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bulletcookie Apr 8
moon's blink shadow cast
sandpipers scurry from sight
Ra retires briefly

April eight twenty twenty four
bulletcookie Apr 7
wisdom comes slowly
a bud unfolds wet and cold
spring's sun, late but sure

4/7- NaPoWriMo "weird wisdom"
bulletcookie Apr 5
One said, "God knows best and will save us in the end."
The second said, "What if it's too late and the universe ends before God comes to the rescue?"
The third was a dog, with a hind leg scratching its side. It licked its paw, then howled at the wailing sirens.

NaPoWriMo - 4/5
(prompt) Now try your hand at writing your own poem about how a pair or trio very different things would perceive of a blessing or, alternatively, how these very different things would think of something else (luck, grief, happiness, etc).
bulletcookie Apr 3
The plastic bag can not be opened with fingers; scissors are a good option or you may find grapenuts scattered over counter and under shoe. The crunch echoes under foot instead of between teeth, reverberating into the skull. Milk and yogurt dampens the effect with frozen blueberries coagulated in purple-blue clumps that a spoon pushes through the white waves cresting over tawny kernals of quicksand cereal 🥣. For good measure a seafloor of multi-grain flakes stabilizes this ocean of supposedly nutricios morning victuals. Where did those banana boat dingies come from?

NaPoWriMo 4/3
Surreal prose poem prompt
bulletcookie Apr 2
True Platonic love —
Does not reside in the wind
or glass chimes it inhabits on a sunny day
It plays in the high harmony;
on breezes, thin glass and breaking sound
To a first time crush it sings
of mystery, leaping as up as legs carry
stops heart and catches breath
lingers in close carnal thoughts
trying to calm the chaos within
It never betrays or lets go, even
even night's shattered stillness
bows to the stars on strings
with amor for the music of the spheres

bulletcookie Apr 1
Cage- outside looking in
Ocean- big bang without the bang
Time- currently does not have itself
Cedar- hats, rain shaws, baskets, bark box
Window- sometimes clear, sometimes  obscured
Sword- ugly, no matter how beautifully made
Flute- makes that elusive dream sound like mist

bulletcookie Mar 31
Dear feathered friend
what do you rend?
a worm from down low
or grub with no toes

Up 'fore dawn's porridge
you care for no storage
'cept to fill a small belly
with nutricios bug jelly

Quick in you flutter, by an' bye
tree's tea leaf readings, fool the eye
you twitter, tin whistle, and tweet
announcing your day's avian treats

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