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563 · Dec 2013
The Evolution of War
Brett W Dec 2013
Swords clashing as knights swing
The sharp daggers create an obnoxious ping
The knights are only a small piece of this fight
People fighting for what they think is right

The evolution of war begins with the gun powder
Small particles, creating explosions getting louder
Once gunpowder was used, hand to hand was rare
More national armies used after westernization’s appear

Nowadays, the deadliest weapons ever created
With the nuclear bombings, making populations deflated
Killing off people who are defenseless from these killers
Fighting war for not freedoms as much, but for oil drillers
Just a little poem about war I guess. I just incorporated what I am learning in my AP Euro class and using it in other content. I hope you like it.
555 · Aug 2015
Artificial Happiness
Brett W Aug 2015
People see me as a bright person
Well, sometimes they see that side
Others they see and hear depression
Because from them I don't need to hide
I only can create artificial happiness
My life is like a kind of kids' fruity cereal
It's exciting but can contain dullness
Even though my life can be surreal
My happiness is dull and quite bland
It's basic and can not be made naturally
I need help from a kind and gentle hand
To drag me out of this darkened valley
It has been a while since It has been true
Where my happiness came naturally to me
I thought it would flourish as it grew and grew
But then it found it's enemy and set itself free
539 · Dec 2013
Merry Christmas
Brett W Dec 2013
This is the magnificent time of the year
Where all family and friends are near
Joyful times spreading holiday cheer
Having all loved ones with you here
Full of happiness, joy and ultimate surprise
Where the words "Merry Christmas" reprise
Waking up early to witness the glamorous sunrise
To a night filled with delicate food and numerous pies
Have a safe and happy holiday my fellow friend
Savor this day because it happens once a year, comprehend?
Enjoying this day with all loved ones is what I recommend
This day fulfilled with joy will soon come to an abrupt end
Brett W Jun 2014
In the past we were the same
Both compassionate and kind
Full of joy and always energized
Ready for what life threw at us
We were together in young love
Nothing will be breaking us apart
We felt invincible to our open world
We could do whatever we wanted
Today is now the opposite storyline
We are now separate in our own ways
I'm not sure about your characteristics
But I'm not as kind nor compassionate
I am a fragile human being in this world
Every word spoke, all actions, can hurt me
You now seem happy with someone else
And I'm alone in my own cruel universe
In the future who knows the outcome
The future is something of the unknown
You can't base the future from past facts
But you can create speculations from them
You can predict you life in another ten years
But you can't be positive that'll be the result
I do know however that I'll still be living life
While you're gone from here, in the afterlife
"Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." Forrest Gump
503 · Sep 2015
Mystery Girl
Brett W Sep 2015
Who are you and what is your name?
Our eyes met once the rain concluded
Both of our intentions were the same
Finals performance, wanting to be included
It was the first marching contest of the year
And I get to see her once more at the last
It is her voice I believe I still can now hear
Even through the enormous trumpet blast
I don't even know your name or your story
But I do know your beauty and personality
You're sweet and have the sense of glory
To see your band not fall to any brutality
I can not wait to see you again in a month
Our bands will rise while our motives stay still
The competition to see you again will be tough
I won't forget you until then my mystery girl
497 · Mar 2015
Brett W Mar 2015
As time passes by
I sulk in my misery
I try hard not to cry
But it destroys me
Losing many tears
My soul is now dry
As over these years
I continuously die
From birth to death
I feel pain repeated
Like I am on ****
Until I am defeated
I fight what I can
And avoid the rest
I am a lonely man
With a heavy chest
I see no end in sight
Life moves too fast
I must rest my soul
To end, good night
I still can't think of a title...
493 · Jan 2014
Stepping Out of the Past
Brett W Jan 2014
There are moments in life
Where you have to sacrifice
All that occurred in the past
Blow it up in one final blast
Step away like it was nothing
However, it used to be everything
But you have to step away
Start this chapter on a fresh day
Where one chapter comes to an end
Another new chapter will begin
It's an ongoing cycle, repeating
Many new steps you take, repeating
If you happen to peer back, defeating
And it continues until death, defeating
488 · Nov 2013
A Year Ago From Today
Brett W Nov 2013
Here I was a year ago from today
I was a free soul always out and about
Energetic and proud in every way
Seemed like I was headed to a great route
Always like a silly child on the inside
But a serene appearance masked my face
Feeling like life was an easy and free ride
But I was wrong, and it’s flying by like a race
But here I am now, still the same appearance
Serene and tranquil still is as I appear
But the old feeling on the inside is a disappearance
But on the inside, I’m full of despair and fear
For I know I will not be the same a year from now
But hopefully I don’t look worse next year and ask, “How?”
My attempt of a Shakespearean Sonnet so let me know what you think. Thank you.
485 · Feb 2014
Brett W Feb 2014
The cruel, heartless disease
That kills humans with ease
Pain and death, a horrid mix
Yet something we try not to fix
Taking away all young and old
Future stories unable to be told
Their life taken at a blink of an eye
Leaving loved ones in the cold to cry
This silent killer will be hard to stop
Until all it's victims surrender and drop
This beast must reach it's ultimate fate
Hopefully at a sooner than later date
459 · Aug 2014
Good Morning
Brett W Aug 2014
It is the start of yet another day
You're awake an energized again
There is so much you have to say
But you forget and you feel insane
You awake with a smile on your face
Seeing the sun when opening the blinds
Hearing all of the sounds of your place
And smelling the fresh coffee grinds
Have a fantastic morning beautiful
I will text you whenever I am awake
I hope your morning is not quite dull
But it starts with a bang and a shake
459 · Jul 2014
One Choice
Brett W Jul 2014
I can clear up all this endless agony
With one slick decision I can't make
I think of anyway to become happy
And I'll do whatever it will even take
I'm pretty sure I found where to start
She's energetic yet has a calm soul
I wonder if she can fix my dark heart
Making life energetic instead of dull
I fear that I could hurt someone else
I went through it and I am still stuck
I can't seem to get out of this mess
Even whenever I muster some luck
I wish I was able to make the choice
To say a thing to a certain someone
It is me that has a controlling voice
To end more chaos before it's begun
456 · Jan 2016
I Hope You're Happy
Brett W Jan 2016
The title says it all right now
I just really hope you're happy
Because I sure am not anymore
I'm upset, with you and myself
I'm not upset because I'm jealous
I upset that you lied to me directly
You told me it's started that night
Then I discovered it was two weeks
We talked about our personal lives
And a possible future together
Saying to me while still dating him
So I hope you're happy now "friend"
As you're making out with him at work
I sit at home lonely and cold hearted
But I don't know how I have a cold heart
As it feels like I no longer have one
But just be happy, I'll deal with myself
I just wish you would have told the truth
It would have been easier knowing true
But just be happy, don't worry about me
I'll be find in the end, which is now near
453 · Jan 2014
Got to Get Over You
Brett W Jan 2014
So after eight months together
And almost all long distance
You decided to call it quits
To break free of stress’s hold
I knew this would happen eventually
But why does it have to be now
After I’ve had a long, stressful day
But today marks a new start
A new start of my many years to come
I need to quickly get over you
And get back on the road once again
But I don’t want to get over you
I still have strong feelings
But I know you had no other choice
Than to stop it before it got too far
So my girlfriend just broke up with me. 15 years single, in a relationship for 8 months, now back to 15 years single again... Life *****
444 · Jul 2013
Brett W Jul 2013
If you were to take a quick glance at me
I would probably seem perfectly fine
But if you took a look for a long while
You will see that everything in my life is out of line
On the outside, I am flying free like a bird
But comparing that to my inside is absurd

On the inside, it feels like there are chunks of lead
Keeping the weight of the world inside of me
Keeping me from succeeding at much and feeling dead
Instead of a hard working honey-gathering bee
All I want to do is break free of this hold
But it seems near impossible where it feels cold
Just knowing that I will not be able to take this alone
It seems to remind me of how I can be condoned

But this pain inside of me will soon vanish
It may not be today nor tomorrow
But all I can do for right now is to wish
To wish that someone will come help pull me out
429 · Dec 2015
Brett W Dec 2015
By far the sweetest girl I know
Extremely energetic
Amazing in every single way
Unbelievably strong (mentally and physically)
Incredible dancer
Faithful and honest
Ugh, another "U"- unique
425 · Dec 2013
My Worries About You
Brett W Dec 2013
I never in a thousand days
Would worry about our relationship
But it could fall apart in numerous ways
Commonly by an unwanted hardship
Right now, I'm worrying about you
Because you're facing a challenge
Being on death's doorstep like a few
Losing energy, you retain enough for a final lunge
My main worry is not having you in my life
Time is running down faster than we could imagine
Faster time runs out, more than to our belief
There's no way I'll let this disease destroy your passion
I worry that I will not be to keep you happy until the end
You will fade away in a tremendous amount of sadness and despair
But as the time left for you continues to descend
I will do my best to keep you happy, as long as I'm here
I will love you until the very end, no matter what anyone says
Because you are now down to living your very last days
Thank you for reading. I wrote this pretty late at night now hopefully it's good.
423 · Dec 2015
All I Want For Christmas
Brett W Dec 2015
I don't need a fancy car
I don't need an Xbox One
I don't need money and fame
I don't need a big ole mansion
All I want for Christmas this year
Is for you to be happy, that's it
Nothing else will suffice for me
If you're not happy this Christmas
So please, be happy, that's all I want
Nothing more and nothing less
Merry Christmas, and keep smiling
I just want her to be happy...
411 · Jul 2015
Eternal Sleep
Brett W Jul 2015
I wish you could purchase a life
And recycle your old living Hell
Chop it up with the blade of a knife
And stow away all evidence aside
I am only at a very young age
And have faced numerous hardships
I still seem unable to turn the page
To the next step of my painful story
It is not yet midnight as of this moment
And I usually remain awake for hours more
I can no longer face this constant torment
I wish to sleep earlier than normal today
I wish to end all the pain as soon as I can
But I know it will not be worth it in the end
I will end life much happier than it began
And I will be happy before my eternal sleep
411 · Nov 2013
The Man and the Baby
Brett W Nov 2013
Here sits the this grown man
So strong and powerful
Strong and extremely tan
From working until he’s null
Then here’s the baby child
So sweet and tender, a newborn
Not yet cranky or even wild
Fresh, like a sweater never worn
The man cradles this sleeping youth
Holding it strongly, yet full of comfort
As he looks and sees not one tooth
He smiles, and then the baby wakes with a snort
So, this one is not really going to be good because I always write about my life or something that's somewhat inspirational and this, as you can tell, is neither of those. So if you want, give me some suggestions to possibly fix. It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
410 · Feb 2015
Brett W Feb 2015
I see myself in the mirror
I'm young yet full of fear
In my eye is a crusty tear
Of reflecting on my year
Started off in utter pain
And simply ended in vain
I'm left alone and insane
Sitting out alone in the rain
I do not know what to expect
I have new options to select
In all options, there's a defect
But all I can do now is reflect
Reflect on what is now the past
Reflect on what flew by so fast
Twelve bitter months out of grasp
And they sure won't be the last
409 · Feb 2016
Brett W Feb 2016
I am always unlucky in life
Always stuck on the bad side
Always feeling all the pain
And always in some discomfort
I am the victim of heartbreak
I am the victim of loneliness
I am the victim of harassment
I do not enjoy being the victim
No one does
406 · Mar 2017
Brett W Mar 2017
Oh where to start with you
When I first saw you at Walgreens
I honestly thought we'd never talk
But man was I wrong in that aspect
We just started talking one day
And haven't really stopped since
You've helped me open up more
You're helping me gain confidence
Before I started talking to you
I was timid, and tended to shy away
But now, I feel more confident in myself
But you as a whole, you're amazing
You are truly beautiful and sweet
And you honestly shouldn't change a thing
You may think you need to lose weight
Because you claim to be "fat"
But really, your body is perfect the way it is
You are perfect just the way you are
However, there is one thing you can change
You really need to show off your smile more
It's beautiful and really lights up the room
When you move away, I really will miss you
In the short three months I've known you
I have honestly gotten fairly close to you
But you're leaving faster than you arrived
So I wish you nothing but the best
In whatever your future may hold
Just remember these three things
Keep smiling, don't change a thing
And I am always here for you if needed
405 · Mar 2015
Spin the Bottle
Brett W Mar 2015
I feel my chest getting heavy
Like an elephant taking a break
I'm beginning to feel needy
Of finding a girl for my sake
I'm feeling lonely every day
I honestly like someone now
I can't do anything in any way
Because I do not know how
I fear heartbreak once more
I don't want that pain again
Someone I'm starting to adore
And I seem to be going insane
My heart pounds like a drum
My head spins a crazy amount
Like I drank a few bottles of ***
Until I have the guts to ask her out
But I just can't do it anytime soon
Because I'm afraid of one afternoon
That may haunt my life forever
And I can't reach this endeavor
Title from my friend Stacy so credit given to her.
402 · Dec 2014
Our Relationship
Brett W Dec 2014
It was two thirds of a year
It was a great eight months
Although it was very difficult
We pushed on to success
We faced major setbacks
Undesirable amounts of pain
And the last but not least
The fear of you leaving earth
In eight months we faces a lot
More than others in two years
Our relationship was unique
And it sure was special to me
But it seems like you forgot
It is just an evil presence to you
And although it's nothing to you
Our relationship meant a lot to me
Part 3 of 4 in the "My Distant Memories" series
402 · Oct 2016
Not Sure
Brett W Oct 2016
I had a wonderful time
Reminiscing the old days
Marching competitions all day
And just being with all my friends
Returning for the last of the season
After graduating the previous year
I met some brand new faces
And was greeted by the familiar ones
But one face stood out the most today
One I have not known for very long
But long enough to cherish and recognize
She is in a tough and stressful period
And I am trying to assist her any way I can
Seeing her most of the day made me realize
How much I miss being close to a female
I offered her my sweater when she was cold
And cuddled together to keep warm
But we are just friends. Or are we?
I am not really sure at this moment
As I saw the tears ruin her perfect makeup
I consoled her to the best of my ability
Am I starting to grow feelings for her?
Does she seem to like me back?
These are all questions that remain unanswered
But one thing I am sure about in this situation
Is I am getting close to a female once more
I am not sure on my true feelings toward her
396 · Dec 2013
Anything With You
Brett W Dec 2013
I want to hold your hand
Take a stroll through the park
Talk late at night in the dark
About the ideas we recommend
See a popular new movie with you
It doesn't matter what kind
As long as you’re happy, I don’t mind
If it’s a classic or brand new
Simply just eat a delicate dinner
Talk about our futuristic life
Not worrying about pain and strife
Forgetting the pain of what we were
Sit on a bridge with a magnificent view
Smiling and enjoying our alone time
As we look into the distance at the horizon
To keep me happy is to just be with you
Catch up on our lives together as one
I want see you full of excitement
When I tell you one certain statement
That I love you a whole lot more than a ton
394 · Jul 2015
Pure Happiness
Brett W Jul 2015
I may seem like a somber person
Containing only one simple version
Never seen in public the opposite
Only pain and sadness I deposit
In reality, I can be happy, sometimes
Maybe not noticeable in these rhymes
But I can sometimes appear happy
But my happiness is not full of purity
I often will "fake" my happiness
In order to not seem like I'm in distress
It's been quite a while since it's been real
But I'm trying to turn it around like a wheel
I want to be happy as much as possible
To prove that sadness and pain is curable
390 · Nov 2014
Brett W Nov 2014
You are born, you live, and die
It is the most common cycle
Everyone encounters this event
However, some sooner than others
Life is not to be taken for granted
Some are not blessed like you and I
Some only see the world for a second
Then close their eyes to never open again
I fear the day that I will never again wake
I will regret some decisions I have made
I will look back and see the pain I caused
I will never be able to change any of it
I wish to die in the common way of age
People die all the time in numerous ways
Heart attacks to cancer to the battlefield
Some of these people are innocent
And have done nothing wrong in life
They bring happiness to those around
Why can't I die in this way instead of them
People just can't take life for granted
It can be ripped away like candy from a kid
Or a mole caught in the neighbors trap
Live your life to the fullest every day
Because you will see the end at some point
We all see birth, we live, and then we die
Birth, life, death
390 · Jan 2017
I Do
Brett W Jan 2017
There are two very special words
That will be spoken a lot in a lifetime
But can truly change your entire life
In a single moment
I do
Once a marriage ceremony comes to and end
These words are spoken by each participant
To signify the unification
Of two individuals
However, I hear these words
Probably hundreds of times a week
At work I ask a question
And I always hear "I do"
Every time I hear those two words
I smile a bit
Knowing that one day
Those words will come out of my mouth
To unify me with a significant other
At some point in my future
389 · Nov 2013
A Life Without You
Brett W Nov 2013
I don’t know how I could move on
My mind will always think of you all day
It will be like life without the Sun
No light or warmth, like a dark, cold bay

My mind just wouldn’t be able to think
Because I’ll feel so gloomy and blue
My life will crash into rocks and sink
All because I will lose the one and only you

I don’t think anyone can take your place
My life will be forever dark and hollow
A distant look pasted on my expressionless face
With no one to trust anymore or to follow
So, if you haven't read any of my previous poems, here's a quick summary. My girlfriend is battling cancer and was told 3 months ago she has 6-12 months left to live. Now that's at 3-9... I know I'm young and that I'll meet more people, but she really means a lot to me. I don't what I'll do when the time comes when Death lets her inside. She's already on his doorstep, just time will decide when the door will be opened.. Thank you for taking your time to read this.
389 · Oct 2013
Death of a Loved One
Brett W Oct 2013
As you walk up the stairs to the funeral door
You think about the pain and agony this person went through
Wondering how on Earth could all of this be endured
What they were thinking before the heart monitor went flat
In the midst of your thinking, you find yourself on top of those stairs
Ready to enter the building in which that loved one is currently lying in

After walking around, mourning the death with other loved ones
You go and see the body and see what damage has been done
You see that the lifeless body looks still as ever, like they’re sleeping
“Wake up. Please. I need you hear,” You start crying out through the choking of tears
But you know there is nothing left to be done about everything
The damage has been done to your life and you can’t change the past
Only look forward to your future and forget about the past at last

You walk out the doors now, leaving the one you loved behind
You start walking down the stairs and then your tears make you blind
It’s only been a few days, or weeks. You don’t even remember
But you will always remember the life you spent, until you see each other again
This was actually tough to write because even though I have gone to a funeral for a loved one, I was too young to understand the pain, but I may have to endure this pain sometime soon due to my girlfriend having cancer and possibly passing away in under a year after her doctors told her she had 6-12 months left to live and that was told to her over a month and a half ago...

So, enjoy. And thank you for reading. :)
389 · Dec 2013
Taking the Dive
Brett W Dec 2013
As I climb up the treacherous ladder
I feel my heart pump, faster and faster
I feel like that last chance baseball batter
Hoping he doesn’t create a perilous disaster
I peer down once on top as I gulp air into my lungs
I get ready to take the jump I’ve been waiting for
I jump, flipping through the air like loose dog tongues
I hit the water, precisely as planned, satisfied, I head out the door
Just a little random quick write.
387 · Feb 2014
Polish Buddy
Brett W Feb 2014
Ever since that one journey
You felt extremely close to me
We had so many similarities
Close birthdays, and both Polish
This was only two years ago
Meeting each other and not know
What our future was to soon grow
That we would be in a lovely relationship
That stayed strong there until the end
Break up takes away stress you recommend
Apart and alone we shall have to fend
And so far that is where we stand now
So after all of that, since that young start
You are always my Polish Buddy, in my heart
People probably won't understand this one as much but it's okay. Long story short, this is about Sarah, the girl that I still have feelings for but we aren't together anymore due to cancer and the distance between us. The first "journey" we had is where we met was a band trip with the highschool marching band in 8th grade. We are both short, birthdays a day apart, both last names start with W, and most importantly, we were both Polish. We were literally polar opposites. She was hyper and really crazy and I was laid back and lazy. However, we met again in highschool and talked a lot and got in a relationship. She's battling ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukemia) and now lives across the country so we broke up. Yes this upsets me but it was bound to happen in these circumstances. So after all that, to the few that will read this, I hope this clarifies this poem a bit and you also learn a bit about my life. Thanks for reading!
384 · Mar 2015
One Word
Brett W Mar 2015
There is one word today
That can destroy my day
I try to avoid it in any way
But it has something to say
It reminds me of good times
When I once had good rhymes
I lived life outside the lines
And lived freely without fines
It can make a good day bad
I go from a happy to a sad
I can enter a weekend glad
And leave it all just as mad
It seems to have ruined me
I can't think it without misery
I can't say it to remain free
And I will die of it, you'll see
That one word that will end me
Is just a simple five letter word
Two simple syllables we all know
And the effect on my life is absurd
That one word happens to be a name
A name that I once used to adore
But now it seems to ruin all I do
As I lose everything that's in store
Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah
The name constantly echoes in my head
And seems to continue until I am dead
384 · Feb 2016
Brett W Feb 2016
I am constantly held back in life
From others or even just myself
I tend to hit a barrier fairly often
Where it takes some time to pass
All these restrictions, reoccurring
All the pain, consistent and nonstop
All the feelings, ongoing and unforgiving
And all the love, gone and ripped apart
I can simply just hear her name
And a wall of restriction is built
I can see a picture of her perfect face
And an unconquerable wall is built
All this pain, all this heartbreak
It's restricting me from my goals
From happiness, from future success
I am being held back due to this
And I must break these chains
In order to live happily ever after
383 · Jan 2014
I'm Sorry
Brett W Jan 2014
For whatever I said to upset you
I am truly sorry for what I’ve done
Sorry for not stopping the avalanche
That fell upon us both in the recent days
Neither of us really had a decent clue
That we should’ve turned away to run
A lot time ago before this horrid crunch
Because it should have end in other ways
I can apologize a thousand times all day
But you probably won’t accept it anyway
Well, it seems that I have upset my ex-girlfriend (I still like her and she likes me as well still) but I must have said something earlier to upset her and she is just ignoring me...
382 · Dec 2014
We got Together
Brett W Dec 2014
It was on a Wednesday night
I talked to you earlier that day
Getting involved in a relationship
We both knew what was to come
We knew that you were moving
Yet we decided to pursue it all
Even though it seemed wrong
We decided to just get together
We were ready for the challenge
We were going to move forward
As one from miles from the other
Part 2 of 4 in the "My Distant Memories" series
382 · Nov 2015
Relationships and Happiness
Brett W Nov 2015
So many pretty girls I know
And I wish I wasn't so lonely
Do I want to ask one out?
I am not really sure right now
There is the cute blonde
She has a great personality
I have known her for many years
But have I waited too long for her?
Then there is the first of 3 brunettes
She has such a lovely smile
And she has wonderful hair
But we don't talk much in person
However, it's nonstop here online
Does she like me but we are both shy?
Then there is the second brunette
It has been on and off with her
Some moments I really like her
Then others I forget she exists
She often will hug me at school
But that really is all there is
Other than when we went to the mall
Is there a connection? Was there ever one?
Then there is the last of the brunettes
We don't really talk much anymore
But it used to be all the time it seemed
For quite some time, I didn't exist to her
But then I crawled back into her life
She has beautiful eyes that see your soul
And that laugh that is just adorable
But I know that I can not have her...
Is this just proof I can't find anyone?
I have decided to just remain single for now
But I feel like loneliness haunts me again
I want to find happiness once more
And it is hard for me to come by now
As a relationship truly makes me happy
But right now, I don't think I can be in one
It's a mix of I'm scared of heartbreak
And maybe there is also some embarrassment
I'll find it one day, but right now I suffer
Is there any other title option?
380 · Apr 2014
Fading Away
Brett W Apr 2014
As the time continues to stretch
I find myself fading further away
Creating a new me, an evil wretch
Never returning back another day
I have nothing to peer forward at
Nothing but memories left behind
Future wiped away at the door mat
Not able to look back and rewind
Slowly fading away from the source
I want to fight against no resistance
But I'm letting life finish it's course
Cause what's killing me is this distance
I'm fading away from all my close peers
They don't seem to notice at the moment
But soon after many of these gloomy years
They'll know I lived through pain and torment
379 · Dec 2014
Giving Up
Brett W Dec 2014
I'm just throwing in the towel
You seem to not want to chat
It sure has been quite a while
But I'm just giving up on that
Now I seem to not even exist
The life we once had is gone
I have bleeding on my wrists
By each new break of dawn
I can't keep living in the past
It's gone and out of my reach
It leaves like a dynamite blast
Quicker than one dies of bleach
Brett W Feb 2016
Visions, dreams, nightmares
They all deal with the brain
All of these images painted
To reflect on what is wanted
Dreaming to become something
Is just a lie, it gives false hope
Chances to succeed are slim
However, they still can be done
Visions are simply just pictures
Nothing more than a simple want
The brain makes you picture a want
However, visions just deceive the eye
Nightmares are an internal fear
Fear of supernatural possibly
Or just fearing life in any aspect
However, nightmares are a necessity
These dreams, visions, and nightmares
All have one thing in common, falsity
They produce a false hope or a fear
Hope of becoming happy, or fearing death
However, these false brain impulses
Just inflict pain in life, and can't be stopped
377 · Jul 2014
Here is Something
Brett W Jul 2014
I honestly have nothing to say
I am happier than I used to be
Every single day is a new day
I now live flying high and free
I feel like i have moved onward
From the difficulties in my past
I'm focused in moving forward
I know that pain will never last
If you keep your head up high
It's easier to stand tall and fly
Since I haven't written in nearly a week, here is a quick one to share just to say "here is something" which is why it decided to title it that
376 · Jul 2016
Brett W Jul 2016
All I can ask for right now
Is to find a very special girl
That I can show compassion
And love to every hour of every day
I am a broken hearted man
But my heart is still open to loving
I am a kind and compassionate soul
I care and I protect, no matter what
I want to spoil a special girl every day
And make her the luckiest girl alive
I just want to share this affection
It feels useless in my lonesome body
All I want is a tender and loving woman
I want to make a girl smile in my presence
And to call her my very own girlfriend
376 · Jan 2017
My Queen
Brett W Jan 2017
I am not sure why I am single
I am told I'm a fantastic guy
That will make any girl happy
But how come I'm avoided
I will treat her like a queen
Spoil her with my undying love
And incomparable affection
Do anything to see her smile
Letting her know she's special
The most beautiful girl in my eyes
I will be loyal to my gorgeous queen
Not allow anyone between us
What is holding me back though
Is it my looks? My confidence?
Is it just me? Or is it society?
Whenever my queen comes along
I will treat her like royalty
We will rule this world together
Me as king, and her as my queen
373 · Jul 2014
I Am Here
Brett W Jul 2014
I am here to catch you when you fall
When there is no match left at all
I tend to fire away any harm nearby
It comes to the wire to when I cry
I am here everyday for a loved one
I am here in anyway to bring the sun
I am here for those close to my heart
Only those that chose to not depart
I am here to give happiness to you
I am here to live for everything new
I am not here for those that backstab
Leaving a tear and with nothing to grab
I am only here for those that appreciate
I am only near to those that can wait
This is poem 1 of 3 in this little short series I quickly just wrote
372 · Jan 2014
My Heart
Brett W Jan 2014
My aching, pounding heart
Searches again to ease the pain
To find a new place to start
Instead of standing in the rain
I will search once again to find someone

I thought my loneliness was cured
I think about that, knowing I was wrong
And once it was over, it wwas not absurd
On the time it took to realize, not very long
But I can never give up, I will never be done

In hopes I can find someone very soon
I think about what I can do to change
Search near and far, here and to the moon
There is no search that is out of range
Because I'll never give up, until all hope is gone

369 · Feb 2015
Those Feelings
Brett W Feb 2015
I miss all of those deep feelings
Of caring so much for someone
Telling them "I love you so much"
Thinking and dreaming about them
I miss thinking about them all day
Nonstop thoughts drown my head
About how beautiful she is to me
I imagine how other people see us
"They are such a beautiful couple"
"They are so cute together" I imagine
I wish I had all of these feelings back
Sleeping well at night without a fright
Relaxing days go in to peaceful nights
Only if I have all of these feelings back
But, I do still have some of these feelings
They never left my dying heart and soul
I often still think and dream about her
She still haunts me when I tell her to leave
I still have nightmares of you and death
I can't destroy these now unwanted feelings
I only wish now, I had someone else to see
Someone else to call beautiful and sweet
I wish that now, I can find happiness again
And regain all of the lost feelings I once had
I wrote this on the bus going to school this morning so I was a little tired
368 · Mar 2015
Sleepless Nights
Brett W Mar 2015
The need to wake up early
But I can not sleep at night
My mind is too **** swirly
Full of pain from a harsh bite
A chunk of happiness, gone
The wound not healing soon
I remember them every dawn
Are they remembered by you?
Probably means nothing to you
I stayed up to provide comfort
This is where our bonding grew
Me helping when you are hurt
These nights remain haunting
The pain from before; taunting
It never faded from my head
I feel as if I am now just dead
When I have a full night of sleep
I will be dead in my own grave
I'll sleep once my body is deep
And there is nothing left to save
Sleepless nights haunt me now
And will continue until I'm gone
367 · Jan 2014
Moving On
Brett W Jan 2014
I know that us being together is the past
And I wish that it were like it used to be
But I have to stop living in the past at last
And to focus on living life again as just me
So far, I’m not doing so well with moving on
But I’m doing better than I thought I would
I don’t want you to disappear and be gone
I want to be able to see you again, if I could
I know I told you this in the past but it’s true
You’re really beautiful and sweet in every way
Seeing your smile used to turn my world blue
However lately, it’s not your fault, they’re gray
364 · May 2014
Brett W May 2014
I'm not the same anymore
I'm different in every way
The old me is out the door
Not coming back another day
I'm not the person I used to be
I'm always changing each week
I was full of joy and always free
Now I'm alone and feel like a freak
I do not like who I am at this time
I hate seeing myself in my mirror
Feels like I committed a federal crime
As I think who I was and about her
My mind is swirling round and round
It won't stand still and I easily get lost
I will search for my old self until it's found
I don't mind a sacrifice or an unwanted cost
I wish to not be in this state full of fear
But it won't change now that the end is near
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