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 Jan 2013 Brina
oh me oh my
There are times,
too far many,
the spaces between them are fading,
becoming slivers of slight reassurance.

But there are times,
when I no longer feel like a person,
no longer feel human,
cold to the touch and lifeless.

There are times when I fade into the background,
far too many,
watch the people pass by.
Sometimes, I muster the courage,
let my fingertips ghost along the skin of their arms.
Watch the bumps form, fear lingers in my eyes.

Most don't turn,
they're used to us.
They don't leave a glance, don't turn,
don't face us.
It's disgust, but also fear.
They don't want to become like us,
hollow, spaced and cold to the touch.
They like warm, soft skin, glowing white teethed smiles
and lively eyes.

But, there are some, who turn around and leave a lingering glance.
Most don't see us, let their eyes leave us before they're focused.
They fear us, they're young, they don't understand.
Most of us feel twinges of guilt when they're startled,
turn on us wide eyed with panic swarming in their eyes like hornets.

The others, they're different.
There's a few, the ones who take the time out of their day,
smell the roses and are grateful for the small things.
Never take advantage, always gentle, kindred souls.

They don't flinch when they feel cold grate against their warm skin,
don't flinch when they meet the putrid hollow of our gaze.
Don't run away, don't break out into a cold sweat.
Most smile, a warm, friendly grin with paint white smiles.

I used to believe he was one of them,
would guide me from the dark of the background
into the light and introduce me to life.
 Jan 2013 Brina
I broke your heart
with make-up
and song.

with flooding light and
pages and pages of
monologues and
songs to sing
to read
to learn and feel in every
waking moment
(aching, to you).

I broke your heart with passion.
with love
with joy
with tears streaming down my face
and applause.
and encore and encore, encore!
with bow after bow and roses.

I broke your heart with dancing.
with dancing and letting my soul
peek out
to appear
where I cannot see your face
(within a crowd).

I broke your heart with time.
with time i had to juggle
to walk a tight rope on stage.
and put myself in the lion's den
to do what i love
and again.

I broke your heart with play.
 Jan 2013 Brina
Let the orange flames lick the life out
of high hopes and grand schemes
until all that remains is nothing is
what it seems
 Jan 2013 Brina
Damaré M
Man Up
 Jan 2013 Brina
Damaré M
I can't live my life this way
A family of Decency
Why would I go stray?

I can't live my life this way
My mother is a mother
Why is my girlfriend something other?

I can't live my life this way
I'm brilliant
What ever happened to being resilient?

I can't live my life this way
Doing anything for the dollar
What's wrong with being a scholar?

I can't keep living my life like this
Because I wasn't born this way.
I learned this...
But I learned a lot of ****
Negativity wasn't all
So what's my excuse?
Whatever I think of would be a lie
So what's the truth?

Truth is...
I'm not really ruthless
Fact is...
I'm acting
To let it be known...

How can I betray her this way?
By treating women that way
How can I take the love she gave me
Consider the way she raised me
Not provide
Not secure

That's almost all she ask of me
That is my role right?
As a MAN
Born by a WOMAN
Born from a WOMAN
Made in a WOMAN
Share the blood of a WOMAN

But I'm not MAN enough to take full responsibility of a WOMAN'S

What am I then?

Can't be
Just a suckah
For not standing up for what I know
 Jan 2013 Brina
Wedyan AlMadani
I never wanted to be perfect
I never asked to be pretty
I never desired a chateau
I never required a throne
I never needed a tiara

What I truly wish for is,
to be absolutely, completely and utterly flawless
(in his eyes)
 Jan 2013 Brina
Cora Lee
It's happening.
I'm in your thoughts.
You've always been in mine,
But I never knew.
And now you feel the same.

It doesn't make sense.
No one thinks about me,
But you do now.
How can you?

You called me beautiful.
I laughed,
But only because I'm scared.
I'm scared that you think about me.
Because you can think whatever you want,
But I don't want it to be about me.

You say I'm beautiful.
I can't believe you.
I want to,
So badly,
But I can't.

If I believe you,
Then I can't hate myself.
Then I couldn't hide.
I can't believe you,
Because I'm scared.
Looking for suggestions.
 Jan 2013 Brina
Cora Lee
I get straight A's,
You worry I don't have a social life.
I hang out with friends,
You never see me any more.
I spend time with you,
You worry about my grades.
The sad part is,
I keep trying.

I keep to myself,
You worry I'm depressed.
I come out of my room,
You get sick of me.
I'm quiet,
You worry I don't care.
I say how I feel,
You ignore me.
The sad part is,
You don't try at all.

— The End —