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363 · Apr 2014
Been a While
Brett W Apr 2014
It's been a while since we talked
So we aren't up to date anymore
Chances for communication blocked
Opportunities quickly out the door
We used to talk every day of the year
But now it's a rarity for that to occur
Every passing day brings pain and fear
As I think about you and worry even more
I wish that someday soon we'll talk again
And it will hopefully end this pouring rain
362 · Sep 2014
You Are Beautiful
Brett W Sep 2014
Want to know what I love about you? I love just being around your unique attitude. I love seeing you beautiful face. I love hearing your sweet voice. You are absolutely beautiful Madelyn. If someone tells you otherwise, punch them in the face or tell them they need glasses because they CLEARLY can't tell that you're beautiful. Just kidding, don't punch them or insult them, that's just not nice and I know you're not a mean person. Just be you. Stay the beautiful, amazing and sweet Madelyn that I know and love. Don't change to try to impress me or impress others because you already impress many people, including me. I love everything about you, and most importantly, I love YOU
Sorry for not writing in quite a while, it's not that I don't have ideas or time to write, I just never seem to have the motivation. I know this is not a normal write for me as well. Anyway, I'm just writing this because my girlfriend and I have been trying to make plans all weekend but we never get to do any of it because other things get in the way so I'm putting this in her locker in the morning tomorrow to kind of apologize and tell her how much she means to me right now. I hope you all like it, and I'll try to write more. Sorry again
362 · Dec 2014
I Need You
Brett W Dec 2014
I feel that you are the one
I need you to be by my side
I though searching was done
And we could run and hide
I thought I found it all true
Love creates a strong bond
I was always happier with you
At a fancy dinner or the pond
Now it's just a distant memory
It's now all the forgotten past
We were a beautiful harmony
It is now all just thought of last
I no longer seem to exist to you
Even though you exist in mine
Every thought makes me blue
I can't put these thoughts behind
361 · Apr 2016
No Need to Worry
Brett W Apr 2016
First of all, I would like to say thanks
For being caring during a time like this
However, you don't need to worry
You did what you thought was right
And that's all you could have done
Prom, it doesn't matter much to me
Sure I want a date to it, but I don't mind
I know you would have went with me
But I want you to be happy, not me
I control myself, and it is as simple as that
So there's no need to worry about me
You made your decision, and I made mine
Be happy, no need to worry about me
I am fine
357 · Sep 2013
Out The Window
Brett W Sep 2013
As I look out the window
I can see far and near
See all the colorful flowers
That bloom every year

The cars whistle by
The birds chirp so freely
The sky roars and cries
Making the day become dreary

The rain soon pours down
It clears off the dirt
And splatters on the ground
And wettens your shirt

The sky then becomes free
The sun peeks out
Here comes the honey bee
Starting his daily route
357 · Jan 2014
I Wonder How Long
Brett W Jan 2014
A year ago from around today
I thought I'd be alone forever
That my skies would be gray
That the time to love was never
I was incorrect at the time
I found someone to finally hold
But now all that is finally behind
And now those memories are old
Today, I am single like I was then
But I wonder when I'll love again
I'm not sure if it'll happen, or when
But when it comes, it'll stop the rain
356 · Apr 2014
Brett W Apr 2014
There is so much in my past
That I regret and want back
Time ticks on by way too fast
All these times now remain black
I wish that we would have never met
Maybe I wouldn't feel down today
Maybe death in my life wasn't a threat
But I'm happy to meet you anyway
I regret those last words I said to you
"I'll talk to you tomorrow," that never came
As my love for you consistently grew
I could uncover what was stuck in the rain
I regret what I'm doing right at this moment
Thinking about you but not saying a peep
These thoughts becoming strong and potent
I'm taking baby steps, life is taking a leap
I'm being left behind in the cold and lonely dust
Left alone in my despair and regrets to rust
355 · Oct 2013
Brett W Oct 2013
There is a disease that is among us
One that isn’t contained in the medical field
But one that affects our life every day
One that stealthily eats us alive every day

Everyone faces fear at a point in their life
Some people experience it more than others
But this disease can be very dangerous
Even at time, it can be highly contagious

This beast slowly crawls inside of your body
Unknowingly at first, you think everything is fine
Then it hits you, hard like a knock-out punch
You think that the world around you has broken into chaos

You can’t let this fear begin eating you alive
You have to fight it
Fight it with all of the artillery you contain
Fight until there is an end to your fear
Defeat it in any way possible
355 · Dec 2013
Last Birthday
Brett W Dec 2013
So after the day of my girlfriend’s birthday
Only one though disturbed me and it won’t leave
This may be your last birthday is your life, which is today
This is every young woman’s favorite birthday, the Sweet 16
All I would have wanted to do today was simply be there for you
Make you smile and enjoy the day you were brought into this world
All I wanted to do was to see you once more, but there’s nothing I can do
If I could teleport from place to place, I definitely will use it to see you, if I could
I hope that this thought isn’t popping into your head as well as mine
Because I can’t imagine what today will be like in exactly one year
If only you were still here with me and we had an indefinite amount of time
But soon there will be a time, creeping up on us quickly, where you will no longer be here
Think positive I constantly have to tell my aching mind
I have to look forward to the future, putting the past behind
So, yesterday (12-12) was my birthday and I turned 16 and today is my girlfriends birthday (12-13) and she's also now 16. She lives over one thousand miles away and I haven't seen her in almost seven months. She has cancer and was told in late August she has only has 6-12 months to live. So after saying that, while in school today, a thought popped into my head. This may be my girlfriends last birthday... Just the thought of losing her devastates me, and knowing that if this is in fact her last birthday, I'm not there to spend it with her. I really would do anything to spend this day with her...
354 · Jan 2014
My Own World
Brett W Jan 2014
In my own special and spectacular land
Sickness, death and rebirth will never occur
The constant playing from a marching band
All year, from all of January through December
All citizens are to be immune to the ability to age
Weaponry is illegal, punishable by banishment
All criminals will be banished and live in a cold cage
The only leaders would be the ones with commitment
Lastly, the only missing part of all this is who will lead
I elect myself as king, and to have you my lovely queen
I will always be there for you, give you all that you need
We will rule this wonderful land, and everything in between
351 · Sep 2013
Brett W Sep 2013
After a year and 9 months of fighting for your life
You have now been told that it is coming to an end
And soon there will be a horrific end after all your strife
And you are starting to think there is nothing left to defend
But you can’t lose hope after fighting for this long
After this long battle, you can’t show signs of defeat until it’s over
Because you never know because you can prove those doctors wrong
You overcome what they said and live the life you wanted to cover

All I want to tell you is to not give up on yourself and push on
I wish that I was there with you right now and I would do anything to see you
Just don’t lose hope and believe that you can still make it
Because I believe that you have the strength to make it through
But the only person that can make it possible, is you
So please, do not lose hope and just throw in the towel early
And keep pushing until you can’t push any longer
If you do go down, at least go down fighting and not give up
Written to cheer up my girlfriend, Sarah, who is fighting Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and was told last night that she only has 6-12 months to live. I tell her not to lose hope and to keep fighting because I KNOW that she has the strength to prove these doctors wrong. I love her to much to lose her...
349 · Feb 2015
I Think I Like You
Brett W Feb 2015
I honestly do not have a clue
I always seems to feel strange
When I see or think about you
It seems out of realities range
I haven't felt this way in awhile
I think I'm beginning to like you
It may just end with me in denial
But it's a risk I'll take for us two
I feel like waiting for the right time
But that time we may never see
These feelings are in the prime
And it's now life or death for me
348 · Apr 2015
I Promised You
Brett W Apr 2015
I finally did it, just for you
I am now the drum major
I told you a long time ago
I would make it my goal
For you, I promised to you
I worked hard for it today
And it started yesterday
When I told you I will try
I tried as hard as I could
It was worth it in the end
I promised I would, I did
You do not even remember
You dreamed section leader
Then to become drum major
You made it to section leader
And I don't know anything now
Drum major was my promise
I held up my end, you did half
Will you complete your journey?
Will you keep your promise to me?
Because I kept my promise to you
Next season, I'm dedicating to you
And my promise to you one night
A drum major is basically the head of the marching band (besides the teacher/director) and I made it my promise to Sarah I would get it, and I did. Sorry for not posting in quite a while, I've been busy with band
342 · Jan 2014
Thinking About You
Brett W Jan 2014
As I look up at the deep blue sky
I can only think of one beautiful girl
I think of the last time we said bye
The one that gave my life a whirl
The one with the big brown eyes
The luscious long dark brown hair
That smile hiding every time she cries
She’s serene and never creates a flare
It feels like forever since I held her hand
Heard that sweet and soothing voice
But now she is far across this great land
But none of this was to be her choice
I can’t wait to finally see her again
But that time is going to have to wait
However, it’s only a matter of when
That time will come where it’s too late
341 · Mar 2015
Brett W Mar 2015
It's just plain and simple
I have a whole lot of issues
Showing off a fake dimple
To hide the need of tissues
I am always living in the past
I can't forget the memories
I know they won't be the last
But I just can't forget these
I have to just move forward
But I can not do that today
I continue to move backward
I can't fix anything in any way
I'm currently an absolute wreck
Life is like poker, luck and skill
I feel as if I had an unlucky deck
And I won't quit until I get a ****
I will get through these issues
I am confident in my abilities
It will take time I won't misuse
I'll use it wisely to find the keys
I must unlock happiness in me
Unlock it to set my issues free
340 · Dec 2013
Trying My Hardest
Brett W Dec 2013
No matter how hard I try
I am never fully satisfied
I never think I've done enough
To help pull you out of the rough
I am doing the best I can
I try hard then it hits the fan
I don't think I'm trying hard
I want to protect you, stand guard
I want to do anything for you
You're close to my heart like few
But the harder I try at all
I always end with a deeper fall
Its 2am when I'm writing this by the way. So, I'm just thinking, I know I'm doing all I possibly can to make my girlfriend happy, but no matter what I do, I still don't feel successful and then I have to try harder the next time. If you don't know my story, here it is. I'm 16, my girlfriend lives 1500 miles away and she has cancer and only has months to live. Thanks for reading.
340 · Dec 2014
Break up and After
Brett W Dec 2014
It was on a Thursday night
I had school the next day
It was during winter break
And I was up late at night
I was playing video games
I still remember everything
I was playing survival mode
On a map called resistance
I was on round seven or so
In the back corner of the map
You sent me numerous texts
Then I had paused my game
We saw it was getting tough
And then you called it quits
It truly was very tough at first
We still talked and it got better
Then one random day it stopped
March 17, you stopped responding
I continued to try to talk to you
But you just never responded
I sent hundreds of messages
With not one since that one day
Not one response since then
Even through all that I had done
I had numerous sleepless nights
Comforting you until you slept
I put your safety before my own
Even after we both broke up
It meant nothing to you though
I'm just a lost cause in the past
Nothing important in your life
To you, forgotten memories
To me, just distant memories
Part 4 of 4 in the "My Distant Memories" series. I decided to write this because I've been thinking about my ex a whole lot lately and I just feel I need to get some stuff out
338 · Feb 2014
Past is the Past
Brett W Feb 2014
To be totally honest with you
I'm not doing so hot here alone
These feelings are nothing new
But what I say to you now is true

I miss you the most out of us all
Feelings I can no longer condone
I miss seeing you down the hall
Trying to see you through the wall

But the past is gone in the past
Set the experiences to a low prone
I wish those times didn't go so fast
But it's gone, here a new start at last
338 · Jun 2014
I Need Somebody
Brett W Jun 2014
It's simple, I really need someone right now
I need not two nor three nor ten, just one
Not an animal like a dog, cat, hamster or cow
But just as simple as a human being and done
A someone or somebody, it's the same thing
They both are singular for only one reason
It's a someONE, a man to always be a wing
Or a female, it never matters any season
I need someone to always be able to hold
I need someone to talk to all the time
I need someone to help me remain bold
I need someone to have our powers combine
I know that this person can be hard to find
Maybe not as hard as you think, I can try
But with all past somebodies, I got declined
I wonder why, I am loyal, kind and don't lie
I need someone to rant to about every topic
I need someone to clean up this mess I am
I need someone to care for me when I'm sick
I need someone to patch up my leaking dam
These are only needs, not wants or demands
I'm missing an important aspect of my life
I need someone to talk to and to hold hands
I need someone to help me through this strife
I want to have a somebody always with me
So I can stand up with confidence once again
So I can rise to the top and again be free
Free from the grip of agony and constant pain
This is no small matter as I continue onward
I want to turn around and head the right way
Because I don't know what that's now toward
But I'm hoping happiness returns another day
I feel like something is missing in my life . Something is missing and not letting me reach my full potential. I think that something is not a thing at all but more of a somebody.
337 · Jan 2015
Brett W Jan 2015
Even though we rarely talk at school
We talk like best friends away from it
We always mess with each other daily
But it is usually me that's the culprit
Both of us have had a tough year
And now we try to forget the past
We rant to each other very often
We know that it won't be the last
To be honest, I think that you're pretty
I honestly think that you're not rude
I think that you are truly a sweet girl
Unless you're involved in a tight feud
Don't let other get you in the dumps
People do that to bring them back out
Ignore them and you'll be out on your own
And who knows, some guy may come out
He may come and help pull you free
Like superman to take away your heart
And not let it be ruined by anyone else
No matter what, even if it all fell apart
That's all I got to write to you right now
Now go to sleep if you haven't you meanie
Poem 2 of 2 that I sent to my friends to thank them for being there. Stacy and Cassie are the only two that I can trust right now. With Cassie, I mess with her because she thinks she's mean even though I think she's really sweet.
337 · Mar 2014
I'm Not Okay
Brett W Mar 2014
Everyday someone will ask
How am I doing on this day
I'll say I'm fine through all tasks
But I'm not fine at all in any way
I'm constantly worried and afraid
I want my world to slow to a stop
I want time to become more delayed
It's going too fast to keep up top
To others, the inside of me is a mystery
And the currently known will be history
I will assure you all of one thing I know
I'm sad and afraid with nowhere to go
I'm on the brink of running away to hide
Because nothing right now is on my side
Yet another late night poem. Probably not that good but oh well. I hope you like it.
331 · Dec 2013
Just Thinking
Brett W Dec 2013
It's two in the morning of the new day
And I'm still awake thinking, that's all
I think back to a year ago from today
Same thing as i was, staring at the wall
Listening to A7X and We The Kings
Thinking about my everyday life
Back then, it was pain that led to stings
But now, it's like the onion is ripe
A few tears crawl down my face
As I think about the one girl I love
The one that lives in a distant place
The one to soon see me from above
328 · Oct 2015
This Generation
Brett W Oct 2015
This new young generation
Running every new nation
Creating new modern laws
And showing modern flaws
Here is my honest opinion
Made by my own decision
This generation is a wreck
Like, really, what the heck
People think slacking works
Or it is okay to bully the dorks
Pregnancy at a young age is right
It is okay to have *** every night
This generation is so wrong
I feel like I do not belong
I don't drink or smoke anything
I don't treat people like nothing
This generation is thrown away
I'm just waiting for the break of day
I feel like I do not belong in the present
But in the yesterday far in the distance
There are people like me out there
I just want to leave, I do not care
I want to leave this insane generation
And create my own new delegation
327 · Mar 2014
Dear Sarah
Brett W Mar 2014
I know it has been a long while
Since we talked and saw each other
Sometimes I talk my phone and dial
But not hit send because I don’t bother
It now has been over a week without contact
And I’m really beginning to worry at this moment
I want to go see you; I just need to get packed
I just can’t live on with this horrendous torment  
I really want to tell you the whole truth
But now I’m sure it’s already too late
We’re still young and in our youth
And I will say these days have been great
I shall first say I really like you still to this day
You are still beautiful to my each gentle eye
Ever since that one day in the month of May
I always want to comfort you when you cry
I want to be there to make you laugh
Lay together late at night on an open field
Create adorable hearts together with two halves
But our life is moving too fast, no time to yield
I still wish we were together at this very time
But there is a fate that you shall soon face
And without you, my life will be like a **** lime
I can’t imagine living without you in this place
For now, I shall not share this with thee
Because I fear it may bring you sadness and fear
However in the future I may share with your family
To show them my care for you my dear
Until the day we shall meet again in the future
Sincerely, your Polish Buddy and best friend, Brett
To the people that follow me or read my poems often, sorry for not writing lately. It's not that I didn't have any time or anything to write, I just didn't want to write due to my emotional state. I hope you enjoy this poem. I'll try to write more often
327 · Jan 2015
Brett W Jan 2015
We've known each other for a few years
Since then we've shed quite a few tears
We met awkwardly in the boys restroom
During our band-camp lunch around noon
We then quickly became very close friends
And to this day, it hasn't reached it's end
I've been able to trust you since the start
We shared stories close to our dear heart
You shared to me about horrid past stories
And then I shared to you present difficulties
We've talked and shared numerous accounts
We could write sad books in large amounts
Just with the stories we shared to each other
Even though no stories seemed to tie together
Thank you for being such a great friend to me
And hopefully it'll remain as you'll roam free
Keep Brett close to your heart, no matter what
Even if you feel like punching him in the gut
Poem 1 of 2 that I sent to two good friends of mine just to thank them for being there. I've been enduring some tough times recently so that's the reason for the lack of poems. I'll try to get them more often.
326 · Jan 2016
I Need
Brett W Jan 2016
I need to find happiness in life
And for me, that's hard to find
I look near and far, but to no avail
I find hope as soon as I give up
Does that mean I should give up?
Maybe, maybe not, I do not know
But what I do know, is I'm not happy
I need to find happiness really soon
And there is only one way to do it
I need to find myself a girlfriend
Someone I can depend on always
Someone that I can make laugh
She makes me feel confident
Someone that can fix me up
But I know I must keep searching
Because I won't be happy if I give up
I need to remain persistent and believe
Believe I can find this special girl
That will make me believe in myself
But in all honesty, what am I?
I need to find what I am truly about
I do not know what my future holds
I don't even know what tomorrow holds
I just go with the flow, knowing nothing
I am in my senior year of high school
I still have no idea what I'm doing in life
I need to discover what my future is
But I need to focus on the present
I know that I need to be happy
But to do that, I need a girlfriend
After that, I need to discover myself
And to do that, I need to know my future
I want to know everything in this world
But these are a few ideas I need to know
323 · Dec 2013
I'm Afraid
Brett W Dec 2013
I’m afraid of your ultimate death
So young of age, life ending too soon
The last words you say under your breath
For eternity, in my mind they’ll loom
I’m afraid I will never see you again
Not being able to see your beautiful face
I can imagine you now, sick and in pain
As I sit here, worrying in a different place
I’m afraid of living my long life without you
As I don’t know how I will be able to stay strong
My life will be beaten, marked with black and blue
I thought we’d live long, but apparently I was wrong
I’ll be afraid to love someone else in the coming years
Because I’ll be afraid of losing the others I love as well
But all I can do right now is hope and hold back these tears
I’m afraid to live life after your gone, as you certainly can tell
I'm 16, and my girlfriend (also 16) is dying because of cancer. Now, just imagine you, those reading this, in this situation. The person that you love is dying and you can't do anything to stop it. Take how you would imagine you would feel, and multiply it by lets say 5. That's how I feel. And I can't do anything to help her other than talk her through everything. Still, I'm afraid of what is going to happen. I don't want it to happen but there is no way to stop it now. 2-8 months of her life left... :(

Anyway, thanks for reading.
322 · Dec 2014
Poem to a Certain Girl
Brett W Dec 2014
I am still unaware of who you are
And you may also be as unaware
However, soon we will both know
Towards each other is where to go
I am still unsure if you exist in my life
I am unsure if I am involved in yours
However, we will both know someday
That love will bind us tighter everyday
But when will that certain day happen
When will it occur we find each other
Will it be a miserable evening of care
Or an exciting challenge of truth or dare
We may never know until the day comes
We wait and watch the rise of many suns
Both knowing one day we will be together
Even though neither may know each other
320 · May 2014
Death in my Dreams
Brett W May 2014
There is a haunting whisper
Every so often in my dreams
Each night getting crisper
All the same by all means
An old friend falling in my arms
A relative lying on the ground
The sounds of sirens and alarms
Showing signs of death are found
Sounds of gunfire in the distance
Screaming children cry for parents
Seeing they're creating a resistance
They hide behind the last defenses
Peace flows through the old city
No signs of life in the end remain
The town ends rough and gritty
The new ghost town is full if pain
320 · Jun 2014
Missed Opportunities
Brett W Jun 2014
I have been unobservant as of late
Many opportunities have flown by
I feel like I currently have a full plate
I sometimes wonder why I even try
I feel like breaking down in a mess
I wish I had come through at times
Now that it's too late I must confess
I want to cry as if I bathed in limes
I wanted to see you here once more
I feel like this could've been the last
Another opportunity now out the door
I'm not imagining a blast from the past
This is only one that had come and gone
Out of the many that I can't even count
More will happen before the break of dawn
If I had to count this impossible amount
I would need every hand in this town
I have missed opportunities everyday
With missing all these, I feel like a clown
I must take control is every possible way
319 · Aug 2014
Brett W Aug 2014
Death sends you an invitation
You accept half of the whole
It sweeps across the nation
Accomplishing it's only goal
A world full of dark mystery
Something new every night
Darkness is all you can see
Giving any young one a fright
Sleep is a quick taste of death
Replenishing your necessities
It releases creativity underneath
Creating dreams with small keys
Sleep is death where we awake
It is where I mind is most used
It gives back more than we take
And leaves us all less confused
Sleep is something that I fear
I fear I won't wake the next day
The time for us all can be near
It will end in some kind of way
Sleep is death eating our lives
Cutting the time more everyday
Slicing slowly with sharp knives
Until our "sleep" has gone away
I think that sleep is like an open relationship with death
318 · Dec 2014
How to fix a Broken Heart
Brett W Dec 2014
It is difficult to fix a broken object
To mend a broken heart is onerous
You have to be daring to project
Living life as if it is very dangerous
You must show some determination
And hope for finding someone new
You can search through every nation
But you can only love in just a few
You must show endless compassion
To find someone right for your soul
You do not need a sense in fashion
Just to make sure both remain whole
Broken hearts are like broken bones
Some mend quicker than others fix
You must only give out little groans
To hide the all the pain as time ticks
Love is not a toy for all age groups
It takes patience and just some light
And the determination of war troops
To find someone that is perfectly right
317 · Sep 2015
Brett W Sep 2015
Looking off into the sunset
Dreaming about my Juliet
Someone I may have met
Or maybe it's not time yet
I stare off into the distance
Thinking of her existence
Thinking quite so intense
Painful, so I slightly wince
My heart feels so alone
Aching like a broken bone
I let out a very faint moan
As I look down at my phone
No one there at my side
And I must now decide
Do I remain alone and hide
Or leave loneliness behind
I'm wanting to create a possible series, "One Word Can Bring Back a Thousand Memories" and this is the first of an unknown amount.
313 · May 2014
Changing Life
Brett W May 2014
A wise man in our past once said
That change is what makes life
We'll all eventually end up dead
And live together in our afterlife
Change is needed to keep living
Change gives life an endless flow
Things go south, in you're giving
Keep your head up, don't sink below
Live life the way it's intended to be
Not by having it perfect the whole way
You need rises and falls to remain free
In the perfect life, everyday is a new day
"The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change" -Heraclitus
313 · Jan 2016
Brett W Jan 2016
I don't want to go to my prom
That is now a well known fact
However, I still want to go to one
Not my own, I want to go to hers
She is over a thousand miles away
And I want to be by her side that day
I have a brilliant plan lined up for it all
I will contact her school or her mother
Tell them what I am about to tell you
Say I want to fly up there for her prom
Surprise her, she will have no clue
See if I can get a special entrance
Just so I can get one special dance
I will fly there with a group of friends
And hope to make her happy as can be
However, there is only one flaw to my plan
She may not want to see me anymore
As she is currently with another guy
I'm just going to ask if she wants to go
If she says yes, I'll put the plan into action
If she says no, I'll drop it and let her go
I want this plan to occur, it will be perfect
Seeming like it comes out of a love movie
But it will hopefully be real life, my own life
312 · Oct 2013
The Hated Beast
Brett W Oct 2013
There is a hated beast in the world today
The awareness about this beast is way too low
The amount of species of the best is frightening in every way
But I will try my best to raise this awareness, and that’s my vow

This hated beast effects the most innocent of individuals
Most of these people have never done a wrong in their life
But these people lose their life every single day
Every day, this thoughtless beast stabbing families with a knife

Someday, someone will be strong enough, bright enough
To fend off this beast and to make himself a hero
But he may have saved the future, but the damage has been done
But the goal is to not have these innocent count their days here to zero
312 · Apr 2014
I'm a Failure
Brett W Apr 2014
I can't do anything right anymore
I can't pass a test to save my life
I can't remain confident in myself
I can't even attempt facing my fears
I've only had one girlfriend in my life
I've been a failure at all possible sports
I can't pass a test if it would save my soul
I can't even step up as a leader to others
I'm just a failure at life all together
I'm just a nobody walking those halls
I'm just a lonely guy stuck in this world
My name is Brett, and I can't do anything
I wrote this just the other day, and I kind of regret writing it. I look at it and realize how stupid I felt when writing that. It was just a long and rough day and it kept getting worse. But my life has been getting worse so no surprise there
308 · Mar 2015
Lonely Life
Brett W Mar 2015
Fresh out of the womb, is a newborn baby seeing this cruel world for the first time. His loving parents cry tears of joy at this new light in their life. After a few years, his parents have twin girls, and all attention is off of him then. He sits in his room alone all day like he's in detention. He goes to school and is the one quiet kid that seems so insecure to others. He wishes to make new friends but he's afraid of the others. He finally makes one good friend in middle school, but then he had to move away from his one and only friend to the other side of the country. He is once again, that lonely kid in the corner throughout all of middle and high school. At the age of 17, just a few days before his 18th birthday, he comes home and sees his mother face down on the kitchen floor. He is unsure of what to do, so he calls his father, crying while he caresses his mothers heavy head. He remains on the phone with his dad, and he hears a loud screech in the background, a bang, and then silence. He tries calling back and no answer. He calls 911 and when they get there, they confirm his mother died of a heart attack. His father however, he is unsure of what happened. He watches the news that night, and sees the breaking news about a multi-car accident that resulted in the death of 4 people, one of which is his father. He's heartbroken now. He is unsure of how he will live. He finishes school, works a full 40 hour week, and is a single man living in a small apartment in the city. One day, this beautiful young women moves into the room next door. He instantly falls in love. He takes her out to the bar a few times, and then she suddenly disappears. A few nights after he last saw her, he sees on the news about a young women who died of a drug overdose. It was the women he once thought he loved. He decides to remain single throughout the rest of his life. At age 85, he realized he had no one left. His parents have been dead for almost 70 years, he is unsure how his twin sisters are doing because he hasn't talked to them in over 50 years. He was last with a woman over 50 years ago. He then passes away at the age of 91 due to just old age. No one attends his funeral. No one even realizes he's gone. His lonely soul is now gone from this Earth, and not one human being realizes it. All because of a lonely childhood and unfortunate luck, this beautiful young boy had a loving family but died with no one left to care.
Not my usual style, but a little story I have. To be honest, I wrote it in only 10 minutes so it could have some issues with it but it's fine.
308 · Jun 2016
I Miss You
Brett W Jun 2016
I've tried to move onward in my life
But you're like a boomerang, coming back
I do what I can to push you aside
But you end up at the same place each day
I miss you, I can no longer hide that
I can't change how I feel about you
I wish you were back here with me
But that's no longer possible, so I move on
307 · Dec 2013
Get Some Rest
Brett W Dec 2013
Lately you haven’t been getting much rest
As if sleeping is your own unwelcomed pest
You’re exhausted throughout the complete day
But to tell you to get more rest is all I can really say
Lately, my girlfriend hasn't been sleeping much. And I know I shouldn't, but I'm worried that something's wrong. She's over 1500 miles away and the last time I saw here was 7 months ago from today, so I really have no clue how she's feeling unless she tells me. Thanks to you few that will read this.
302 · Dec 2013
Brett W Dec 2013
Right now I feel lonely as can be
Because you’re not here with me
Not here to laugh and make each other smile
Since the last time I saw you has been a while
I feel alone sitting here independently
I sit here alone, thinking about you silently
But then I close my eyes and see your face
Then that lonely feeling is finally erased
On my old emotionless face is now a smile
I’m hoping you are as well, despite the distance
I would do anything to see you, walk every mile
To relive all the happiness in remembrance
301 · Aug 2014
Simplest Things
Brett W Aug 2014
It seems to be the simple things
Things that we remember most
All the little unnoticeable dings
As you drive from coast to coast
Going to get frozen yogurt together
It's simple and will be in my memory
Every passing day is getting better
When I see you smile in front of me
I try to create a smile on your face
I do the simplest things to succeed
You can try hard to fly over this place
But simple things is all that you need
298 · Sep 2015
Brett W Sep 2015
It can be to another human being
Or to an animal with little meaning
It can be as simple as sight seeing
Or as complex as mountain skiing
One can love an object in their hand
Or a group or an activity like a band
One can request love or be a demand
But to find true love is truly grand
You may think you some someone
Until the inevitable becomes undone
And you now sit there holding a gun
But it will soon get better my son
One can not dwell on the distant past
Or dream about the near future at last
One must live during the present blast
Or else their end will come quite fast
Love can be the beginning or the end
Of a life one must be able to defend
Here is one simple trick I recommend
Don't fall too deep, or life will be a lend
Another added on to " One Word Can Bring Back a Thousand Memories"
298 · Dec 2015
See You Again
Brett W Dec 2015
That wonderful smile
Those pretty brown eyes
The wait has been long
But will end here soon
Not talking for a while
Both saying goodbyes
It all seemed so wrong
But it'll be okay soon
I know I can't promise
And may not keep it
But this is one I will keep
To give you a huge hug
When I see you again
296 · Jul 2016
Brett W Jul 2016
The brain is an amazing phenomenon
Creating visions while it is most active
And processing views while least active
When active, it creates amazing elements
These are known as dreams, or nightmares
Despite the brain being an amazing entity
It can not create a face, only scenarios
All people seen in a dream or a nightmare
Is someone viewed previously in life
As the mind isn't powerful enough to create
A new life form that was not previously seen
The villain often someone harming your life
The protagonist being a close friend or relative
I see a certain someone in almost all visions
Whether it is an amazing dream I wish was real
Or a nightmare where I wake sweating in fear
But this person switches roles each time
One night it will be a dream, next a nightmare
I wish the brain was powerful enough to erase
Erase a person to rid of all unwanted visions
If only I could dream for the rest of my life
295 · Nov 2014
Do I Still Exist to You?
Brett W Nov 2014
I don't think it's clear to you
I don't even know if I exist
It now has been eight months
Since we both have last talked
I don't think you remember me
I seem to no longer exist to you
Sixteen months ago it all began
Now it is like it never happened
It would be great to talk to you
You do seem to be happier now
But it's not the same over here
If you wish not to talk, that's fine
It would be great if you did though
My number will be where you see it
And you can contact me whenever
Goodbye now, you know who you are
You lived near, but now you're too far
So I would love to talk to you once more
To fill the emptiness in my cold core
294 · Feb 2016
Brett W Feb 2016
Every time I see her eyes
In a crisp, clear photograph
I feel something suddenly drop
Maybe my heart leaving my body
I just feel like breaking down
Letting the tears flow freely
But I still remain headstrong
Somehow, someway, I'm strong
I will look at a picture of her
And sometimes crack a smile
But then the memories flow in
And I collapse in undesired pain
That smile, those eyes, haunting me
So beautiful, a word a rarely say
To anyone involved in my life
Beautiful she is in every photograph
But only if these were real
The beauty will truly show
But so will my emotions
The tears, the break downs
All from a beautiful photograph
294 · Dec 2014
When we Met
Brett W Dec 2014
It was a hot fall morning
A silent time on the bus
On a trip with the band
And me just sitting alone
You were just watching me
I was bored out of my mind
And then you talked to me
We got to know each other
We found many similarities
And by the end of the day
I had made a new friend
Part 1 of 4 in the "My Distant Memories" series
293 · Feb 2015
Dream Girl
Brett W Feb 2015
A sweet and tender smile
Crisp and beautiful eyes
Luscious long brown hair
A simple and petite frame
Making my time worth while
Beauty even when she cries  
Wishing she was always there
Forever and always my claim
A laugh that enlightens my life
On my mind day in and day out
Talking all that we possibly can
Staying up late to discuss our day
She pulls me out of everyday strife
There anytime I give her a shout
Never leaving me for another man
I promise never to harm her in any way
I wish now to find the girl of my dreams
I will find her somehow by any means
She will make my life seem complete
And I wish to not face more bitter defeat
I wrote one last January called Dream Girl as well but this is kind of an updated version 13 months later
293 · Jul 2014
Consistent Memories
Brett W Jul 2014
I live through every lonely day
Always thinking about my past
I think about what else to say
Until those words are my last
No longer involved in your life
But you always appear in mine
Consistent struggles and strife
Kept my reality senses in a line
I tend to always brew a memory
Like the day we became a thing
When we met, when you left me
Seems to always rip away a wing
All I want to do is fly far far away
Leave all these memories behind
They constantly appear everyday
Making happiness harder to find
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