the swirl on her,
The lines match
And we all come together
To make something truly beautiful.
And no one thought it was possible,
Even I lost hope.
These people dance
When no one is looking,
Warm, content,
Spinning on light feet
All because they reached out,
And made them feel that
They fit.

And when you find your puzzle,
The feeling is unforgettable.
Maybe it's a good feeling,
Or a feeling so light,
That it can fly on the lightest breeze,
Covering your world in this feeling.
I wouldn't know.
I'm still dancing, drowning, and breaking.
I know my puzzle is out there,
And it's time that I stop waiting around,
And go look for them.
Carsyn Smith Feb 2013
I'm a broken doll
that sits on the top shelf
and stares down,
with glassy eyes,
onto the other dolls.
Plastic Barbies, American Girls,
Baby Dolls, and Raggedy Ann's,
They are coddled, held,
in a way that is foreign to me.
When I look at myself, I can see
the scratches in the porcelain,
the tears in the dress,
the heart that barely beats.
I'm the only one that can see,
these reminders of him.
I was misused, tossed about,
victim to his emotions.
He's all I've known,
and the definition of all
that will take me from
my top shelf.
I've been taken off the self before.
But the things he said, actions he did,
they weren't like what the other dolls got.
So I put myself back on
my top shelf.
I can feel their eyes,
their wink, whispers, and smiles
of approval.
I've been reached for,
but I turn them away.
I don't want to be misused, tossed about,
victim to his emotions again.
I know that their not all like him,
but I can't find myself trusting again.
So, I will sit on my top shelf,
and smile with red painted lips,
and maybe they won't see the pain inside.
Carsyn Smith Feb 2013
This is it
the end.
Have all your loose
ends been tied?
All of your
debts been paid?
Now let us depart,
away from this crumbling world
and into the next.
I know it’s all falling around us,
with the ground shaking
and buildings tumbling, but
ignore it all,
and just come with me.
Together we’ll leave this horrid chasm
and sail away to an island.
One that hasn’t flooded,
one that has white sand,
blue oceans,
and swinging palm trees.
Look at me and
ignore it all,
dismiss the giant waves
and raging storms,
let the hurt go,
let the pain go, and
ignore it all.
I know that when the end comes,
we’ll be together,
away from the chaos.
Don’t worry about saying good bye,
we’ll see everyone in the end.
They’ll all be there, I promise. Now,
ignore it all,
and hold me tight
when the world ends.
Carsyn Smith Feb 2013
When you're nervous
about a certain event,
date, or time, you think
"It'll never come," or
"It's so far away."
But as soon as you
step on stage or
walk into the room,
that certain event
that you're nervous about,
that moment is now.
You're heartbeat is so loud
that it's all you hear.
A giant drum that pounds
at your sanity
and you wonder...
"Can I do this?"
And it feels that
the time you were
nervous, so many days
ago, was just yesterday.
But when the music
starts, the power point
begins, or the whistle
blows --
Everything falls away.
It's just you
and the
task ahead.
Carsyn Smith Feb 2013
you Can't Stop A War That's Already Begun.
Two Sides Face Down, Stalemate--
They Each Request my Aid,
But i Am Unable To Choose.
you Can't Calm The Tides That Are A Tsunami.
Waves That Crash, Relentless--
Time Is Running Out,
But i Am Unable To Choose.
you Can't Stop A Bullet That's Been Fired.
Small Metal With The Force Of A Hundred Men, Blood lust--
There Is No More Time,
i Must Choose.
And One Must Die.
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