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b s Aug 2014
Drawing silver thread
from every dream caught
I sew my bones together
into sleep, into knots
b s Aug 2014
Fatal curves
colored in copper
and dusted with
ageless freckles

Mahogany hair
this as forest,
married by
oceanic waves

Tiger-eyed innocent
armed with daggers;
Medusa's glare
now included

Broken jaw rhetoric
from a crooked smile
with lips coated in
cherry bomb explosives

A summer dress
simply yellow,
ringing beauty like
a Southern belle

Perfumed in
cherry blossoms
and passing
like a season

I am left
b s Aug 2014
Never alone whilst in
absent company
b s Aug 2014
another’s scent
makes breathing
b s Aug 2014
Mouth full of salt,

kissing wounds.
b s Aug 2014
Here we are again .

sitting at the kitchen table

with silverware in hand

doing what we do best ;

prodding, poking,

slicing and cutting.

tearing away and chewing

Our gazes stray from

the mashed potatoes to the

steaks bleeding on our plates

but never/

to the eyes at the other end of the table ;

to the face wanting to be seen

we make small talk

out of the corner of our mouths

as we chew away the fat ;

talking of the meaningless/

how the food is

of the pointless/

how the day went

of the impossible .

. how . are . you .

It's all the same

just as the night before was/

the night before and before/

the table is set

the food is placed

and we sit ;

Far . away .

on this our hallowed ground

our ritual performed

in doublespeak

Pass the salt, please/

a dance for rain

More peas, dear?/

a primal scream

Looks good, honey/

a sacrificial lamb

in your name, we dine

punctuation was a primitive code for me to remember cadence.

— The End —