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brian odongo Sep 2022
Why do people revisit their old wounds ?
Is it an addiction to pain ?
Or unwillingness to let go of misery ?
It is the same reason a bird revisits its broken nest;
To see if it can fix its broken walls or remove the thorns from its floor board .
Perhaps to try something different from last time hoping this time round it will work.
This is the law of life ; learning to leave with pain.
Sometimes when the skeleton gets out of the closet you can't take it back.
The only way to understand pain is to look deep into it without turning back ,to stare Into the dark abyss until you see the light.
Because healing always begins with embracing pain not running away from it.
brian odongo Mar 2021
I remember this hill to well
Why are you leading me to it?
It was  wear my heart was once broken
Dark memories still lie there for a memorial.
The ghost of the dead love still hunts my heart.
There still remain charred pieces where the wood of love once burnt
I vowed never to pass by this path again.
Why are you leading me to it ?
brian odongo Aug 2016
My heart yearns for an adventure
For a strange and rare venture
Oblivious of the tons of dangers
For in adventures I ain’t a stranger
For I would relieve childhood years
That I spent with my little peers.

An adventure in distant lands
Where the children play with wet sands.
And dolphins jump out of water
When the noon sun makes the ocean hotter.
Where the fisherman yaw his boat
To capture all the salmon afloat.

An adventure by the oasis in the Sahara desert
Where Tuaregs sit by the cactus to eat dessert.
And watch as scorpions prey on lizards
To feast on their gizzards.
I want day sun to warm my smooth skin
And the night cold to shiver my crude chin.

An adventure cuddling cold snow on my hand
Where the icy pillars in their majesty stand.
And make a cave of snow
Strong to stand when wind blow.
Then I will scare the polar bear
That my cave like a paper wants to tear.

An adventure on the corn field
When in summer the flowers yield
When the butterflies pollinates the corns
And the farmer weeds out the thorns
I want to watch the corn spring to life
When the early rain is rife

An adventure across the sky in a plane
And watch as daylight slowly wane.
I want to leave a route on the sky
That in the future I would still ply.
Then immortalize my name in the cloud
That dark clouds in their anger cannot shroud.

An adventure deep in the amazon woods
When the purple squirrel burrow for food.
Where the monkey sway their tails
And red roses litter narrow trails.
I want to watch the ants builds their mounds
As the ripe mangoes fall on the ground.

An adventure that will lead to places
Leaving on all its paths my traces.
Permanents prints that will last
Even when my life like history is past.
And my adventure would be told as a tale
That like time will not stale.
brian odongo Dec 2016
Deaf beethoven heard thy symphony
Genius Michelangelo from a rock curved thee
Blind Homer saw thy comely figure
Davinci painted thee superior to Mona Lisa

Ancient Greeks on papyrus praised thee
Today's poets on books we sing of thee
Time turn all beauty and beasts to ashes
But thou ancient lady like a phoenix rises from the dust
brian odongo Sep 2021
the night
my sight.

the moon
shines bright.

the stars
haunt me
over and over

I am an owl,
A nyctophile.
brian odongo Mar 2018
Love is a beautiful seed
growing in a field of weeds
Love is a rose in a garden of thorns
Its pickers  endure ****** and scorns
Love blossoms hope in all seasons
Though sometimes fear  give reasons
Love is a plant that forever grows
Even in pitch darkness it glows
A rose crushed produces a sweet balm
Love tested is like a well written psalm
A plant  flourishes  in a fertile farm
Our hearts is the soil where love work its charm
poetry is far more beautiful than prose
So let's our love endure forever unlike a rose
brian odongo Jan 2018
A tale of love
Brian Odongo.

Countable times in history
Two separate lives become one story
Such as was between Jacob and Rachel
A tale more beautiful than a fable

A tale not as a result of fate
But a plan in divine date
A tale of two hearts
That cannot be torn to parts

Even by ink it can only be faintly described
But in their hearts it is masterfully inscribed
A tale that lives for generations
And defies all common expectations

Such is my tale with this fair Lady
Fairest than the beautiful daisy
The only beloved daughter of her father
And the joy of the family when they gather

She is of rare charm and mind
“A virtuous woman who can find? "
Her heart is most pure
Her smile every pain cure

Seasons before us seem so long
But each day will be filled with a love song
Then all the rounds and bends of time
Will be far much worth than countless dimes

Not every step forward will be simple
But happenstances will not our love dwindle
For our tale of love  is not just a normal  ritual
But this tale that we coauthor is forever habitual

And if life be long and youth turn to old age
We will make more beautiful every page
And this by divine grace shall be our tale
That even time will not turn stale
brian odongo Dec 2016
On new year eve when the sun on the west hung low
And the east wind on dead leaves blow
I paced to the yellow woods
And sat on my favourite wood
Where not long after I fell into a trance
Not of any divine trace
But a dream from my person
And I saw a vision backwards:
365 days ago, not long ago
I was on the same spot
For the familiar new year ritual
That of writing my aspirations
My fickle fingers wrote my dreams on the hard earth
On the passing sands of time
But no traces of them was left
Perchance carried by the furious wind
To the store house of wasted words
I continued in the vision backwards
When I heard a voice from me saying
" Don't write your dreams on sand
Write them on your heart "
I woke from my short trance
When the crimson moon was awake above
And the night owl hooting echoed through the woods
Left the woods without performing my ritual
Because i heard a vision backwards
" Don't write your dreams on sand
Write them on your heart."
brian odongo Jan 2021
If I will have a daughter
I will be the first man to buy her a flower
And I guess she will say how pretty it is
But then I will look above and point her to the clouds
Yes to those dark clouds above
And I will tell her the flower grew because the rain fell
And that she should not be afraid to fall in life
Because sometimes a fall produces the most beautiful result
Like the rain falling to produce a flower or two hearts falling in love.
Saw a neighbours little girl with a flower
on a rainy day and this came to mind
brian odongo Feb 2022
There are so many kinds of bravery in this world, my Mother said. The ones where you feel like a small ship sailing through the stormy ocean waves, and the ones where you dry your tears and keep charging ahead even when your knees give out. There are those kinds of bravery where you sacrifice your own self and the ones you love for something much bigger, and those where you decide to live with endless regrets and guilt just for the sake of a single important moment. There are those, too, where you almost give all your life, all the strength you have just to be a little less hopeless, just to have a simple but comfortable life.

But there is another kind of bravery, too. The kind that asks you to take a step back and breathe when everything gets too heavy. The kind that pats your head when you fall down and tells you that it is okay to be home again. The kind that only reminds you of being tender to yourself, of knowing that bravery doesn't always mean going on even when it hurts. Sometimes, it means knowing when to stop and accepting that it's okay to give up and take your time rather than blindly losing everything running ahead.

I hope you don't always mistake resilience for bravery. I hope you treat yourself as someone important, too.
brian odongo Dec 2021
I wonder why I have always felt safe with you — like, how the raging storms in my heart come to still just be your mere touch; how your smooth voice calms my overflowing emotions, and how your gaze clears out the background noise and make me focus only on you.

My grandmother once told me, “Always choose the one that calms your heart and not the one that gives you butterflies.”

I was too young to understand then but now I know why.

Because in times when the world becomes too loud, I’d only go to you and you’ll make it all go away. When the people around me say a lot of irrelevant things, I’d only seek your advice and you’d make my mind at peace.

But most of all, when I asked myself what I really felt for you, there was no question or doubt that emerged from my mind —  my heart was still, it was calm.

My heart and mind were at peace in telling me this is love — a love that’s sure, freeing, and selfless. A love that didn’t come from chaos but a love that comes from love itself; so pure and one of a kind.
brian odongo Aug 2021
when the stars
I wish our hearts
brian odongo Sep 2021
She's my Friday,
I am her Monday.
brian odongo Nov 2021
She's dancing
in my mind without
care of the world,
and I love how
she invades my thoughts
and how I smile
when I think of her.
brian odongo May 8
However long and dark the night, Day is sure to break, And children rise to laughter, And birds to rapture wake.

However long the winter, Spring will surely come, Bringing gold of jonquil, Silver of flowering plum.

However deep the sorrow, However great the pain, Be sure that peace will follow, As sunlight follows rain.
brian odongo Aug 2021
Here’s to the poets
who died a thousand times
and lived millions more—
who danced with rhymes
until their hands feel sore;

Who rewrote the stars
and found beauty in scars,
who romanticized the moon
and found poetry in tunes;

Who blew kisses in the wind
And felt a love left unseen—
A ghost of a romantic scene,
Embers of what could’ve been;

Who found hope in nothingness
and beauty in one’s madness—
Who saw mediocrity in greatness
as they strive for more goodness;

Who took coffee at the rising morn,
And stole kisses with corny love letters,
Sung like bards mad as the pied piper,
Fell in love and became jealous of Heather.

Here’s to the poets
who got lost in transition,
in the world of ink and paper,
in the phantasms of poetic allusion,
in the warmth and cold of December,
in the reveries of literary composition,
in the need to write history to remember
and to those who got lost in fascination—

May you all be remembered by the world
as the pages of our history remain untold;
Melt what’s frozen, bring warmth to the cold.
Keep crying for literature, be poetic and bold.

Thank you for giving me a loving home
When I thought I was meant to be alone,
For giving me a shelter during the storm
'Til I learned how to survive by my own.

Because one day our breath will cease
And no longer shall we bleed poignant ink—
Let the stars fall as the pen and paper kiss,
Write your last poetry before it sinks.
Title borrowed from the movie “dead poet society "
brian odongo Jan 2022
I know a genius writer
who writes horror,
because his heart
was filled with
anxiety and terror.

he lost his beloved wife,
in the Kingdom by the sea,
and yes,
it is his Annabel Lee.

he is the greatest poet
who ever lived.
he writes with his soul
as dark as the night
but with a pure heart
that create art.  

beauty and sublime,
these two words define him.

his life became miserable
like the stories he wrote,
his death is still unknown
and there were few
people who attended
his funeral,
the world is not that literal.

The Raven took him,
so did the Black cat.

his last words were "Lord, help my poor soul"

I have to ask,
"Is this what a great writer deserve?"

he became penniless in writing,
but it didn't stop him.

writing is not a job,
it's heroism,
it's an obligation,
it's the most humanistic profession.

be proud,
if you can write.
brian odongo Nov 2021
I want to fall in love again,

Not with sweet words but with efforts,
not with looks but with soul,
not with promises but with sacrifices.

I want to fall in love again,
but not the way I did before.
brian odongo Aug 2021
You may fall like those leaves during autumn but you can still bloom like those blossoms during spring.
brian odongo Sep 2016
I know not where I shall find love
By the foots of the mountain or on the plains of clove
Where the oak trees shed their green blades on the brown grass
Perchance by the deserted road where lays the heap of trash

I know not when I shall find love
During spring when April showers bring may flowers
When wintry chilling cold bites the white earth
When the woods glow of amber in the hearth

I know not how I will find love
Through divine appointment or by strove
Whether from a recent friend or a foe of past days
May be from stranger met by labyrithine ways

I know not why I will find love
Whether possessed passions will cause me to move
To seek the friendship of some lovely lass
May be just another ritual of life to pass

Whether in known or unknown places
Whether in familiar or strange faces
Whether time is constant or flies like a dove
I one day shall find love
brian odongo Oct 2021
First loves. First butterflies. First plans. First dates. First time you had your heart ripped apart.

First love smells like grass freshly mown, with the feeling of satisfaction and being one with something better than yourself.

First love tastes like melted chocolate in your mouth, that feeling of addiction which you want to deny exists but in your heart you know it is there.

First love consists of stolen glances. When you want to pretend that you’re not looking and maybe, that you do not care, but you care so much that your heart might just pop out.

First love reminds you of that one time, when you believed that anything was possible. When you believed that everything was going to turn out all right.

First love is about the plans that were never executed. The dreams that were lost in the long dark nights. First love is about the time when you were broken beyond mend. It is about realizing that you are stronger than you believe you are.

First loves. First kisses. First night holding their hand and feeling complete. Of teary eyed goodbyes and crying your heart out alone. When you do not remember how you lived your life before you fell in love.

The highest of highs. The lowest of lows. With just one question at the end.

Was the high worth the pain?
brian odongo Dec 2021
People greet you differently...
Some greet you with their hand
Others with their heart
And very few with their soul.
brian odongo Sep 2021
This is how I want us to end;

I want it to be memorable,
happy, and romantic.
I want us to end while watching
the sunset by the beach.
I want us to hold hands and
kiss until the very last moment.
I will tell you how much
I adore you this past few years.
I want to tell you that I
want to be with you forever.

I want the end of us,
to be the day that one of us
reached the end of lifetime.
brian odongo Nov 2016
Iam a poet
I pull the stars with a string
I shoot the moon with a sling
I form an hurricane with an ink
I make roses stink

Iam a poet
My pen is my favourite toy
With it I prevent Homer's troy
I sell hope through humour
Even when all you have is a tumour

Iam a poet
Reality is my latest fiction
Not forgetting my diction
Mostly I write my mind
Though some find it not kind
brian odongo Sep 2021
I am a direct metaphor.
I am simple compared to simile.
Buzzing noisily with onomatopoeia.
I am much harder than the irony.
Awfully repetitive like alliteration.
More hyper than the hyperbole.
Non-living but I live by personification.
I am litotes, full of negativity.
I am the antithesis of the antithesis.
Partly whole like synecdoche.
I am confusing and messy like paradox.
I use "handsome" as my name. Metonymy.

If you can't understand the pun,
it's because I am
the "*****" in the oxymoron.
brian odongo Jul 2021
One time I asked her, what characteristics do her ideal man possess. "I want a poet, a deep one. I want a poet that uses passionate, unfamiliar words, and his poems can both restore or rip my soul apart. I want a poet that can see through my mind and heart, and lastly, I want a poet that can make me his one and only muse", she said.

"Am I the poet that you've been looking for?", I sarcastically asked her. "I am all of what you said. I'm over qualified".

"Hahahaha. No, not you."

And that was the time when I was buried in my own grave that I dug.
brian odongo Jul 2021
I always love the sky,

When it turns into yellow
and started to warm my
skin with the comfort of its hotness.

When it turns into orange
and started to became a vintage
scenery that reminds me to rest.

And when it turns into gray
and started to fall the heavy tears
embracing my soul with its coldness.

I always love the sky,
for it reminds me that my life
can be an exquisite scenery.

Now, I can't help falling in love
with every shades of its hue,
because Love, that sky is you.
brian odongo Sep 2021
I met a stranger,
who loved me like how
She loves the painfulness of poetry.

I met a stranger,
who loved me like how
She loves the bitterness of coffee.

I met a stranger,
who loved me like how
She loves the wildness of the sea.

I met a stranger,
who loved my flaws, my
dark sides, my all.

She was once my unknown zone,
But now, she's my home.
brian odongo Jun 2021
I remember Daddy's feet
The feet that would walk on thorns for long miles to to make sure we were fed.

I remember Daddy's hand that would fold up in prayer for us
The hands that would wrap themselves around my tiny frame to show love .

I remember Daddy's shoulder ,broad and large as the whole world ,that was my favourite tower as a child.

I remember Daddy's Smile that would banish all tears
And my mum smiling back each time was the miracle of love.

I remember Daddy's large heart
Not what he gained but what he gave ,the heart that would give until in ran empty.

And an old irreligious man once told me ;If there is another world he will be in it ,if not he made the best of this. Weep not because he died but smile because he lived.
Written on fathers day to all who have lost their fathers to death
brian odongo Jul 2021
It is not my poems
that are beautiful
it is you that are
because I describe you
In all my poetry
that's what make them beautiful
brian odongo Sep 2021
just the time
i thought that
there's no more
hope, the same
time a ray of light
crossed right
before my eyes.

just the time
i thought i lost
it all together
the same time
i realized i have
nothing more to
lose and be grateful
for what i have.

just the time
i thought love
isn't for me,
the same time
someone came
knocking on my door
asking for a chance.

just the time
i thought to myself
to give up,
to let myself be
drowned to storms
of life, the same
time the storm ceases.

now, i realized
i just have to wait,
be patient and believe
that everything is
just right on time.
brian odongo Sep 2021
You said you're fine
although you're not.

Your lifeless eyes told
me that you lied.
Your body is warm but
you are dead inside.

Let me hug you for a moment.
brian odongo Sep 2016
When I was two years old
The sun was just ball of fire that in the sky rolled
The full moon was a round stone in the dark sky
I knew mum and dad would never say bye
The kindergarten teacher taught kids were bought
Many of our favorite heroes were mostly cops
Every guy behind bars was a dangerous criminal
And what the minister stood for was biblical
All who went to church had no stain
Friends would never cause us pain
We enjoyed playing with dirt
Many times fell from tree and were hurt
We knew our leaders would bring peace
And our childhood fancies would never cease

Today with radiance I turned twenty and two
Our nearest star was full of radiance too
The spring night was lit with moon rays
Mom and dad could not agree so they parted ways
My friend had a baby girl with his bride
And our cops executed law according to tribe
The civil right activist was wrongfully convicted
The ministers no longer care for those afflicted
My pagan neighbor and parishioners are all the same
And for my latest pains my friends are mostly to blame
The doctor said dirt was the cause of my diseases
And I had to avoid it to reduce my medical fees
Our politicians masterminded our newest wars
And adulthood came early with too many chores
Wrote this on my twenty second birthday. How I view the world had greatly changed how I used to see it when I was just two years old
brian odongo Mar 2021
I didn't mean to fall in love
But I did
And you didn't mean to hurt me
But you did.
Un-reciprocated love
brian odongo Sep 2021
Error 404: Love not found.

The Love you are looking for doesn't exist or an other error occurred. Go back, or head to www. move_on .com to choose a new direction.
brian odongo Oct 2021
The greatest love story is when you fall in love with an unexpected person, in the most unexpected time, in the most unexpected place, and in the most unexpected way.
brian odongo Aug 2020
Meet me.

Meet me where the sun rains
and the rain shines,
Meet me, where the summers are freezing
and winters are melting.

Meet me where the winds are still,
and rivers flow upwards,
Where puddles are deep,
And oceans are shallow.

Meet me where the seas are fresh
and the lakes are salty,
Where in cemetry there's party
and orchestra there's mourning.

Meet me where the moon is yellow,
And the sun is grey,
Where age is constant,
And kids don't age.

Meet me at the end of the world,
I'll be waiting,
In a green field,
On a white horse
And you shall know though nature changes
My love will be forever unchanged.
brian odongo Jan 2022
I wonder if the moon cries
when a star dies.

I wonder if the moon weeps
when a meteor dives so deep

I wonder if the moon shines
when it is lonely;
I wonder if the moon loves poetry.
brian odongo Oct 2021
To chase the fogs
and climb out,

To brew some coffee
and make breakfast,

To go out and jog
or to stretch and run,

Whatever morning routine
would it be,
I prefer sunrise of you and me.
brian odongo Aug 2021
Child :Mother, what is poetry?

Mother :Listen child ,poetry is when you look at the moon and you would like to sleep on it.
It is when you touch the stars with your eyes.
Is when you feel good simply just admiring a flower or
feeling like a flower above an ocean ,on the wings of a seagull.
it's when you dye your hair
with the colours of the sunset
or when you dance on clouds
or travel among the planets
riding a comet.
It's when you're not afraid to cry
if a child smiles at you or if he cries too.
Poetry is when you talk to a tree
and you ask how its leaves are.
It's watching the city when it rains and see her sparkle like gemstones.
It is listening to the wind when it sings a song."

Child :Mom,now I know what poetry is.

Mother :What is it my darling ?

Child :It means to be a child forever
brian odongo May 2017

Today the night sky shines bright
As though to mock the moon
That each eventide arises
Taking the mantle from the sun
All united in an assignment
To light the way for earthly treaders
The radiant stars endlessly move
Age to age whispering its great adventures
Tis music of the stars
Singing of the past,present and future
Singing of a long past left in traces of unwritten history
Singing of the presence experienced by the audience
Singing of a future concelead to mortal eyes
Tis the music of the stars

The inaudible lyrics of the stars
That need no lute nor lyre
To sooth the listeners' heart
The grace of the 'heavenly singers'
Like a spell enchants the audience
Its glory inspires the astronomer
Its music moves the poets hand
Tis the music of the stars
Singing to the 'deaf' mortal
Singing how like a porcelain his life is brittle
Singing how his life is brief at its best
Tis the music of the stars

The music of the stars :
Tis a melody that wanes
Like a script come to an end
Tis a rhythm that diminishes
The beats slowed by the dawning day
Tis a harmony that disaccords
Like a string broken from the harp
Tis the music of the stars
Singing comfort to the lonely seafarer
Singing hope to the night pilgrim
Singing praises to the night watcher
The 'night singers' leave the stage
The morning stars echoes the refrain
Tis the music of the stars.
Inspiration gotten from being at night on a country side
brian odongo Oct 2021
My lady is not perfect
She has scars on her skin, she has storm in her heart, she has skeletons in her closet, she has dark rooms in her head.

She can't write a poem with perfect rhymes, sing in perfect tune, dance in perfect music, paint with perfect combination of colors.

But her heart is pure as a clear sea full of honesty and sincerity, her care is sweet as honey and sugar in a coffee.

And her love is like the love of the ocean to the sun, patient, true even though limited and miles sets them apart .

My woman is not perfect nor ideal one, but she's a stone that's rare to find and I love her more than everything.
brian odongo Aug 2021
You went to the paper town,
and left me with paper cuts.
Let my paper plane be with you dear,
though you tore my paper heart.

Sail with my paper boat,
and burn my paper poems.
It's sad I can't be with you
on building your paper home.

Paper is the only place where
I wrote and drew our forever.
But I love you so, my paper girl,
I'm just done wasting papers.
brian odongo Sep 2016
You were my perfect poem
Brief but of many lessons
Our life was the perfect paradox
For love I thought we could rhyme

You hated all I ever loved,I loved all you hated
You said dirt was clean and the sun was cold
You desired tears for years
And resisted all advances of happiness

All you hated I had to forsake
For our love was at stake
But like a toddler you had fun with my feelings
Leaving our blindest love in darkness reeling

Yet my greatest victory was losing you
My severest pain was my sweetest gain
You schooled me through experience
My all-time worst teacher

You were my perfect poem
Eternity would be short to describe the undescribable
For when my hand is strong to hold the pen
Then my heart is weak to pen the words
brian odongo Aug 2021
I love the idea of night sky in you,

The darkness is your
hue, serene, peaceful
and comforting.

The stars are your
personalities, sorts of
colors but all fascinating.

And the moon is your
heart, imperfect but
every phase is exquisite.

So every time I'm
longing for you, I
just look above, Love.

Cause' you're the night sky,
I never want to be out of my sight.
brian odongo Oct 2021
She was an open book,
but I can't read.
So her eyes taught me
everything I need,

until I finally mastered
how to love her.
brian odongo Sep 2021
I fell for you
faster than
9.8 m/s^-2.

So I told you
I love you
faster than
3.0 x 10^8 m/s^-1.

And I mean it.
I fell for you faster than the acceleration due to gravity on the earth,So I told you
I love you faster than the speed of light.
And I mean it .Always.
brian odongo Jan 2022
I fell for you
faster than
9.8 m/s^-2.

So I told you
I love you
faster than
3.0 x 10^8 m/s^-1.

And I mean it.
I fell for you faster than the acceleration due to gravity on the earth,So I told you
I love you faster than the speed of light.
And I mean it. Always.
brian odongo Aug 2021
Poetry lives within me,
creating a constellation
in the deepest part of my heart.

Poetry lives within me,
planting different blossoms
that continuously bloom.

Poetry lives within me,
painting a colorful skies
in every edges of my eyes.

Poetry lives within me,
and Love you are that poetry
cause' you're turning my life
into a beautiful scenery.
brian odongo Jan 2022
"what's your religion?"
he asked.

"love is my religion"
I replied.

"so, where is your church?"

"the earth is my church".
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