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 Nov 2010 Bubbly
Kali Namir
You smile, I smile.
You wave, I wave.
I hug, you hug back.
I’ve fallen, but I doubt you have.

I know you might be a little awkward,
But I can work with that.
I know you might be a little anti-social,
But so am I.

I find you adorable,
But do you me?
I make me laugh,
But do I you?

I know it’s odd,
We’ve known each other how long?
Not long in fact,
Not long enough for me to ‘know’ you.

I know you in a daily way,
But I don’t know who you are.
I want to though,
Really I do.

I want to know what makes you tick,
I want to know what makes you YOU.
I want to know your successes,
And I want to know your mistakes.

I want to get to know you,
I want to hang out more.
I want more hugs from you,
I simply want you.

You’re like that lanky worn out teddy,
The one you clutch and feel safe.
The teddy that keeps away the sad thoughts,
The teddy that helps you fall asleep.

I think you’re what I need,
Something safe and sturdy.
I think you’re that wall,
The one I need to lean on.

I may never tell you this,
But at least I told me.
And for now,
I guess I can work with that.
I’m freezing; the frost ever so slightly,
Touching my naked flesh
Crystal diamonds of snow glittering
As far as I can see
I can’t feel anything; losing sense of touch
And tears are turning to ice on my blushing cheeks

It’s all an illusion, there’s no sense of time
I’m just falling, yet there’s no ground to hit
I’m stuck in my frozen haven
My body shutting itself down, stopping all the defenses
Left are all the secrets; growing out of me
Breaking through my skin, like a rose,
Digging through the asphalt

The ice and snow; so cold it burns
My skin is the palest white, riddled with lavender
I will always be here
Contained inside my pain
It’s searing my flesh, yet keeping my outsides,
Perfectly pristine
I’ll linger here;
In my eternal winter
 Nov 2010 Bubbly
Lost for words
A library book
I need to read
A bad habit
I need to feed
A borrowed man
Who'll never be mine
Always on
Someone else's time
You always take
And never give
But you're a chapter
I need to live
I know I'll get hurt
I know it's wrong
But I wanted you
For oh so long
I can deal with
the degradation;
"I can resist anything,
except temptation."
 Nov 2010 Bubbly
Benjamin Davies
Start with:
        Airway, Breathing, Circulation,
        easy as ABC
they said.
        Perhaps they meant
                clear my throat,
                         slow my breathing,
                                        check my pulse.
                              I could have used
                 the advice, but
        there wasn’t time,
for him.
        Perhaps,   no.
               His pleading eyes
               will not fade in time,
                             and his sand soiled body’s
               last electric leap
        seems to hover
        still longer
        with each
        His blue lips
        still murmur
        to me
        from the

Copyright @2010 by Ben Davies
 Nov 2010 Bubbly
Rhiannon Moore
Two months ago
I did not think of you.
you are all I think of
funny how times change.
 Nov 2010 Bubbly
Dian Eka
Love contains lust
Lust contains no love

If one of those lines is wrong,
no one gets hurt then
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