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 Jan 2014 Briget Marie
I'm a bright blue box with a bitter black inside.

I screamed 'open me! open me!' to those who had tried.

As they peek in it takes their breath away,

how broken and sad before them i lay.

Shuttering and sobbing, i scream out: close the box!

because i know no one can undo my sad twisted knots.

shame on me for trying, who could ever care?

I wanted to be happy, but i doubt I'll make it there.

My inside grows darker, my dreams more disturbed,

but the outside still gleams blue, fake, unperturbed.

My dark insides take over, I can't turn it off

I'm trying, I'm trying, but the voices just scoff.

Happy? Loved? You? You've got to be kidding.

These things are reserved for light, your darkness is forbidding.

Close your eyes babe, and try to make it through

while your dark dark insides utterly consume you.

So come on, sit down. Make yourself at home.

Let the voices talk, let your mind roam.

Because you're trapped here darling, inside this blue box

no keys have the power to undo your locks.

Your blue box is shut. Seal it off, seal it tight.

It's simple, you just have no hope to ever see light.

The people, they leave. They don't understand.

Each time they go, unable to withstand.

You're a being of sadness, disguised as a girl

come on, fake a smile, let your lips curl.

Yes, cut yourself off, you little blue box.

Make yourself tough, a foundation of rocks.

Because not feeling anything, nothing at all,

is the sure-fire way to make certain you don't fall.
I let the music take me over,
soak into my skin.
I let the music take me over,
and wash away my sins.
I let the music take me over,
sometimes way too loud.
I let the music take me over,
as gentle as a cloud.

Wash away my worries,
take away the lies.
Brush off all my bruises,
the tears fall from my eyes.
Seldom, I am happy.
Though it makes me feel that too.
Mostly it takes me deeper,
in my empty part of two.
It makes me feel so numb,
but it makes me feel such pain.
It cuts off all my senses,
or sends them rushing to my brain.
So many greats are writers,
just like you and I.
So many writers are nobody,
who give me my wondrous high.
It doesn't matter who you are,
Just listen with your ears.
It doesn't matter what is wrong,
washing over all your fears.

I let the music take me over,
soak into my skin.
I let the music take me over,
and wash away my sins.
I let the music take me over,
sometimes way too loud.
I let the music take me over,
as gentle as a cloud.
 Jan 2014 Briget Marie
 Jan 2014 Briget Marie
The cold wind blows, reaching though your very soul,
Making your body shiver, trying to keep warm,
Each step you take, echoes along each wall,
Moonlight shining through clouds in the sky,
Suddenly the light disappears, it all grows dark,
The echoes stop, you're breathing heavy,
Looking around each shadow seems to move,
Whispers come from all around, panic sets in,
Heart races; you lose track of time,
The whispers grow louder as they seem to close in,
Your hearts in your throat as you feel someone near,
Closing your eyes, the voices become deafening,
Laughter begins to fill your ears, fear is all that remains,
In an instant, it all stops just as fast as it began,
Nothing stood where you once were, just emptiness,
The winds blow away the dust that remains,
You're gone, consumed by the darkness,
Only leaving a memory of what was once there,
Moonlight shines through the clouds in the sky,
Showing that what you once were was gone...
 Jan 2014 Briget Marie
 Jan 2014 Briget Marie
My thoughts are killing me
my dreams are haunting me

My body is covered
with hundreds of scars

I'm worthless
it's easy to see

My eyes are liars
and so is my mouth

My body disgusts me
and I'm repulsive to myself

I'm worthless
it's easy to see

My demons are coming for me

Made this myself, and I'm very proud of it.
When there is more past than future,
We begin to look inward,
To assess and know the person hidden there.
Enlightenment comes just in the nick of time.
Now that we have found it,
What shall we do with it?
The slicing and dicing
Game is getting out of hand
And I'm loosing control
Doesn't anyone understand

My thigh now covered
My forearm raw
With bright ****** lines
That nobody saw

And I'm sitting in my bed
Clutching my shoulders and rocking
Because I can't throw away the teeth
That keep biting and locking

Their rusty jaws on my body
And the battle wounds are deep
I try to fight my demons but
They come in at night and creep

Into my bed and infest my dreams
With horrors of my past
And visions of unspeakable things
And I don't think I'll last

Another night trapped inside my scared body
Because my demons are inside
And they're clawing and demanding to be let
Loose, my mouth open wide

So I cut loose my demons
And with every slice
Another one is freed
It just took a little splice
There was a man
sitting at the end of the bar
so I bought him a drink.

“Thank you, miss,”
he said.
I smiled
and left the bar
being carried by gusts of warm wind.

I went to my apartment
and cleaned the entire place
blasting music
loud enough for the neighbors
to hear.

I drew large,
and taped them to the wall
by my bed
to look at from time to time.

I drank an entire bottle of wine,
white wine,
and went to sleep
wrapped in warm blankets
and warm thoughts.

The next morning
I woke up with a smile
taking up residence on my face.

Then I opened the door
and almost stepped out into the hall
before the cold, gray
pushed me into the pool
of cold, ***** water.

I sat on the floor
wrapped in blankets
but unable to ward off the cold.

I banged my head on a table,
but didn't feel a thing.

I looked at all of the bottles
of pills
that I had collected.
And I contemplated taking a few
or the whole bottle.

But I didn't.

I downed half a bottle
of *****
and hated myself.

I looked at myself,
scowling in the mirror.
“Go **** yourself,”
I told the reflection.

All of the sudden
the warmth came back
and I put flowers in a vase
and gazed at them lovingly.

I smiled at myself in the mirror,
proud of who I was
and everything I had ever done.
I thought excitedly
about everything I would do tomorrow,
the next day
and the next day.

Then I purposely knocked the flowers
off the table
with my closed fist
and downed an entire bottle of pills.
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