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 Apr 2013 Brandi
Old Blue
What if I told you I haven't shaved my legs, my hair is *****, and I'm only wearing a big sweatshirt, underwear, and a bra on a cold Sunday morning?
What if I told you that I'm full of contradictions, breaking without warning?
What if I told you I was huddled under covers crying about imaginary characters, scribbling out my feelings through the blood of a pen or the sweat of a keyboard?
What if I told you that I'm endlessly entertained, yet endlessly bored?
What if I told you that makeup makes me break out, trying to be pretty just makes me feel stupid, the only people I can talk to honestly are strangers, and to those I know I hide and put it all on the shelf?
What if I told you that I ask others who they think I am, because I can't put a label on myself?
 Apr 2013 Brandi
I can scream too
I can shout
I can kick up the dust
And threaten to **** myself

I can raise my fist
And rage and scream at the world
Take the car and run
And splurge
Take no concern for my actions

No need for consequences
Because **** the world
I can go depressed too
I can sulk too

I worked to get what I wanted
And when I spend
Not with my money
I feel sorry
Because there is guilt

I did not have anyone
I was locked up
I was expected to stay home
Do the chores
As my mother expects me to

Wait for the weekend
Wait for my siblings
Only to see the beam on my mother's face
When her son comes home

It ebbed me to see that
When I felt like I couldn't bring joy to her
And I bite my tongue
Fight myself to think it's satan's lie

Home alone
Stuck in a small house
No privacy
Because I can't even have a decent conversation
With my best friend
Without having eavesdropped

I can't cry out loud too
Because they might hear
My room door is spoiled
It can't be locked
No privacy
No escape

Stay home
There is so much to do
Clean the windows
Cut the grass
Have you swept the floor?
What have you done the whole day?
That strain in her voice

Now I can't do that
Because I am miles away
But the anger is still in me
I didn't know it was

Until someone else throws a tantrum
That is just selfish
That is very selfish
I suffered too
And I did not have anyone to rely on

Though I did have my books
My old canine friend
The internet that sometimes harmed
And my dreams

This is my dream
Then why this,
Why this?
 Apr 2013 Brandi
Johnnie Rae
Your eyes. They hypnotize me.
Perfect in a way I can't seem to describe.
Blue, speckled gold with green.
I can stare into them, and stare deep into your soul, it seems.
They tell me you've never felt this way about anything.
Or anyone.
Except me.

Have you ever tried to put together a puzzle,
But lost the last piece?
Well, I guess you could say I'm that last piece.
Finally found after endless searching.
And now, the puzzle is complete.
Every piece fits perfectly.
And it makes a very vivid image of your smile, and bright eyes.

They remind me of an ocean,
With the sun peaking just over the horizon,
Making the water sparkle gold,
And completely beautiful.
They remind me of summer time,
Where grass is green and the sun shines bright.
They remind me of happiness. The happiness you provide me.

A bright eyed boy, that made a stormy eyed girl step out of the shadows,
And remember the good things in life.
She's no longer tempted to bring razor blades to her wrist,
Instead, she'll pick up a paintbrush and paint on a canvas that isn't her skin,
And share with the world, the art that this bright eyed boy inspires.
Example one, being,
This poem, about him.
Wow, I feel like I haven't written in a long time. Forgive me if this is a bit sloppy. I'm just a little out of touch.
 Apr 2013 Brandi
Melissa Blair
Sometimes it feels like the whole world's against me
Sometimes I'm not the me I want to be
These days, I find it so **** difficult to see
I'm at war with myself, I just can't agree

Sometimes I know I can be hard to abide
One moment I'm fine, then I'm hurting inside
It feels like the better part of me has died
I can't blame anyone else, I can no longer hide

Sometimes I still see my father in my eyes
The same colour and shape and the same rotten lies
They're the heartless orbs that I've grown to despise
So I'll gouge them out and I'll say my goodbyes

Sometimes I still see my mother in this face
The disgusting presence of her morbid disgrace
I'm sorry, mother, but I can not displace
The hatred for you and myself, I'm a waste

Sometimes I sense that my life has no meaning
No escape, no alibis, just endless pointless dreaming
Of who I aspire to be while I stare at the ceiling
But that can not be so I'll lay crying and screaming

Sometimes I wish that death would hold my hand
As it's the only fate that could ever understand
The full force of these shackles that hold me to this land
And burn me so fiercely with it's evil demand

Sometimes I wish you could all see the pain in this heart
That has cried out for help since the very start
But instead I will find peace when I finally part
From this life that has given me wounds that turn into scars

Sometimes I just need someone to say it's alright
Someone to care, to please turn on the light
To fight by my side each tedious day and night
Someone who'll love me and give me back my sight
 Apr 2013 Brandi
Charles Bukowski
little dark girl with
kind eyes
when it comes time to
use the knife
I won't flinch and
i won't blame
as I drive along the shore alone
as the palms wave,
the ugly heavy palms,
as the living does not arrive
as the dead do not leave,
i won't blame you,
i will remember the kisses
our lips raw with love
and how you gave me
everything you had
and how I
offered you what was left of
and I will remember your small room
the feel of you
the light in the window
your records
your books
our morning coffee
our noons our nights
our bodies spilled together
the tiny flowing currents
immediate and forever
your leg my leg
your arm my arm
your smile and the warmth
of you
who made me laugh
little dark girl with kind eyes
you have no
knife. the knife is
mine and i won't use it
 Apr 2013 Brandi
Rabia al Basri
In love, nothing exists between heart and heart.
Speech is born out of longing,
True description from the real taste.
The one who tastes, knows;
the one who explains, lies.
How can you describe the true form of Something
In whose presence you are blotted out?
And in whose being you still exist?
And who lives as a sign for your journey?
 Apr 2013 Brandi
 Apr 2013 Brandi
Listen, my friend, this road is the heart opening,
kissing his feet, resistance broken, tears all night.

If we could reach the Lord through immersion in water,
I would have asked to be born a fish in this life.
If we could reach Him through nothing but berries and wild nuts
then surely the saints would have been monkeys when they came from the womb!
If we could reach him by munching lettuce and dry leaves
then the goats would surely get to the Holy One before us!

If the worship of stone statues could bring us all the way,
I would have adored a granite mountain years ago.
 Apr 2013 Brandi
 Apr 2013 Brandi
These dreams used to be beautiful. Now they are just nightmares of a past I used to know.
 Apr 2013 Brandi
Josh Whitton
Hello Poetry!
My illustrious friend!

It is here,
That we meet once again!

Never before did I intend to show,
The colours inside that resonate and glow!

Fortified within the four walls of my forehead,
Connected linguistics and rhythms were put to bed.

When pen met paper, it would be a rare oddity,
A place where my words turned into a holiday:
A place to absorb some sunlight,
The crisp, warm & creative air,
Only to be forgotten,
A month after you had been there!

But no longer will the quill remain in its sheath,
No longer shall a poem, be unable to breathe.

(You ask)

Because my creativity is alive!

Especially now,
Because I can post them online!
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