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wet** morning,
i turn to you,
and you're not there.
Brand it,
Livin' the dream,

in the silence
of your sorrows.

Neck deep
in worry waves.
I'm drowning, in the
shallow waters of my own.
 Sep 2012 Bruce Mackintosh
Welcome to America;
You will pour your faith into a dollar
You will feed our corporations
You will get an education
You will have no hesitation
You follow a religion
You will buy into the system
You will love industrialization
You will find an occupation
You will endlessly strive to be rich
You will envy the famous
You will fall behind on your payments
You will pretend you have it all
In hope that someone else will fall
You will believe in us
You will settle for simplicity
You will ignore your own divinity
& We will tell you,
You are free.
i wake
starving for a body
he craves flesh and blood and bone
i shake and shiver as he holds me

unbound from this mattress of
seven nights before
when starry eyes and small words flooded
from our crusting mouths
my tongue like sandpaper
I'll *******,
If you want.
Cause I want it
Just as bad as you do.
But I also want to hear the rustle of the sheets
When you turn over in the middle of the night.
I want to feel your hot breath on my neck.
I want the stubble on your chin to graze my cheek
As you kiss me gently on the forehead.
And when I whisper "goodnight," you don't have to reply.
Just nudge me with your knee
Or poke me with your elbow.
The backyard is the smallest dead wheat field
Raccoons visit without fear

I come to leave food for my cats
Who I could not take with me
They already act like they don’t know me

I punch a hole in a wall
To make this place look more deserted

The giant broken window
The toilets filled with **** and bleach
Because the water stopped
The cigarettes in the driveway

I’ve never abandoned anything before

It feels like a place where bad memories come to pray
Like weeds finding life in deserted places

You make lists
Giving yourself reasons to come back
The bedroom fan
The screws for the bed frame
The beer in the fridge
To leave the cats food and fresh water

To pray in a church
By punching holes in walls till I uncover an answer

Raccoons are waiting
For the food to be left alone
I watch you smoke Neptune for the last time outside your front door
Listening to you talk about music or the weather
Your hand twitches and the cobalt glass shatters in three pieces at your feet, but you don't even look down and continue your monologue
The dry air between us heaves a smokers cough and sighs

In the den, under low ceilings and blurry repercussion
Ciphering through lots of nothing on tv
You settle on some garbage show
But end up kissing me instead

I had to leave at one thirty five
*Someone always has to leave eventually
One day,
This will
All be
But a
Faded memory.
I was in Chicago, and i was hoping the feeling would last.

— The End —